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Nasty new CMSF related real world wrinkles

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Iran and Syria have signed a defense pact!


Not only that, but China has apparently reached an agreement with Iran to use its territory to come to Syria's aid if the U.S. attacks Syria. Third paragraph from the bottom of the first article.


Should make for all sorts of hair-raising possibilities.


John Kettler

[ June 14, 2008, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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if that "verry disturbing video" is anywhere near the truth we could be in for a rough ride more sooner than later.

somehow i belive that guy.

also what the guys at CERN are doing with their qark experiments is pretty steep. thats also not the best news from there.

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Iran and Syria have signed a defense pact!


Not only that, but China has apparently reached an agreement with Iran to use its territory to come to Syria's aid if the U.S. attacks Syria. Third paragraph from the bottom of the first article.


Should make for all sorts of hair-raising possibilities.


John Kettler

Holy **** John! The second link talking about China uses as a reference the first link (AFP) you provided, which says absolutely nothing about an agreement with China. I know you are not this blind!?

In fact, the second link is really about the rather bizarre claim that China is attempting to purposefully bring about Biblical prophecies.

More disturbing, however, in these reports is China’s urging of both Syria and Turkey not to allow more water into mighty rivers of the Euphrates and Tigris, which the Iraqis are warning are running dry due to the severe drought in that war-torn Nation.

The importance of this latest move by China is the newly signed Defense Pact signed between Iran and Syria which would allow Chinese Military Forces permission to use Iranian territory to come to the aid of Syria.

It should be further noted that the Christian Bibles New Testament Book of Revelations (Chapter 16, Verse 12) prophesied that the Euphrates will dry up in preparation for the Battle of Armageddon and would be crossed by an Eastern Army of 200 million soldiers, of which in our World today only China is able to field and have the ability to reach by land alone.

At least do us the favor of actually reading this **** before you clutter the forum with it.

[ June 13, 2008, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: akd ]

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Ok ok, but its a good excuse for getting more red units into CMSF, no?

How about a desert warfare scenario of the Brits, Stryker brigades and Marines in a mighty brotherhood holding off the Sino-Syrian hordes before the gates of Damascus? Aren't your juices running? No? Oh come on, gentlemen! Be good sports! Didn't you see LOTR!?

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Originally posted by SgtMuhammed:

How are we going to simulate divine intervention?

Well, in X-COM they used the "Football of Death", so how about, given the conclusion of the Stanley Cup Finals, the "Holy Hockey Puck" which oddly enough resembles eith a burnt communion wafer or a Pope hat?
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Originally posted by SgtMuhammed:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Field Marshal Blücher:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SgtMuhammed:

How are we going to simulate divine intervention?

Apache rocket attack . . . you know the rest. </font>But with 155 rounds. </font>Screw that, airborne VBIEDs!
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Originally posted by Sivodsi:

Ok ok, but its a good excuse for getting more red units into CMSF, no?

How about a desert warfare scenario of the Brits, Stryker brigades and Marines in a mighty brotherhood holding off the Sino-Syrian hordes before the gates of Damascus? Aren't your juices running? No? Oh come on, gentlemen! Be good sports! Didn't you see LOTR!?

Maybe some one should call Tom Clancy and Larry Bond. It would make one hell of a story. It would be good tourny too. CMSF for the land battles and Harpoon 3 for combat at sea.
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The first item stands on its own merits. I deliberately bolded "apparently" in the second to indicate uncertainty. Here are a couple of items relevant to the induced earthquake and faked Second Coming scenario. They indicate some of our true technological capabilities and the means for mass mind control and deception. HAARP very definitely has such capabilities. I found this first link while seeking an independent source for the Sorcha Faal piece indicating the Chinese were planning to retaliate for the quake. I do not yet have any proof that Putin's trip to Europe was to do as Faal indicated, but the reports do show he was there to talk about missile defense.

