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AH Advanced Third Reich Mod

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Great job Bill. The only thing missing is the attack odds table in the corner of the map!

A couple of observations: With the limitations in tech, I'd scrap the rockets or up the base attack distances. I've also noticed that the Allied AI is having difficulty purchasing for USSR. In two solo games as Axis, I've noticed that USSR saves about 2400 MPP (or BRPs) pre-Barbarossa. I expected the build cue to get loaded up any second, but it just never happened - a very frugal Stalin! In both games, the Axis minors never joined. (One of the games was due to pro-Allied Spain, no idea about the other.) Lastly, I noticed AI transports move and unload in sub 5 ports in single move. (No big deal... if the AI aint cheatin, it aint tryin!) smile.gif

I wonder if its possible to get Normal Dude to alter some of the port images to beach head tiles? Now that would be cool!!!

Nicely done Bill. ALOT of thought went into it, and I'm impressed you were able to make it wokr and stay fairly true to the 3R build limits.

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With the limitations in tech, I'd scrap the rockets or up the base attack distances. I've also noticed that the Allied AI is having difficulty purchasing for USSR.
Germany and USSR and research up to L3 and L2 for rockets, which gives them the better attack ranges. The whole artillery/rocket thing is up to players to pursue if they want it, since this goes beyond what A3R had anyway.

For AI purchasing and research issues, Hubert has given us a something to playtest that should resolve this. Keep your fingers crossed!

In both games, the Axis minors never joined. (One of the games was due to pro-Allied Spain, no idea about the other.)
I'm making a note of this, but all minors not joining in two games is very odd. I adjusted the Spain effect to give a reduced chance rather than zero. They should join, and have for me.

I'm impressed you were able to make it wokr and stay fairly true to the 3R build limits
Thanks! If you look closely, the land unit names are the same as those on the original counters. ;)
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I have a comment regarding some of the issues above. When I tried the download version from CMMODS, I noticed some oddities myself. Very minor, but noticeable.

My suggestion is for players to open the campaign in the Editor, use the Update All feature to update the event and AI scripts (let them all cycle through), resave the campaign, and then try a new game. Hubert assures me this should not make a difference, but I have noticed improvement in AI performance. I'm curious what others may notice.

BTW, I am halfway through a full game against the Axis AI. I'll be out of pocket next week, and will take up a full game against the Allied AI after I get back. I plan to take notes, reconsider some things, think about more ahistorical strategies to implement in the AI scripting, and then work on an update to the campaigns. Any other feedback and comments over the next several weeks will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Originally posted by pzgndr:

My suggestion is for players to open the campaign in the Editor, use the Update All feature to update the event and AI scripts (let them all cycle through), resave the campaign, and then try a new game. Hubert assures me this should not make a difference, but I have noticed improvement in AI performance.

Hehe... just couldn't take my word for it could you ;)
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Bill - Cosmetic question here (and please remember that I am Editor Ignorant):

I've noticed that you have fairly accurately represented the beachhead invasion hexes with port tiles on the map. I really like this idea and appreciate some of the obstacles each placement meant. In keeping with the A3R "model", is it possible to re-draw some of the port tiles so they appear as A3R beach tiles?

Besides a cosmetic change, it may open up a PvP House Rule that only beach tiles may be amphib invaded. Like Retributar, I'm mostly an AI player - so I'll try HC's update suggestion and take a few notes myself. Again, fun mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bill -

Updated Event and AI scripts. Still have some quirks:

- (Bug?) This has happened twice to me, but I'm still trying to narrow down the cause. When a USSR capital falls, new units appear mysteriously for the Germans. For example, captured Stalingrad (already have Moscow). No announcements made between turns, but two armies, a corps, and a rocket all appear around Moscow - full strength, full tech, with one bar experience. Almost like an automatic Siberian Transfer FOR the Axis.

