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Interest in Rumblings of War Tourney, based on CMC?


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Originally posted by WineCape:

Wine Flag

Oh yes, apart from prize awarded to the winning team, the award(s) during the campaign will be also as follows: 22 cases of wine sponsored in the RoW-CMC Campaign => a quite a few 'wine flags' or objectives on the CMC campaign terrain map.

Seize the objective or wine flag, seize the wine bottles.

Wow! Truly incredible!
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I hate to seem like a real "newbie" here, but could you please share a little information about ROW, and the requirements of the participants? I understand (or, at least, I think I do) that AARs are required for each scenario. Besides that, what other requirements are there?

I recently participated in the "Out of the Dust" tournament, and I am really, really, really looking forward to CMC... and a tournament based around the new software seems like it would be a lot of fun(not to mention, it's probably the only time a huge multiplayer campaign will actually get finished, hehe.).

Anyway, feel free to tell me to "buzz off". I just thought I'd take a chance, and ask my little questions. smile.gif

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Hello Miles,

Have a look at my signature line below to visit the Boots and Tracks team for an idea of the Rumblings of War (RoW) tournament series.

For criteria of participation, see my posts on p.2 of this thread. See also John Kettler's response to Ike's question on page 2 for those that has, as of yet, not participated in RoW, and wish to get lucky to get into the RoW VI-CMC tourney.

In short, those players, whether from RoW or from other mentioned tournaments, that have finished (read: commitment) various tournaments will get preference to participation.

We as organizers are flooded with eager "newcomers" - and by that I mean people that have played no tourney whatsoever. Drop-outs, especially in the last RoW V, were horrendous. To prevent this, I vowed to tighten up the entry criteria. Hence preference to those players first that have finished a RoW, or mentioned tourney on page 2 of this thread.

That is, as Kettler said, not to say that your no-past-tourney-entrant will never play, just that he's last in the pecking order of selection.

As stated, the prizes I'm offering is in the excess of USD$7,500 if you add the airfreight component costs of those cases (Africa is after all far removed from the rest of the 'civilized' world ;) ) so I will honour those RoW players that have shown true sportsmanship in past RoW's tourney's with even a bigger prize.

I cannot afford the same rate of drop-outs as past tourneys. Campaign play, by its very nature, is a long, drawn-out process. Players that have finished one or more RoW's will always be invited first in follow-on tourney's. They have proven their play record so to speak.

I will also ask Campaign Directors/hosts at various campaign tourneys websites - see p.2 for details - to nominate a few representative players to partake in RoW VI-CMC, plus to vet these nominated players' interest in past campaigns on their own website (sans-CMC), i.e. whether they have finished at least one campaign.

[ April 06, 2006, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Winecape, are you the new marketing manager for CMC?

A new sideline for you?


Money well spent if it gets the game launched into the community succesfully.

Lets hope the beta testing is nearly complete.

Get back to that computer and find more bugs...



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Hello WineCape,

Thanks for getting back to me. However, the information I seek does not concern criteria for participation, exactly, but more of the required "level of involvement" that ROW entails. Thanks for the references to the posts and website, but I don't really see the information that I'm looking for. Maybe I'm not looking into it enough, and I'm sorry if I missed it.

Obviously, the CMC rendition of ROW might be a little different than past ROW events, but can you give us (the unwashed masses of non-ROW players) a little idea of what would/could/should be expected of us, if we indeed are favored with an invitation. A little more information concerning the level of commitment might help to weed out individuals, who, like myself, can be somewhat busy. For instance: Would the players be expected to write AARs for every CMC skirmish, or just the big bang-em-up actions? Another question might be: How many CM turns are expected to be sent in a day/week during the campaign? You might not have the answers to these questions, but I just thought I'd ask.

I'm not, as of yet, even legal drinking age... so the prize of wine (good though, as I'm sure it is) holds no fascination for my young, impressionable mind. ;) I live simply to play good CM games, and ROW sounds like a good opportunity to join in a large campaign, with somewhat (hopefully) committed individuals involved.

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Originally posted by K.A. Miles:

I'm not, as of yet, even legal drinking age... so the prize of wine (good though, as I'm sure it is) holds no fascination for my young, impressionable mind. ;)

>>>NOT DRAFTED<<< Reason: Too young too drink, too young to fight.

The CMC campaign will not be Berlin 1945 with Volksturm under-age kids running around the battlefield. Tsk, tsk tongue.gif

Exact tourney details closer to launch of CMC. Patience will be rewarded, as the vino prize will attest.

