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Blashy's MOD, yep I gave it a go.

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I've made a mod based on game balances that have been discussed here and of course some I feel would improve the game balance.

I'll say it from the start, IMHO the Axis victory should be to still have both countries in the war by Aug 31st 1945 (the new end game I have set).

I would appreciate your thoughts but don't expect a reply if you only intend to jump the gun and make rude comments. Thank you.

So the changes are (comments in Italic)

Changes made to this mod:

1- HQs now have 1 defense for everything except naval defense.

Supply lines had minimal defenses

2- Swedish reaction to invasion of Norway down to 15-25% from 30-40%. With a trigger of 25% instead of 100%.

It was obvious UKs invasion of Norway was to stop supply of convoy and not hostile in nature towards subjugating the Norwegian or expanding into Sweden

3- USA reaction to UK Sealion is Type 1 (one time trigger) of 15-20%. 100% trigger

The peoples and media reaction would be more isolasionist in nature, not full support to go to war, although the Govt would increase military preparedness

4- USSR reaction to UK Sealion is Type 1 (one time trigger) of 30-35%. 50% trigger.

A little more in line to reality

5- Malta effect now based on 3 unit types.

a) Corps is 6% trigger.

B) Airfleet is 10% trigger.

c) Bomber is 12% trigger.

A feature requested by most players

6- Sub cost reduce to 200 from 250.

Germany can more aptly select the uboat option, something that was not readily possible before

7- Cruiser sub attack/defense to 3, from 5.

The Sub war can now be more than one great battle, better simulation of actual history

8- Sub attack reduced to 3, still at 4 for Carriers.

Same comment as the previous one

9- Increased USA war readiness from 15 to 25% for a more historical timeline of when they joined.

They can still be delayed to early spring but Uk convoy will start earlier

10- USA can build 2 paratroops.

11- Max tank level for USA, Italy & France is 3, 4 for UK.

A historical approach to the limits of these countries throughout the war

12- Airfleet maximum tech is 4 for everyone except for Germany.

Same comment as above

13- France has a maximum of level 3 tech in all categories that were 5, level 2 in all categories with 3 and level 1 in all categories with 2.

Since France falls early and research facilities are not up and running when they rejoin

14- Only USA can achieve level 5 Bombers.

A historical approach to the limits of these countries throughout the war

15- Italy is allowed to build 2 subs instead of 1.

Italy had the biggest sub fleet in the world (even if they were poor subs), this represents their ability to produce subs

16- Fortification placed at tile 106,33 (El Alamein).

It was an Allied stronghold

17- Commonwealth units now all arrive 100% in Egypt as they did so historically.

All CW units arrived to support UK in WW2, now they do

18- French HQ attachment and range reduced to 4.

Representing poor French logistics

19- Diplomacy is now 5% for all countries but chits have been changed to the following:

Germany= 4

Italy= 3

USA= 3


France= 2

UK= 5

20- Game now ends August 31, 1945.

21- UK and German Industrial tech advancements is now 15% from 10%.

Gives incentive for these two countries to invest in this technology

22- Max level of IT for UK, Germany and Italy is now 4.

Representing manpower and materials limits

23- Max chits per category has been reduced to 3 chits for all techs with max level of 5, 2 chits for level 4 and 1 for 3 or less.

The curve on getting tech advancements is more progressive overall

24- Raised Airfleet defense by one for: Forest, Mountain, Port, Oil, City, Fortification and Fortress.

A representation of AA guns vs. airfleets

25- Railheads are on, you need to be next to or on a city to be able to operate units. With a supply of 5 or better.

A more tactical level to the overall game

26- USA, added one extra tank group.

This way USA can have 1 tank in two theatres and usually another in the queue

28- Turkey starting alignement is now Allied at 0%.

If Turkey were closest to one country it was UK in terms of possibly joining one side, although VERY remote, hence why they are at 0%

29- Scorched earch for Germany with max occupational effeciency of 50% (5 supply, like USSR).

It is what happened either through combat or German troops blowing up infrastructure themselves

30- Italy max occupational effeciency of 50%.

Represents the heavy fighting and difficult logistics with Italy being so far from major Allied infrastructure

31- Home Builds is on for all Major countries.