- (AI) Purchasing behavior. The AI seems to horde it's cash and is extremely thrifty with its purchases. For example, the Axis are knocking on Moscow's doors, and the Allied AI still has 2000 BRP's (sorry, MPP's) just sitting there unused. I've seen France go until after the Low Countries are invaded before they buy anything (saving 1500 or so first).

- (AI Planning) AI amphibious transports in the planning stage announce their intended target when moving (lower left screen, arrow to destination).

- (AI Planning) For some reason, the UK AI will move the Desert Air Fleet to the island at 122,57 near Famagusta port. Makes no sense and is ineffective placement.

- (AI Planning) Allied AI doesn't seem to want to man El Alamein.

- (Unit) Italian HQ ratings seem a bit high. 8 and 10? So the Italian HQ's are both better than Rommel?? I think 6's would be more realistic for gameplay issues.

- (Diplomacy) Italian diplomacy percentage too high? Might be more realistic to drop it to 3 or 4%

- (Bug?) Once Egypt falls, there is a message that comes up after MOST turns: "Naval Units Proceed to South Atlantic"

- (AI Planning) Since the AI hordes money, it cannot effectively defend against a SeaLion.

- (Unit) Bomber and Fighter air defense against ground units too high. Ground unit catching an air unit on the ground should be lethal to them. Air power issues already exist in gameplay, and this doesn't help.

- (Unit) RE: Minors that normally receive a 1-4 or 2-4 air unit. Can you cap that unit's strength at 5? I noticed you lowered their effectiveness.

Just some notes, not being "critical". Still really enjoy the mod!!!

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Good feedback. Thanks!! My comments in italics below.

- (Bug?) This has happened twice to me, but I'm still trying to narrow down the cause. When a USSR capital falls, new units appear mysteriously for the Germans. For example, captured Stalingrad (already have Moscow). No announcements made between turns, but two armies, a corps, and a rocket all appear around Moscow - full strength, full tech, with one bar experience. Almost like an automatic Siberian Transfer FOR the Axis.

Sounds like a bug. I've mentioned this to Hubert.

- (AI) Purchasing behavior. The AI seems to horde it's cash and is extremely thrifty with its purchases. For example, the Axis are knocking on Moscow's doors, and the Allied AI still has 2000 BRP's (sorry, MPP's) just sitting there unused. I've seen France go until after the Low Countries are invaded before they buy anything (saving 1500 or so first).

- (AI Planning) Since the AI hordes money, it cannot effectively defend against a SeaLion.

This is an AI issue for Hubert to resolve.

- (AI Planning) AI amphibious transports in the planning stage announce their intended target when moving (lower left screen, arrow to destination).

Another bug. FOW should prevent this.

- (AI Planning) For some reason, the UK AI will move the Desert Air Fleet to the island at 122,57 near Famagusta port. Makes no sense and is ineffective placement.

- (AI Planning) Allied AI doesn't seem to want to man El Alamein.

These two are generic AI issues. The El Alamein garrison script usually works but other AI plans could take priority. The AI use of AFs is also questionable, which is one reason I've included AI air unit events for both sides to help out a bit.

- (Unit) Italian HQ ratings seem a bit high. 8 and 10? So the Italian HQ's are both better than Rommel?? I think 6's would be more realistic for gameplay issues.

I'll relook these. I started with the HQ ratings at half what they are now. I may have doubled the Italians twice. Blitzkrieg General has Graziani at 2, so he should probably be a 4 in this mod.

- (Diplomacy) Italian diplomacy percentage too high? Might be more realistic to drop it to 3 or 4%

I need to relook all diplomacy percentages. Right now it still costs the same to influence a major and a minor. I set everything to a standard and never went back to update things.

- (Bug?) Once Egypt falls, there is a message that comes up after MOST turns: "Naval Units Proceed to South Atlantic"

There is an AI event to evacuate Allied naval units so that's probably what you're seeing. Multiple units would take a couple of turns, generating a message each time.

- (Unit) Bomber and Fighter air defense against ground units too high. Ground unit catching an air unit on the ground should be lethal to them. Air power issues already exist in gameplay, and this doesn't help.

