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Advanced Third Reich Mod for SC2-WaW

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Updates to the 1939 and 1941 campaigns are now posted at CMMODS. Version notes are:



- made adjustments to Don River near Voronezh

- moved Lisbon capital 1 tile southeast and adjusted affected scripts

- moved Livorno port 1 tile north

- changed Russian and Baltic States cities to eastern style

- reduced max unit experience from 5 to 3

- increased strategic bombers to double strike

- increased sub defense to 1 for transports and amphibious transports

- increased research amphibious warfare AP increment to 2 for USA and UK only

- gave USA level 1 amphibious warfare at start of 1941 scenario


- adjusted Allied convoy scripts to slightly increase Lend Lease percentages to UK but reduce them to USSR

- fixed bug in supply event scripts for Malta Effect and added events for reduced Axis supply in Egypt and for reduced Allied supply in Malta if Axis control Gibraltar

- fixed surrender_2 scripts and deleted surrender_1 scripts for Italy surrender, and adjusted Axis garrison scripts for German occupation of northern Italy and Albania in anticipation of Italy surrender

- fixed bug in territory event scripts for Cyprus variant

- adjusted war_entry event scripts for increased chance of USSR annexation of Iran if UK surrendered

- adjusted war_entry scripts regarding Iran to reduce Axis AI chance from 25% to 10% and added increased Allied AI chance (Type 1 10%) if UK is surrendered

- added alternate war_entry scripts for Axis Minors with reduced entry chance if France not surrendered

- adjusted various USA naval AI scripts to: 1) focus USA liberation of UK on Manchester rather than London, 2) require Manchester be friendly rather than London to trigger USA invasion of North Africa scripts, 3) provide better USA fleet support for invasion of North Africa with and without Axis control of Gibraltar, and 4) provide better fleet support for invasions of Sicily and Italy.

- adjusted various UK and USA naval AI scripts related to Italian surrender

- added amphibious_minor scripts for USA raids into France

- added diplomacy scripts for influencing Saudi Arabia

- added fleet scripts to redeploy UK and USA fleets from Mediterranean to England upon Italy surrender

- adjusted Axis garrison scripts for Yugoslavia

- fixed USSR garrison script for Voronezh

- adjusted various other Axis garrison scripts for Balkans related to partisan duty and Italian surrender

- adjusted German garrison scripts for Vistula River and Siegfried Line defenses

- added one-time German garrison script occupy French ports upon France surrender

- revised German garrison scripts for USSR to include Axis minors as garrisons

- adjusted most all purchase scripts to slightly increase builds of land units

- added USA purchase scripts to give ASW higher priority if Axis control London or Gibraltar

- adjusted most all research scripts, primarily for PT/IT techs and to provide some more variability for optional techs, and fixed bug with Italy research

- adjusted Allied transport_minor scripts to slightly increase UK reinforcements to Middle East and slightly decrease USA reinforcements to England for better balance

- added transport_minor scripts to potentially redeploy some USA units from Italy to Southern France and some UK units from Italy to Greece

A couple things are worth highlighting. I reworked the whole Italian surrender issue and AI reactions in the Med, for both Axis garrisons of Italy and Balkans and Allied invasions of North Africa and Italy. And I reworked several German garrison scripts for the Balkans and Russia to better use Axis Minors and free up German units for the Russian Campaign and elsewhere. Both Axis and Allied AIs should be a little tougher than before. Enjoy!
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  • 2 months later...

The Campaign Data dialog has an Advanced Game Play Options dialog. Use that to select Consummable Research chits.

Main reason I selected non-consummable research was to ensure AI would keep up with economic growth and strategic warfare techs. And to compensate for all this, research is more expensive.

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