Makes a proper representation of Germany's problems in having a continous flow of troops in Russia and for Russia when they enter other countries it represents their logistics issue with their cities being destoyed twice (by themselves and the Germans when they retreated)

32- USSR Max research is 750 (down from 1000).

Equal to Germany, no way they had better scientists, more facilities probably and so it evens itself out

33- French maginot Armies start at 8 entrenchment.

34- Siberian transfer has been reduced to more historical numbers: 1 HQ, Corps, Army, Tank, 1 Rocket and Airfleet.

This is more historical, as the Siberian transfer was not a significant force

35- Rockets, only Germany can achieve level 5.

They are back in this mod for the simple reason that even though artillery is not to scale, since the game does not allow stacking of units, having HEAVY artillery can be represented with Rockets (as most players have suggested and thanks Bill (pzgndr) for convincing me).

36- Raised the air defense by +1 for Corps, Armies, Tanks, Paratroops and Engineers.

37- Removed ACTIVATION#1 events for Axis DoW on Denmark and Norway.

38- Removed ACTIVATION#1 event for an increase in USA % towards Axis when Allies DoW Norway.

39- Axis DoW on Turkey;

Syria increased from 15-25 to 50-75 towards Allies.

Iran from 15-25 to 75-85 (100% trigger).

Iraq from 6-14 to 50-75 with 100% trigger (from 25%)

40- Axis DoW Iraq, Turkey allies 50-75%, up from 6-14%.

41- Axis DoW Syria, Iran 10-15% towards Allies, up from 6-14.

Turkey 25-35% towards Allies, up from 6-14%.

42- Italy Cruiser and Battleship naval and carrier attack reduced by 1.

43- Added Fevsi (rating 4) Turkish HQ and one extra Army, redeployed 2 Russian border Corps.

44- Changed the victory scripts:

; Axis Major Victory


#NAME= Axis Major Victory (Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Prague, Munich)

#POPUP= AXIS MAJOR VICTORY, Allies agree to peace treaty to end the bloodshed.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Axis control -> Berlin, Prague, Munich, Warsaw, Rome







; Axis Minor Victory


#NAME= Axis Minor Victory (Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Munich)

#POPUP= AXIS MINOR VICTORY, Germany successfully achieves armistice with the Allies.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Axis control -> Berlin, Prague, Munich, Warsaw






; Allied Major Victory


#NAME= Allied Major Victory (Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)

#POPUP= ALLIED MAJOR VICTORY, unconditional surrender from the Axis powers.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1939/09/03

; Allies control -> Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.









; Allied Minor Victory


#NAME= Allied Minor Victory (Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Allies control -> Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.








The current game has it that Germany can actually conquer Russia and beat the Allies, that is simply a historical impossibility, manpower issues would have prevented Germany from pushing past the Urals and so USSR would have remained either neutral or simply rebuilt far away. While USA was heavily outproducing Germany, as well as UK itself. With the changes I've made Germany should have to go on the defensive eventually and so the victory conditions and time had to change to give the possibility at achieving victory for the Axis, in a different manner

45- Gave an extra +2 Air Defense bonus to Capitals of major countries.

Another significant representation of AA defenses vs. airfleets

46- Amphibious range for Germany and all minors reduced to 4 (from 6) and UK, USA, Italy and France reduced by 1. USA starts at level 1 amphibious tech and a chit already invested.

Germany had poor amphibious tech, so did pretty much everyone else (Dieppe raid?), this also gives the UK player the possibility to properly prevent a Sealion with his navy

47- The OOB for ALL Major Navies is historical but the actual numbers were divided by half due to the map size. This was already close to this setting in Hubert's default campaign. I've simply used historical OOB information to have it exactly half for all majors. The following changes are bellow:

a) Historical OOB for the Russian fleet in the Baltic (2BBs, 2CAs) and Black Sea (1BB, 2CAs). In the game it is 1BB and 1 CA in the Baltic as well as 1 s-13 in the production queue at STR 5.

The Baltic fleet starts at 3 STR, if the player chooses to reinforce them it will simulate the heavy cost of clearing the mine fields the Germans had setup. As well the BBs have been reduced in the following areas: BBs -1 Naval Attack/Defense and Sub Defense. -2 Air, Carrier and Bomber defense. They were 30 year old BBs and so nothing comparable to more recent or properly refited BBs by other Majors.