[ April 06, 2006, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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In ROWV a player had to do turns for five games simultaneously, each game roughly 30 turns. If by PBEM that worked out to 1 file sent per day absolute minimum, but usually 1-2. Afterwards a player had to write an AAR on each battle, which at standard minimum was probably 2-3 pages of single-spaced typing, plus a couple of images. That's one AAR for each battle.

The better AARs can be a lot more involved. *cough* :cool:

It seems that the acceptance committe likes, erm, characters participating in the contest, so if they have to choose between some one dull and some one with a perceivable web personality, they'll go for the latter, it seems to me. So be witty and entertaining in your posts, it might help.

Then again, it might not.*shrug*

Another route would be to join one of the ladder competitions and kick every one's butt, the side that didn't get Walpurgis Nacht would draft you for sure.

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Originally posted by Bigduke6:

It seems that the acceptance committe likes, erm, characters participating in the contest, so if they have to choose between some one dull and some one with a perceivable web personality, they'll go for the latter, it seems to me. So be witty and entertaining in your posts, it might help. Then again, it might not.*shrug*


John Kettler had no witty posts, or PWP for that matter, but he played and finished every tourney he entered, except when his Mac got nuked by some electrostatic underground force field!

EDITED: For obvious reasons.

[ April 06, 2006, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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>>>NOT DRAFTED<<< Reason: Too young too drink, too young to fight.
Oh, I'm old enough to be drafted... just not old enough to drink (that's justice for you!). For the benefit of the court, my exact age is 20 years, 6 months, 14 days, 5 hours, and eighteen seconds. Hardly Hitler Youth material... Seems to me. tongue.gif

Thanks for the information, Bigduke6, that's exactly what I was looking for. The level of participation doesn't sound too strenuous, I wonder that you lost so many folks in past events.

It seems that the acceptance committe likes, erm, characters participating in the contest, so if they have to choose between some one dull and some one with a perceivable web personality, they'll go for the latter, it seems to me. So be witty and entertaining in your posts, it might help.
Thanks for the advice, I'll try to remember that. smile.gif

When the wine is in, the wit is out. ~Proverb

Whoops, maybe I shouldn't have said that. :confused: redface.gif

John Kettler had no witty posts, or PWP for that matter, but he played and finished every tourney he entered...
I entered, finished, and won the recent "Out of the Dust" tournament. I didn't want to mention it, but you force my hand! :cool:

*ducks rotten veggies thrown by U8led*

[ April 06, 2006, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: K.A. Miles ]

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Got your SMS mobile message due to your email account problems! I'll confirm and hash out details if I will be in Jo'burg with you on 12th April, depending on my soccer officiating schedule. If not, you know now where to find me, in more ways then one.


Time to lobby your own boss (Stoffels) so that you can represent the Onion Wars in RoW VI-CMC. I intend to invite a few players from The Onions for sure.

[ April 07, 2006, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

Slysniper was the tourney organizer for out of the dust. It was a CMBO tournament, finished up not too long ago. He had a good run, with (IIRC) no dropouts.

Actually, there was one dropout, I believe, in the first round of the tourney. The second round went fairly well, with only one slow-play participant. I'm sure you don't need to hear this from me, but your scenarios were great , Kingfish!

Originally posted by WineCape:

I have noted your persistence... and commitment.

Thank you, sir. Now I will dissapear into the mist, from whenst I came.

Invitation or no, I sincerely hope the ROW CMC tournament goes well (no dropouts, grrrr...).

[ April 07, 2006, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: K.A. Miles ]

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Originally posted by Holien:

Watching with interest.


Until I see the final product (game) I have as yet to get an idea of what is possible.

I am guessing (and I hope) that some here might be beta testers?

Anyway back to lurk mode until the game is released and the tourney is set up ....


Everything that Holien said, exactly my POV.

Do we even know whether this will be played operationally, tactically or a combination of both?

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Originally posted by WineCape:


Time to lobby your own boss (Stoffels) so that you can represent the Onion Wars in RoW VI-CMC. I intend to invite a few players from The Onions for sure.

I am also an Onion Wars player, as well as a previous RoW participant. I hope my potential participation in RoW VI-CMC is on the merits of my RoW V performance, and doesn't end up taking a space away from other Onion War players!

Also, if anyone cares, you can get a CMC like experience right now in the Onion Wars campaign. Check it out! Onion Wars

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