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1) If you start a vote (end scenario) and quit the server while the vote is going on, when you join another server you will have a personal vote going on. Unfortunately you can't actually vote and the timer goes on for ever.

2) If you get a lock against an enemy player with the ATGM system and go just out of LOS you can still keep the lock going on by targeting with the red arrow. Found out about this on the Ice Map base. Maybe it only works when in the base, haven't tested.

3) I am supposed to be able to defend my team against the ATGMs with the EAV vehicle. Seems like I can't defend even myself against ATGMs with it.

4) Something weird going on with the fort structure on the Ice map. If you drive your tank so that the other track is on one of the outgoing blocks and goes along the joining, then you can't turn your tank anymore. Ill try to do some Ascii graphics...






'-' is the joining line and 'T' shows where my tracks are...

5) If you lock your missile on a dropship, your missile is very much likely to hit ground. Maybe there should be a minimum altitude for the missile?

6) If you see a dropship drop something just out of your sight (IE the dropship is visible and propably the ordnance too just when it is released) the red arrow seems to sink into the ground. Happens on the icemap.

7) alt-tab sometimes breaks your minimap, sometimes something else. The minimap goes transparent white, with only the red and green dots still working. Somebody called Rune promised to report this, but I wanted to be sure...

8) Is the server refresh working properly or are you taking down the servers?

9) Don't know if this can be called bug, but atleast it is annoying... Dropping mines on your flag. Need I say more. Ofcourse there is the Cutter and hovercrafts, but still.

And then some suggestions how to make the game a bit more fun. These are ofcourse just IMHO, and some of the things that I tought were way unbalanced only seem a bit unbalanced now, so maybe I will learn that everything is correct as is after a while... ;)

There seems to be 3 a bit overpowered vehicles, those are the ATGM vehicles and Hurricane. The Hurricane might be fine as is, but maybe it should be a bit less armored, so that it is easier to kill it. It is hard to hit even at the moment. Or maybe the floating system should be more vulnerable? And I think there should be a defence against ATGMs _if_ you see them coming in. Maybe a smoke screen that breaks the lock, maybe something to launch against them. It would be important that the thing you use against them is based on skill and not on luck. But as it is now, if you see a missile launched towards you, you know you are propably killed or that you have to extract & redeploy. Atleast make the EAV vehicle a lot better at shooting the missiles down. And then there is this 76mm gun, which seems to be useless at the moment...

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3) At first I thought my Hermes *pets Hermes* would be able to destroy every flying object, every time, but now it seems those ATGMs are proving to be challenging sometimes. Even mortars hit the ground!

It depends, so I think it's just fine as it is. I would like to destroy missiles every time but that wouldn't be fair would it? Most of the time I do destroy them.

7) Alt + tab made my fonts all fuzzy once.

X) 76 mm has seemd to be quite worthless so far. I have to keep trying those perpendicular hits to be sure.

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Some additional ones. Turrets fighthing each other. This looks ridiculous. They are firind to the base of the turret, and never killing each other.

When changing teams, also the turrets owned by the team changer go with him. This is the number 1) tactic when attacking on the ice fields map. Don't know jet what the number 2 is, I truly hope I will find it one day...

Regarding the EAV. It seems that it is able to shoot missiles down quite well, but the problem is that it can't protect itself nor targets that are in line with / forward to it. This means that the EAV should go in first, witch might be a little suicidical.

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Sometimes when you send a chat message, it doesn't appear to anyone. This may also be happening with normal messages, since sometimes things will die and no message will appear.

Also, when someone sends a longish chat message, it will go off the edge of the screen without wrapping, making the last part of it unreadable. That was at the default resolution, 800x600 or whatever it is.

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Originally posted by yllamana:

Sometimes when you send a chat message, it doesn't appear to anyone. This may also be happening with normal messages, since sometimes things will die and no message will appear.

Also, when someone sends a longish chat message, it will go off the edge of the screen without wrapping, making the last part of it unreadable. That was at the default resolution, 800x600 or whatever it is.

I concur.
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Thanks for the bug reports. We're on them.

And I think there should be a defence against ATGMs
Yes, we're pretty much settled on the idea of warnings and countermeasures for ATGMs. Stay tuned.

When changing teams, also the turrets owned by the team changer go with him. This is the number 1) tactic when attacking on the ice fields map. Don't know jet what the number 2 is, I truly hope I will find it one day...
LOL. Nicely put, Drusus. We'll take care of it.