The Black Sea fleet is 1 CA and 1 BB at STR 5.

B) Germany Historical OOB:

BB Bismarck (Commissioned 08/1940)

BB Tirpitz (Commissioned 02/1941)

CA Scharnhorst

CA Gneisenau

CA Prinz Eugen (Commissioned 08/1940)

CA Blucher (Commissioned 09/1939)

CA Admiral Hipper

CA Graf Spee (Possibly not considered due to it's location in 09/1939)

CA Admiral Scheer (Damaged at the outset of the war and underwent repairs until 10/1940)

CA Deutschland (Renamed Lutzow in 11/1939)

CV Graf Zeppelin (Launched 1938 but never commissioned)

In game: 2BBs, 4CAs.

c) United Kingdom Historical OOB

Home Fleet and UK waters:

BB – Royal Sovereign, Ramilles, Royal Oak, Nelson, Rodney, Resolution, Revenge, Valiant (repairing), Queen Elizabeth (repairing)

CA – Norfolk, London (rebuilding), Suffolk (refitting), Southampton, Glasgow, Hawkins (refitting), Frobisher (refitting)

CV – Ark Royal, Furious, Courageous, Hermes, Argus (commissioned 10/1939)

Med Fleet:

BB – Warspite, Barham, Malaya

CA – Devonshire, Shropshire, Sussex

CV – Glorious

IN game: 5.5BBs, 3.5CAs, 3.5CVs.

d) Italy Historical OOB

BB – Guilio Cesare, Conte di Cavour, Littorio (commissioned 05/1940), Vittorio Veneto (commissioned 04/1940)

CA – Zara, Gorizia, Fiume, Pola, Trento, Bolzano, Trieste

In game: 2BBs, 3.5CAs.

e) France Historical OOB

Algerian Fleet:

BC – Lorraine, Provence, Bretagne

CA – Algerie, Foch, Dupleix, Duquesne, Tourville, Colbert

Brest Fleet:

BC – Dunkerque, Strasbourg, Paris, Courbet

CV – Bearn

In game: 1.7BBs, 3CAs, .5CV.

For France I took 2 BC and counted them as 1 BB, so that is 3.5 BBs / 2 = 1.7BB.

f) USA 2.5BBs, 2CAs, 1CV @ STR5 (w/Ranger arriving via script if Spain joins Axis) .

Some are in the production queue for each country.

48- I've managed to simulate the ice conditions on the Noth Baltic Sea for the Leningrad port and the Swedish port up North.

I simply created a new SEA weather zone named North Baltic Sea and in winter ice is 100%.

49- Added Desert Dave's Crete supply effect script.

; Crete Limits Allied Supply in Egypt


#NAME= Crete Effect

#POPUP= Crete Forces Interdict Allied Supply to Egypt

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2




#DATE= 1940/01/01

#SOURCE_POSITION= 101,29 [14]

#SOURCE_POSITION= 101,30 [14]








; Britain Assumes Control of Crete


#NAME= Britain Takes Control of Crete

#POPUP= Britain Takes Control of Crete

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 0

















50- USA Corps +1 to Tank Attack/Defense, USA Armies +1 to Tank Attack/+2 Defense.

Since USA had their tank groups intergrated into their armies, instead of giving USA more tank groups (my old settings) I find this is a more historical representation of these Tank units

51- Reduced the soft attack values of Corps, Armies and Engineers by 1.

Armies cost twice as much as Corps yet only offered 50% more firepower offensively. Now Armies have 100% more firepower. This should curtail the only buying corps until none are left most people use as a strategy, it will also make battles last slightly longer as the overall damage should be less


I've also included the change to Timskorn's AI mod into this and I'm playing as Axis at the hardest setting, I'm having a heck of a challenge.

[ July 25, 2006, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Blashy, some good stuff here! This really does incorporate pretty much everything discussed on the forums and then some. I hope you play through a few games of this and report on what works and what doesn't, what should be changed, etc. Even small changes can have a huge impact on gameplay, but I know some of these things may end up being "must haves" which I'd like to incorporate into my mod.

