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yllamana's Bug Thread


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I thought I'd make a thread for a few mostly minor bugs/issues I've found. Pictures are included for some.

1. Building Clipping

Taking over this building, I noticed the cutter could drive inside it a little, as if it were smaller than the model indicates.

2. Viper Tagging Objectives

I thought it'd be funny to try this out, and lo and behold it worked. The Viper can "tag" the objective if it's close enough (though there are other friendly units nearby, my score at the game's end confirmed it). Is this intentional? smile.gif Given that it ostensibly has no offensive capability, it seems like it shouldn't count for purposes of the objective, like infantry.

3. Building Hovering Off the Edge of the World

This building was half flying off the edge of the map. Don't know why, but it doesn't seem like a thing that it should be doing.

4. Shrike That Drove Inside a Building

Charlemagne* managed to drive his Shrike into this building. The Shrike, as you can see, is actually partly inside the building. Netherby took control of it and was unable to free it, so it was apparently stuck in there rather than just graphically inside it like the Cutter.

5. Viper Controls

Having been playing with the Viper, there are what seem to be two different errors in its handling. Firstly, sometimes it seems to stop responding to the mouse direction. My understanding is that its pitch and yaw are meant to be controlled by the camera heading, such that it tries to orient itself in that direction (much like the aircraft in Halo do).

The problem is, sometimes it appears to stop responding to the mouse control for a while. It'll just drift off in one direction. To be clear, this isn't it overshooting the heading by a bit and then coming back - it's as if it's responding to a different camera orientation altogether. It usually recovers from this after a short while. This could conceivably be caused by packet loss, since the game occasionally seems to have issues with that, but my connection didn't seem particularly lossy at the time.

The second issue is the Viper appears to get less and less responsive to its mouse control over time. When it's just deployed it seems great, actually reasonably responsive and quite usable. As time goes on it responds worse and worse until it's really not properly controllable.

6. Infantry Turning Enthusiastic Pirhouettes for No Reason

Since 1.1.1 (I don't remember it before then) my controlled infantryman will sometimes turn in circles away from the camera heading. This seems to happen most when jump jetting - he will just start rotating in the air, away from the camera facing, for no apparent reason, and usually comes back to facing forwards shortly. During this he ends up facing directly towards my camera. Very odd.

7. Wrong Ammo Type Fired by Infantry

Earlier I had a little infantry guy and saw some infantry ahead. OK, 10mm is selected, fire, and boff, boff there go two ATGs. Oops? When I cycled the ammo types it fired 10mm again. Yurch tells me this is a problem on the vehicles too, but I don't remember seeing it before.

That's all I remember for now. I might add more later. smile.gif

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I think 5 and 6 are related to this, but I haven't gotten any comments.

On 7, the ammo type is often wrong when you switch to a bot, requiring the player to toggle through the ammo types. It'll say AP but you'll be firing HE or something instead. This may be applying to squad-leader changes within the infantry unit.

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That sounds very much like it for 5.1 and 6. I thought it'd be interesting to try and fly the Viper through the first person view, but it didn't seem very practical, since you're zoomed in and you don't have great instruments for it. 5.2 remains at large though. I don't know if anyone has seen that one, or if it's just my imagination, or if it's related to something entirely different.

For 7, that would explain why I haven't noticed it before, since I very rarely switch to control a bot. I don't remember specifically whether I changed soldiers, but it's very possible.


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Originally posted by yurch:

On 7, the ammo type is often wrong when you switch to a bot, requiring the player to toggle through the ammo types. It'll say AP but you'll be firing HE or something instead. This may be applying to squad-leader changes within the infantry unit.

yep whenever i switch to a bot i do a ammo cycle to reset it

i'd like to add infantry walking and sinking in the water randomly

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I'm still getting a bug in which destroyed AFVs float burning in the sky. This may be scenario specific since it seems to happen more in some scenarios than others. Also in a recent game a burning Shrike fell out of the sky (no dropship visible anywhere).

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Being a week away I completly missed version 1.1.1 and went from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2.

1.1.0 didn't tell me that there was a new version, though. Had to run the update script manually and evrything is fine now.

Edit: that happened on linux, with windows and the same version bump no problem

[ August 06, 2006, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: poesel71 ]

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I think I had the same problem going from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 on the Mac. I had to run the external updater to get it to update.

Some new bugs that I saw last game:

Magic Flying Paladin

(bonus picture)

There's a crater there (from my heavy mortar as far as I know) but my magic flying Paladin KC-M is undeterred. Those are two different craters, and neither fazed the magic flying paladin - it just rolled over them like nothing was there.

Bot Death Valley

Early on in the game I noticed a curious anomaly in the bots' navigation. They were streaming, lemming-like, off the cliff. One or two opted to avoid doing this, but the rest happily trundled off the edge.