Sometimes when you send a chat message, it doesn't appear to anyone...wrapping...
Yes, we're cleaning it up.
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Originally posted by ClaytoniousRex:

LOL. Nicely put, Drusus. We'll take care of it.

Once I was playing with this Patty fellow. First thing he told me was that he was a beginner playing first time. We tried everything when attacking that base. We failed miserably. He was a interesting beginner, the second thing he told me was that I shouldn't use AP at certain range because HEAT is more effective...

But, for additional bugreports. The AI seems to be really stupid when it is given drop orders. It keeps on dropping in a certain death zone. Also it seems to be quite stupid when there are AA turrets all around the map (the ice map...). Í think it might be correct behaviour to override the drop order after deciding that the area is danger zone. When deciding if an area is safe, it should take into account also teammates killed. Ofcourse it is the responsibility of the one giving orders to not give stupid orders, but a suprising EWV attacking your landingzone does make you fight first, and only after that you have time for orders... And it is not fast to give orders to 7 bots.

Also, it would be really nice to get some message when your dropship is destroyed by hidden AA guns and things like that. Maybe only that your dropship was destroyed. I was going to report that there is something broken with the dropping, until I found out my dropships were destroyed by those hidden AA guns.

If you are going to implement the per player assigned bots, maybe it could be wise to make it so that you always give them drop orders manually. I think it is possible to control 1 to 3 bots in this way. Make the drop window pop up minimized, and have a hotkey to maximize it or something like that. Then normal click & drop. Why not make it an option for every bot in the team even in the normal game? If you give orders to drop in a risky area, then you might want to click this option (similar to autonomous). "Manual drop only" or something like that.

I don't believe I am saying this, but it seems the Thor is actually easy to take out. The "side panels" seem to be really the weak point of that beast. It seems that it will get penetrated even at high angles with the 20mm... The 20mm gun seems to be the best way to take out Thors, even better than the 120mm. Ofcourse you have serious problems when your only choice is to fire against the front armor. On the other hand, I don't jet know what is the weak part of Apollo when using 20mm. But I propably will learn. Well, maybe I should stop whining about the gun effects. Seems my opinion is changing too fast for you to patch... Except my opinion about the 76mm... ;)

BTW do you have a bug tracker somewhere, or could it be possible to do a status update. I am sure you all are having way too much free time to do things like this... Would be nice to know which issues you have decided are going to be changed and which things are correct as is and so on.

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I did some testing. It seems that there is something seriously broken with the penetration model. If I am firing at a Thor at angles of 80 degrees, that is from the normal, I will still penetrate the side armour. I found out about this when trying to face the enemy fire not straight front armor to enemy, but with a 10 degree tilt. The result is that my side armor will get penetrated. The only thing keeping me from exploding is the fact that when firing so "thin" it means that there is nothing important on the way. If this is intentional (that the Thors side armor is penetrable with 70-80 degree angle, close range, I admit) then my bad. Or if firing at your own vehicles has some effect on this...

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Well, had to read the logs... I take that the angle is the angle in radians, and the modifier is the multiplier applied to the base penetration because of the hit angle. But the modifier never gets smaller than 0.5. But if the shot is travelling in a straight line (and I suppose it is), there should be a lot smaller modifier for near 90 degree hits. Or is there something else which is applied after this?

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Might be that I have too much time... But it seems you are using a function like this to calculate the modifier:

hit angle in radians / (pi) = modifier

If the hit angle is pi/2 radians (90 degree) this will give a result of 0.5. Which can't be what you want. Instead you want something like:

hit angle in radians / (0.5 * pi) = modifier

Which will result in a modifier of 0-1, which in my mind is much closer to the truth when thinking about penetration. But anyways the current model results in a weird effect. Shells can penetrate at any angle if it is possible to hit the armor given that the range is short enough.

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If I'm not mistaken, 20mm rounds show "sparks" if they penetrate, correct? Even at the most extreme angles (89 degrees) where I just barely skim the side armor of a heavy tank, I still get sparks! This might go in line with Drusus' findings.

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Yeah I have got a number of kills from fairly tight angles down the side of vehicles, but only at very close ranges..

The getting stuck on the edge of the building thing I mentioned in another thread.. If you're half on the ramp and half on the top of the wall in the ice base, you cannot turn, only go backwards and forwards.

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