If you're using my AI mod with it the USA is going to kick your brains in. smile.gif

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I'm using your AI mod Timskorn.

I only got Egypt in Dec 41.

Febuary of 42 and I still only had 2 Russian cities with 3 others surrounded but they only fell in the late spring. Right now it is August 42 and I just captured Smolensk, so 6 cities, that's it.

I did get Spain and since USA joined in early spring of 42 I then took Syria (Iraq joined) and Portugal. I'm on my way to take Tunisia.

I'm doing "ok" but as Timskorn states, USA is not even active at this time.

Mind you that I have to play it at the hardest setting, if not the planes are just too powerfull.

So far, no issues with all my changes, actually the whole feel of the game seems much better.

NOTE: No artillery, the scale is just too big, sorry smile.gif .

I'll put it up on CMMODS tomorrow.

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I like your ideas here Blashy. All seem historically accurate although I would give the UK a chance for level 5 AF, ie. Meteor.

We still need a way for those subs to escape the "naval roundup" when going silent.

I noticed you didn't add any "teeth" to the defense or didn't refer to any changes in that parameter for combat units....by design?

Well at least you acknowledged the forlorn situation of our Rocket unit and corrected its historical attitude. ;)

Seems a downright shame we can't incorporate this unit into a potentially new SC2 dimension. :cool:

Oh well...I've been on the point many times, pioneered lots of new innovations. I don't mind the wind out here on that limb, I'm used to it. tongue.gif

Can you imagine some so-called professional people actually accuse me of "making things up". :rolleyes:

Tsk...Tsk... the ineptness of it all. :D

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Originally posted by Blashy:

37- Siberian transfer has been reduced to more historical numbers: 1 HQ, Corps, Army, Tank and Airfleet.

This is based on Kuniworth's research and others and mine as well. Siberian transfer was much smaller, probably even smaller than what I have now but maybe not much

Yes the siberian transfer of sc2 original scenarios are apperently wrong. The number of Siberian troops that is, if we count all the units moved from east to west it very well is that large number with 1000 tanks, a million men


That includes Transbaikal and Far East divisions too. And the other problem is;

they did not appear en masse but were shipped off during late autumn of 1941 and well into I think end of 1942. So having siberians arrive as a large group once close to Moscow is not correct.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

I'll say it from the start, IMHO the Axis victory should be to still have both countries in the war by Aug 31st 1945 (the new end game I have set). Minor Allied Victory, Germany or Italy has surrendered, Major = both have surrendered.

Yes I agree with this.

2- Swedish reaction to invasion of Norway down to 15-25% from 30-40%.

Sweden was informed why the Allies would enter Norway with no intentions of "hostile" invasion of that country or any intents on Sweden

I never heard it before that Sweden was informed. Anyway I think this is a good change due to the fact that Sweden's main priority was neutrality. So an allied invasion of Norway would not throw us into the german camp, and the german invasion of Norway historically certainly did not throw us into allied camp. Heck we even had the Soviets attack our brothers of Finland and did nothing but provide ammunition and volonteers. [/QB]
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HI SeaMonkey and Kuniworth, thank you both for your observations.

SeaMonkey: Any changes made are in the notes, which means nothing has been changed defense wise. The only thing was the AF defense bonus (#26) so far though, it has not been much help. So I make take you up on it and raise the AF defense bonus by one of all units, until such a time as AA can be intergrated to affect AFs as well.

Kuniworth: I'm more than willing to revised my Baltic fleet to have a more historical representation, just give me the information.

For Supply I meant in my explanation that Russia will have a supply of 5 max in German land the same way as Germany has 5 of supply in Russian land.

For Siberian troops: If you could suggest a more historic number, units and dates I'm more than willing to fix it. I was thinking of making them arrive in 3 waves, First(Dec 41?): HQ and Corps, Second (Feb 42?): Tank and Army, Third (May 42?): Airfleet. Are you saying the numbers I have are ok or the ones previous to that(Hubert's settings)?

NOTE: I just added a +1 air defense to Corps, Armies, Engineers, Paratroops and Tanks. See #39 for more information.

