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First Impressions of 1.04

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I just played my first 1.04 game on Al Huqf (not the best test for framerate problems but I am more interested in AI and gameplay right now).

To quote someone from another thread, this is the patch that's going to turn the corner for this game/engine.

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I find the TACAI immensely improved. I see Strykers finally firing at infantry on their own. I see infantry under fire hiding. I still don't see hummers and Strykers withdrawing in the face of enemy armor. But the biggest thing is I finally see units switching targets on thier own.

This is all in WEGO elite.

Frame rates are huge now on my 4 year old laptop.

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Massive improvement in interface control, cursor goes immediately where I put the mouse instead of having to wait for it to catch up. Whole game seems much smoother, and I am getting my ass kicked in double-quick time instead of waiting hours! Brilliant!!

I think we are at the point where the game SHOULD have been released, so from now on, instead of sorting out 'issues' it can only get even better and better.

Thanks Battlefront!


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From playing some scenarios I designed specifically for testing the game, it seems a great improvment. I've noticed a few things that were not listed in the 1.04 notes that have been improved. I was just playing some Bradleys vs BMP1s and the BMP1s fired their smoke in a much more effective and helpful way.

Has anyone noticed if the MG deploy bug is fixed?

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I just replayed badado user scenerio again. BF nice job.

Finally, squads are firing when they should and moving to places where they should.

All we need is for units to peak at corners and I am in heaven.

I am not sure about the other guys and gals, the game plays is a lot smoother.

I am finally not scared to move my troops.

keep up the good work.

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Steve suggests the BFC and the beta team will work on these aspects of the simulation next (in v1.05) :


OK, so the obvious question is what can we do? Well, this thread (ediit: the split Syrian Squad thread) (and a couple others) have pointed out some valid rough edges in the infantry behavior. Since we've never said that the game is perfect, we're perfectly willing to see what we can do to improve things. Therefore, allow me to tell you that version 1.05's primary focus will be on clearing up various infantry related issues. The ones I would like us to find solutions to first are as follows:

1. Corners of buildings that do not conform to the underlying grid. As we all know this can produce some negative effects when circumstances aren't exactly friendly around the corner. This will be difficult to fix completely, but improvements are possible.

2. Some sort of simulated "peeking". This is a lot harder than it might appear because LOS/LOF inherently must be a two way street. Meaning, for someone to see around a corner SOMEONE has to stick their head out far enough that someone can shoot it off. Anything short of that unbalances things in the opposite direction. Not to worry... we have an idea about what we can do

3. Better internal shifting of Soldiers to establish LOF (offensive) or get out of LOF (defensive) when engaged in a firefight. This is probably the easiest of all things to do, believe it or not, because it is fairly straight forward and is not likely to have negative side effects since the system is already there. It just isn't being used in the way it needs to on an individual Soldier by Soldier basis as often as it should be.

4. There is a very specific problem that can crop up when a unit is on the move and spread out between multiple Action Spots and not all of them have LOS to an enemy unit that starts shooting at the moving team. This can cause a fracturing of the moving team's firepower and (coupled with #3) cause a few guys to suffer the brunt of the enemy's wrath. This is not inherently unrealistic, but we do agree that the potential for this within the game is too great. Therefore we have an idea to help minimize this in a realistic way.

All of these things have already been looked into and a rough plan of attack developed. I can't promise what, exactly, the results will be until we've implemented them, however I think it is reasonable to think that there will be at least some improvements in all four of these areas.


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Twoz smoother for me and my 8800 aswell, plus the spotting is a vast improvement and the TacAI responses seem better. I noticed your boys cover ground better and the defenders hold buildings better. Vast improvement says I :D

Next thing im checking is quick battles ;)

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