This was a compromise. In A3R, air units would simply rebase. 5-4s having ground defense of 5 is probably too high so I'll relook this and drop it to 2 or 3 depending on country.

- (Unit) RE: Minors that normally receive a 1-4 or 2-4 air unit. Can you cap that unit's strength at 5? I noticed you lowered their effectiveness.

I could cap initial values, but players and the AI can always reinforce up to 10. Those minor country air units are not that big a deal anyway.

Thanks again for feedback. I finished a game as Allies and now I'm into one as Axis. I'm taking notes along the way and adding the other comments here. This is helpful.

[ April 20, 2007, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: pzgndr ]

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Not a problem, more than happy to help! I figured as much on most topics, but wanted to mention them to you.

RE: - (Bug?) Once Egypt falls, there is a message that comes up after MOST turns: "Naval Units Proceed to South Atlantic"

There is an AI event to evacuate Allied naval units so that's probably what you're seeing. Multiple units would take a couple of turns, generating a message each time.

--- FOG was off, and there were no Allied units that were moving. That's why the message was so odd. When you play the Axis, take Africa (Italians can easily do it by themselves) and see if you can reproduce the Axis Siberian Transfers.

And for those that are reading this thread and have never played Bill's mod, give 'er a go. It's a great attempt to reproduce A3R in a SC2 environment, and is a refreshing change of pace (at least until Hubert reveals his new playtoy...)

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- (Bug?) Once Egypt falls, there is a message that comes up after MOST turns: "Naval Units Proceed to South Atlantic"

There is an AI event to evacuate Allied naval units so that's probably what you're seeing. Multiple units would take a couple of turns, generating a message each time.

Bill... IF you are using a Fleet script (... and not a "naval loop script) similar to the one that follows:


; UK evacuates fleets from Red Sea


#NAME= UK Evacuates Fleets from Red Sea

#POPUP= UK Evacuates Fleet from Red Sea

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2




#SIZE= 1







#DATE= 1939/09/01

; Set friendly positions:

; 1st Line - Glasgow Port


; Set variable conditions:

; 1st Line - UK politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

; Set tactical conditions:

; 1st Line - Jerusalem not tactically threatened (dummy condition)


; 1st Line Set activate position (Axis unit in Alexandria)

; 2nd Line Set activate position (Axis units approach Cairo)

#ACTIVATE_POSITION= 111,34 [0,0] [1,1] [1]

#ACTIVATE_POSITION= 114,37 [1,1] [2,2] [1]

; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no

; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION

#CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0]



THEN - what you have to do is "instruct" the evacuating fleet (... which would NOT appear when FOW is off since it has already gone)

To go BEYOND the 2nd Goal Position.

IE, send it up towards mid Atlantic, or as in the above example, near Ireland.

What is happening is this:

There is no "transit DELAY" so the ship is immediately and constantly going back & forth in a loop.

Try that and it should work... it did for me. smile.gif

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FYI, I am going to start editing the beta campaigns. I'll release a beta #2 in a few weeks so they can get some additional playtesting before I call this thing v1.0. If anyone else has comments or feedback based on playing my mod, please let me know this week. Thanks.

In my game against Allied AI, Axis took Egypt and then swept into Iraq. USA made landings in Morocco and Algeria, but Axis launched a counter-offensive from Tunisia. Tunisia, btw, had a pro-Allied coup after France surrendered which was supressed by Axis, so Axis had a ready position for attack. USSR wasn't making any headway against Germans, so I ended this game in 1944. Anyways, having completed two games against Axis and Allied AIs and making a couple pages of notes, I'm ready to make some adjustments.

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I'm playing the mod my first time as Axis. Difficulty normal. 0%. Is it designed for that or could/would you want to increase it.

Jan 43. I have Leningrad and Moscow but no Stalingrad. They are stubborn.

Took Teheran only to find the Americans invade Morocco. That was a suprise.

I find I have lots of money with nothing to spend it on due to the limits on force pool, which I like.

Great Mod!!!!!!!!!!!!

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