[ June 30, 2006, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Nice work. Particularly, I think you're right in trying to get a better handle on the "battle of the Atlantic" and make the confrontation between ships and Subs more attritional.

14- Only USA can achieve level 5 Bombers.Flying Fortresses, the big daddy of the air [smile]
I'm not sure about this: if you look at the unit graphics, B17s are level 3, B29s level 4, and something like a b37 level 5.

This raises one question about your mod -- a number of the original techs seem to max out with postwar technology -- You may want to be more historical and not allow breakthroughs past a certain point, but if you're going to hold that variable constant, it seems you'd be under some pressure to make tech changes chronologically historical as well.

11- Max tank level for USA, Italy & France is 3, 4 for UK.A more historical representation of tank techs, only Germany and USSR can achieve level 5

Similar question here: in reality the US has produced the M26 and deployed prototypes into combat by April 45. British Comet raises similar questions. I'm not sure I'd want to script this.

[ June 30, 2006, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Cary ]

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Prototypes, but not necessarily a whole division worth of them. I think Blashy is simply trying to find a good medium between history and gameplay. While the US technically had better tanks by the end of the war, the majority of the war they did not, so a slight concession is made so the US doesn't have the possibility of getting level 4 or 5 tanks by 1942, which isn't historic.

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I would deny this statement about US having better tanks at anytime. My dad fought in Italy and NE Europe and advised me that we had better and more fighter-bombers to keep the Big Cats in hiding but all our troops were very respectful of Nazi tanks. Tag

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The tech level doesnt necessarily represent the ability of the individual tank though IMHO, even though the pic changes. Could represent the efficiency (sp?) and effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

Anyways Blashy, I look forward to this mod, most of the changes seem right-on. Have eyou considered disabling re-basing? Makes the re-location of air power a bit moe strategically important.

I am also considering messing with some unit scripts that give the minors more units as the war progresses.

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Nice work, Blashy. A few quick thoughts:

1. Russia already has problems with a methodical German advance backed by massed air fleets. If you're slashing the Siberians, you need to give them something else. Maybe reserves that automatically come in when Germany attacks?

2. The UK is still too weak. If you're going to make Sealion more tempting, it's going to be harder for Britain to hold the Middle East. US and Soviet readiness should rise sharply if Suez is taken.

3. If you're going to make U-boats cheaper, you should make cruisers cheaper. If the Royal Navy loses a lot of CAs fighting the Germans and Italians, it could get nasty.

4. As per #3, the Italian navy should have its combat values or morale/readiness reduced. They shouldn't fight on equal terms with the RN.

5. Making US tank tech two levels lower than Germany's is a bit harsh. I'd say -1 is more appropriate.

Diced Tomato

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Originally posted by dicedtomato:

Nice work, Blashy. A few quick thoughts:

1. Russia already has problems with a methodical German advance backed by massed air fleets. If you're slashing the Siberians, you need to give them something else.

Not slashing. Just have them appear historically and not all at the same time is the key here.
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Ok, time for replies, hehe:

Carry (thank you), For USA's bombers, I'm not going by the bitmap, I'm just going that historically they had the most incredible bombers of the war and it makes sense (seems so) that it be displayed in the game, level 5 while the rest at level 4 seems to represent this. Yes?

As for tank levels, as Timskorn stated it is for a more historical representation of the course of war and the Sherman was the bread and butter of USA right up to the end, with that said, they are not able to have bigger numbers, also a better representation of Shermans outnumbering German tanks.

Normal Dude (thank you): Re-basing? Hmmm I have not tried this setting (weird) must have forgotten to test it in beta, what does it do?

dicetomato (thank you):

Russia, you'll be surprised on how it actually works out, I just had a game vs. the Allied AI at max level using Timskorn scripts and the game will end in a stalemate, that's right as Axis I will not have beaten the AI :eek: . USA's joins faster and it has more money, keeps you busy real fast and with ALL CW troops arrive in Egypt you can seriously delay those troops joining the fight in Russia (Dec 41 vs. the AI), UK also has one HQ in England which would make a "successfull" Sealion quite difficult.

Basically what I'm saying is that vs. a human, all of these would be that much harder. I'm in a game vs. my friend (me Axis) and he's somewhat inexperienced yet I'm having one hell of a fight.

