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So you want to compare Shock Force --

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Interesting stuff :D

Another thing to notice is the "feel" of it. CMAK feels... well... less organic and more artificial to me. Even with the compromises that CMx2 has compared to hand built maps like Battlefield 2, for example, the game feels a lot more like the real world. At least to me it does. But I'm biased because back in 1998 when I found out I could not mix trees, buildings, and walls in the same 20x20m tile I got all bummed out. Now, nearly 10 years later, I can do exactly that and much, much more. So for me the way maps are now is how I wanted them to be for CMx1 but couldn't due to the lack of computing power.


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The first two scenarios I played 'felt' just like CMAK scenarios (Abu Susah and Al Amarah). Wide open desert maps and light armored vehicles. The only real difference I saw from 1944 to 2008 was more fully automatic weapons and more accurate artillery.

Another way to approach this is to make an Abu Susah and Al Amarah scenarios in CMAK.

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Was "A few boys from Texas" the one in which you ambush a German column with bazookas and off-map mortar fire? If so, it was one of my favourite CMAK scenarios. Great range of emotions evoked by that one, from total elation when the ambush is sprung to consternation as the German counter-attack rolls in. Would you consider posting the CM:SF version online for people to download?

The idea of doing comparison scenarios is a good one. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that in an early screenshot of CM:SF's scenario selection screen I saw "Chance Encounter". It wasn't in the final release. I wonder what happened to it?

One problem in transferring scenarios from CMAK to CM:SF IMHO is that in CM:AK you have more freedom as to where inside a building to position your men. You can keep them in the centre of the room and they take less casualties than if they are all by the windows. In CM:AK, it's windows or nothing. This appears to be another one of those sacrifices we have to accept for the new engine.

Another one of my favourites from CMAK is "A Walk in the Sun". I may try my hand at recreating that one.

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Originally posted by AdamL:

Another great advantage is that you will come to understand how much in the squad model must be being abstracted in CMAK.

I'm undecided on whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. See, now I care when any of my infantry go down. In CMx1, I really didn't care until they started breaking. Pure cannon fodder. But now I can see that I'll have to write emails to the widows and family of the fallen pixel men. It's affecting my judgement in issuing orders. Do I send Chip, Paul, William G, LJ, Billy & Doc? Or do I send some other pixel people who I don't know as well? You can certainly see the moral dilemma that didn't exist when they were just three guys representing a number!
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Cpl St - As it happens I was just playing that one yesterday. As the US vs. the AI. I lost 20 men and 1 Sherman. The Germans had 1 StuG, 1 shocked halftrack, and a few dozen routed infantry left by the time limit.

Wasn't because the early ambush went well, either. They backed out, caught a few men repositioning with long range MG fire from a halftrack, several of my squads showed themselves prematurely missing with rifle grenades, a bazooka missed 3 times at ranges as short as 50m etc. Still clobbered them. Tanks got 1 full AFV and 2 light armor apiece, two zooks got one each, demo charges got 2 (including the biggest) - and a Pz IV died to a direct hit from 81mm mortar fire.

It was certainly fun, as a CMAK fight. Just don't stay in the brush - too exposed.

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