Detailed explanation of how HAARP created Earth resonances can trigger a quake, together with high

highly anomalous clouds and an explanation of what the telltale frogs could sense that the poor humans couldn't, leading the frogs to flee.

WARNING! Non-PC phrase used!


Award-winning HAARP documentary. Remarkable technical discussion, with some elements likely to

cause you to abreact.


Anyone wishing to know more should come to the GDF, where a very hot debate rages in the "were the China quake and Myanmar cyclone natural?" thread.

China and Iran are poised to sign a major oil deal. Even if China has no de facto security arrangement with Syria, what is China likely to do do if the U.S. makes a move on the next door neighbor to its new oil supplier?


Also, Iran and Syria are to sign a free trade agreement.



John Kettler

[ June 13, 2008, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Oil company logos and whatnot are positively awash with occult symbolism. See the previously mentioned GDF thread for a link to extensive video showing this and related matters. And, yes, Route 66 does indeed possess considerable occultic meaning. For starters, it's 2 x 33, and 33 = 3 x 11.

The point of this thread, though, is to point out that there have been several interesting international developments which directly relate to CMSF. I have been warning for months at least that a new power bloc (Russia, China, India, Brazil, Venezuela) was emerging to oppose the U.S. and its wild ways. On that basis, I've argued for the inclusion of Russian forces, Chinese, and now, there's a case to be made for doing something involving the Iranians.

If, as I outlined above, China's going to getting oil from Iran, it's definitely going to be a player in nearby Syria, especially if the U.S. invades. Russia has long had a client type relationship with Syria and has supplied weapons for decades. I'd expect to see the VDV in Syria, possibly even before the U.S. could actually invade. That would raise the stakes a bit!

Whether you agree with the exotic weapon argument or not, I'm sure you'd agree that with so many potential OPFOR possibilities, at widely varying tech levels, the gaming possibilities are rich.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


Oil company logos and whatnot are positively awash with occult symbolism.

Which proves nada, zip, and zilch.

ETA: BTW, I remember you mentioning you come to Sacramento sometimes some time ago. Would still love to buy you a beer.

[ June 13, 2008, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: Normal Dude ]

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Normal Dude,

Actually, it proves a great deal, especially when you understand who owns them and their backgrounds.

This isn't the place, though. Recommend you read Hoffmann's SECRET SOCIETIES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.

As for Sacramento, have been there once to deliver a car I sold, but expect to get back there eventually. If I do, there are crawdads that need consuming and beer that needs drinking (offer for latter accepted). Wasn't able to make much of a dent in my first trip, being both time and resource constrained. Didn't even get to see Old Sacramento.

To get back on topic, what do you think of the OPFOR possibilities I presented?


John Kettler

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While we are suggesting reading materials I would suggest you look into the interviews with John Nash (the mathematician). I don't know a whole lot about him but have seen a few interviews with him on his problem with patterns.

The basic theory is that if you are looking for a pattern eventually you will find one simply by coincidence. If I remember correctly his was finding secret words in newspapers through which aliens were communicating to him. The problem being that if you look long enough, and are smart enough, eventually with all the letters in a newspaper you will put together a dire message.

It isn't much different with some of these sites. If you want to make something out to be 666 you can.

For example I will use my most basic data to show I am the anti-christ. My name is Chris Rogers and I was born on June 3rd. The first two sixes are obvious. The sixth month of the year and a last name that has six letters. Of course the third six is hard to find, if it was too obvious everyone would realize it. Now you have to look at the exact date and work harder for that which is concealed. 3, the day of my birth, is half of 6 and we know that the anti-christ is hidden. So what am I hiding? My full name, Christopher. If you will notice the second part of the name, topher, the hidden part and half of my name, is six letters. Therefore I must clearly bear the mark of the Beast.

As for the issue of Opfor. I suspect that any type of engagements between America and a major power is very unlikely in at least the next ten years. Something on the scale of what CM is modeling almost impossible. More importantly I am almost certain that is Steve's view as well.

Though we can always hope they will model the completely fictious route.

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