I'm not saying the mod is perfect (only 2 games) but so far Russia seems to be doing just fine.

Cruisers, sub effectiveness has been reduced vs. all surface fleets except carriers. I reduced the price of subs to entice the possibility of Germany going that route, with USA joining faster, harder Egypt, more historical progression of tech, all of this favors the allies making it even harder for Germany to consider any sub strategy (I still only bought one extra in my AI game), but the option is there.

You're absolutly right about Italy, it was something discussed and I simply forgot, I was supposed to reduce their attack values by 1. I will do so.

Tanks at level 3, I was worried about that one, but vs. the AI it only had level 1 tanks, but when 4 of them showed up and I had only 3 left active as Germany (L5) but stuck on the Russian front due to their L5, it made me worry what might have been had 4 L3 tanks landed. Also, a L3 Tank can do equal damage to a L5 tank if it has low morale/readiness and this on the western front is a virtual certainty with Western Allied Air superiority. So it works out historically IMHO, a tank buster simulation you could say. L4 is just overpowering, especially vs. troops while L3 make them good troop busters but not to the pooint where you can steamroll through France and Germany which is what occured when I tried it at L4.

[ July 02, 2006, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Ok some additions to the mod:

40- Removed ACTIVATION#1 events for Axis DoW on

Denmark and Norway.

This way Axis can take both countries with no increase in US activation

41- Removed ACTIVATION#1 event for an increase in USA % towards Axis when Allies DoW Norway.

This is the counter balance to change #40, now Norway is fair game to both sides, Axis risk loosing convoy

42- Axis DoW on Turkey; Syria increased from 15-25 to 50-75 towards Allies. Iran from 15-25 to 75-85 (100% trigger). Iraq from 6-14 to 50-75 with 100% trigger (from 25%).

A more historical fiting and also bring about the possibility of more diplomacy chits variation in the game

43- Axis DoW Iraq, Turkey allies 50-75%, up from 6-14%.

A more historical fiting and also bring about the possibility of more diplomacy chits variation in the game

44- Axis DoW Syria, Iran 10-15% towards Allies, up

from 6-14.

Turkey 25-35% towards Allies, up from 6-14%.

A more historical fiting and also bring about the possibility of more diplomacy chits variation in the game

45- Italy Cruiser and Battleship naval and carrier

attack reduced by 1.

A better representation of the lack of expertise and certain technologies by Italy's Navy

46- Added Fevsi (rating 6) Turkish HQ and one extra Army, redeployed 2 Russian border Corps.

And two changes:

USA one time increase for Sealion from 10-20% to 15-20%.

Soviet increased to 30-35%.

[ July 02, 2006, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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5- Malta effect now based on 3 unit types.

a) Corps is 6% trigger.

B) Airfleet is 10% trigger.

c) Bomber is 12% trigger

Very nice. Now make it affect the Allies too. I'd say all the North African cities should be affected, but not Egypt proper. For Egypt, add in a Crete effect, would help put Greece in play.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander after all.

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Added the proper Victory ending scripts for this campaign.

47- Changed the victory scripts:

; Axis Victory


#NAME= Axis Victory (Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Frankfurt, Essen, Konigsberg, Venice, Torino)

#POPUP= AXIS VICTORY, Axis achieve armistice with the Allies.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Axis control -> Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Frankfurt, Essen, Konigsberg, Venice, Torino










; Allied Major Victory


#NAME= Allied Major Victory (Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1939/09/03

; Allies control -> Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.









; Allied Minor Victory


#NAME= Allied Minor Victory (Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Allies control -> Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.








; Allied Minor Victory


#NAME= Allied Minor Victory (Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Allies control -> Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.








48- Gave an extra +1 Air Defense to Capitals of major countries. This goes on top of the current +1 for all cities.

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Guest Mike
Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />5- Malta effect now based on 3 unit types.

a) Corps is 6% trigger.

B) Airfleet is 10% trigger.

c) Bomber is 12% trigger

Very nice. Now make it affect the Allies too. I'd say all the North African cities should be affected, but not Egypt proper. For Egypt, add in a Crete effect, would help put Greece in play.


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