Later on I looked in the canyon and saw this. Whoops?

I'm not sure what made them do that. Possible thoughts:

- there were turrets of some kind on the other side of the gulch (you can see them on the minimap)

- there were mines on the southern approach to the bridge, though I believe the bridge was still accessible from one angle; you can see the mines scattered all over the place in the first picture

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Confirmed on magic flying paladin. It seems the client is rendering deep blast holes that the server doesn't have.

These seem mainly to occur on the borders of areas that are unblastable, like the central base in raid and many of the roads on other maps.

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Does an extraction count as being killed? I just played the 5 min rest of a scenario and wasn't killed but extracted once (I'm not 100% sure that the dropship wasn't killed). The end result had me then as killed once.

When you get EMPed and then click on yourself on the tacmap the zapped parts are shown as destroyed (red) and not with the blitz.

Not a bug, but it seems to take the defender an awful lot of time longer to get his points than the attacker.

We played two hills and had superiority from the beginning to half and from three quarters to the end of the scenario. We didn't manage to get our points back in time.

The current system seems to put the defender in an disadvantage (pointswise).

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Units that are killed during the extraction process can still be returned to the pool.

For clarification: call the dropship, die somehow. The dropship will pick up your smouldering craptank, and it will return new and shiny to the pool, later.

I've seen this numerous times with the Hurricane.

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I've had this happen twice during single play (both times in the House to House scenario): switch from my 120mm Thor (or Apollo) to observing a Cutter, switch back and I suddenly have only 20mm AP (600 rounds last time) ammo instead of 120mm. I go from a 120mm Thor to a 20mm Thor. Kind of disconcerting.

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Had a crash. I got stuck with the scrollbar of the vehicle choser. I couldn't click on anything anymore, just the scrollbar moved up and down.

Shell output:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gooey::Core::StandardException'

what(): Assertion <windowCapture_ == 0> failedfilename: glgooey/WindowManager.cpp line: 285

./runClient.sh: line 3: 4594 Aborted LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:../lib/ ./SpaceVikings

Forgot to save the .log - sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There seems to be a problem with dropships going upside down and then not killing themselves. I've had this happen to both sides in games. The upside down dropship just lays there undead, but unable to move. If you can get near it you can kill it, but sometimes it's to remote to bother with. Don't recall this being a problem before dropship evasion (also had a dropship get caught underneath the bridge in the Dead Gulch scenario). And the drop selection process needs adjustment. I've watched dropships drop AFVs from at least 100m up (this seems to happen when they are dropping over steep terrain) destroying their AFVs in the process.

Also I'm getting more Shrikes floating, falling from the sky, and arching high into the air for no apparent reason (switched to observer mode once and watched with amazement while the Shrike arched high-500/1000m-over the scenario). This seems to be getting worse for me rather than better. Sort of disconcerting to constantly see smoking Shrikes (and it seems to be only Shrikes) floating in midair with tires scattered around it or have one suddenly fall smoking from the sky or watch one arch for 1000m+ across the battlefield.

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Those drop problems are much better in 1.1.4, so let us know how it seems after the 1.1.4 release.

The crazy, smoking Shrike will sometimes happen when running standalone and the frame rate drops pretty low - at or below 15 fps. We've finally nailed this down and should have it fixed soon (but not for 1.1.4, unfortunately). In the meantime, keeping your framerate up is the only thing you can do to avoid it while playing standalone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bacchus Strikes Back From Beyond the Grave

This one's a little silly and I'm not sure if this is a feature or not. The Bacchus fires in REALLY long bursts with the rotary, and the rotary keeps firing after the vehicle dies. Both the vehicles in question are visible in the pic.

Glitched Sky and Water (extra pic facing the sun)

This one map (I'm not sure of the name, I'm sure you can tell which from the picture since you all know them better than I do) had totally broken sky and water.

Dropship Texture Gunsight

This one is from Netherby. Instead of having the proper graphic zooming in on his infantry, this time he got the dropship texture.

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I've had two capture the flag games where I seem to run out of dropships very early and for no obvious reason.

Both were on the House to House map (not sure if that's relevant though.) Myself and 2 bots vs. 3 bots.

Tonight's score when I ran out Blood: 6, Water: 5.

I had not seen any notice of drop ships being killed until I was shot down.

Both times this is what I did:

Set both of my bots to 'defend the flag'. Ordered Collins to 'extract' so he wouldn't be in a Shrike.

Set up some defences. Dropped a Cutter to cut a wall. Dropped a Mercury to drop some more distant defences as the setup phase expired and to launch an artillery strike.

Exracted the Mercury.

Dropped a Cutter near the city to convert some ion towers but my Dropship was shot down late in the landing phase.

Tried to drop again.

No more drop ships? WTBHDTM!?!?!



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