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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

So, who's disappointed?

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I think this division is slightly different though. The US gung-ho crowd (Abbott, DaleM et al) think it's great. The modern military fanboyz (Flamingpicky) and the ex-servicepeople are excited. But if you don't fit into that category, or if you find the prospect of playing an aggressive USA invading yet another Muslim country to 'spread liberative freedom because God told me to, oh and to get some WMDs', then your immediate reaction is 'yuk'.

I commented before that it seems an odd choice to me. I thought something more "neutral" like Germany 85 or somesuch would have sat better, but, BFC obviously feel there's a stronger market for a current ME game.

Personally I'll see if I can get into the demo. On the positive side it might lead me into an interest in modern warfare. *shrugs*

*But* I don't like where the series is headed, in terms of the tighter focus and the apparent squeezing out of modding. The community aspect seems to be becoming sidelined, or at least it seems it will have a reduced role, and I don't think that's a good thing at all, should my suspicions prove correct.

Modules are a good thing, the question is, how many will be produced for each game? As they'll be produced in house, rather than by the community, I can't see an avalanche of them, as BFC will be keen to move on to the next full title.

But we shall see.

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Well I'll Buy it, and I am Scots....

When playing CMBO I usually play US not British, because well to be honest the british had such crap equipment, ( My dad was a Para in his national service so I like them though).

As for CMBB, I love playing that even though there are no Brits in it.

I think the game will be the best Sim of it's type on the market ( CM1 is still the best of it's type, although in truth very few people have tried anything similar).

I have my doubts about the "Syria" setting, for a number of reasons, but then if in the mid seventies someone had brought out a naval boardgame based on "Britain v Argentina", we'd all have laughed.

The thig for me is the ability to do QB's and create scenarios. The pre-built scenarios and the Background are in some respects just the Box.

Saying you won't buy it because you don't like the setting is like not buying CMAK, when you had the other two, because you didn't like the cover art.

Heres a prediction for you,

1) Almost all of the "not for me brigade" will come back on

board and,

2) Given that the beat tester, will be CM regulars with a lot of

ability in scenario design, I'll say 72hrs from first Launch the

first OIF "historical" Scenarios will be posted. ( Though the

uniforms and the like might be still Syrian).

Finally though I know I shouldn't as someone who opposed the war and still does, I don't like to see Americans getting killed in Iraq, or what happened in New Orleans,

The responsibily for that lies at the top, not with the average Joe on the street.


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Originally posted by Soddball:

I think this division is slightly different though. The US gung-ho crowd (Abbott, DaleM et al) think it's great. The modern military fanboyz (Flamingpicky) and the ex-servicepeople are excited. But if you don't fit into that category, or if you find the prospect of playing an aggressive USA invading yet another Muslim country to 'spread liberative freedom because God told me to, oh and to get some WMDs', then your immediate reaction is 'yuk'.

You are wrong you ignorant piece of egotistical blather. I could care less that the new game has to do with the US invading a Muslim country. That is your political ass hanging out and in your constant effort to stamp your label onto others in the hopes your candy ass ego can withstand whatever it is that makes you such a crybaby. Compounded by your efforts "God told me so" to make your point of view shine with out of the park descriptions.

My motivations are that I am expecting a unique tactical situation delivered by a company that makes products I enjoy. Personally (I posted last night) I would have preferred Vietnam. I also have no problem tossing a joke or two around when goons like you show up in tears.

What should Syria get for its air defense system?

A refund.

Who would have ever thought an American based company would release a game based on American units? If you don’t like the new time-period and/or setting pass on the game. It isn’t like anyone around here is going to miss your constant anti-American blather.


[ October 09, 2005, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sirocco:

the apparent squeezing out of modding.

Sirocco, can I just ask what you are referring too here? As far as Im aware there should be more for modders to work on than with previous versions. </font>
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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by juan_gigante:

3rd: Remember, there will still be a scenario editor, QBs, etc that can either be US vs. Arabs or US vs. US, so if the campaign doesn't float your boat, you still have something to do.

With very limited OOB's. </font>
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"When playing CMBO I usually play US not British, because well to be honest the british had such crap equipment, ( My dad was a Para in his national service so I like them though). "

WTF? ERR not any worse than the american army actualy, yu should be playing as the germans if that is the case.

Abbott, I think you got a little extreme there, i wouldnt say soddball was crying like a girly man.

It was a flippant sarcastic remark, but i think his underlying point is A. his not ex service, and b not american. So he has no interest in modern warfare or this game.

I agree though battlefront are not wrong to make this game.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I think this division is slightly different though. The US gung-ho crowd (Abbott, DaleM et al) think it's great.

Soddy, you have truly descended into madness, because now you are seeing things that aren't there.

Where have I typed that I think BFC's choice of setting is "great"? Where have I implied that?

Whatever you may think of me, think twice before you type it, because you're almost always wrong. If my personal motives for my opinions are so important to you that you are going to comment on them, my suggestion would be to email me privately where we can have a discussion like adults or post on Gyrene's forum where we can discuss it like pissy knowitalls.

But don't do it here.


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Count me in among the disappointed ones. Syria 2007, commanding units from the Stryker brigade interests me about as much as leading the pink paladins from Beteigeuze in their quest for the scarlett undies. If not WW2, why not a 1985 scenario between the WARPAC and NATO forces?

Of course I will try the demo, but unlike CMBO/BB/AK I will definitely not pre-order it. CMx2 for me suddenly dropped from the "must have"-category to the "will take a closer look"...

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Wow, count me in the suprised camp that's for sure. From the rumblings of the past weeks I had a suspicion the title may be modern as in a hypothetical Cold War scenario, but to be honest deep down I still thought it would be WWII. This fictional Syria background sounds a little corny but plausible I imagine. The 2 screenshots look great and I'm not even a graphics kind of guy, and I am intrigued by the single player Campaign being touted. My big worry about the setting would be the imbalance for multi-player, ie KingTigers versus Shermans kind of thing, as well as replayability of a title. BFC has the track record so time will tell.


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Originally posted by Sirocco:

I thought something more "neutral" like Germany 85 or somesuch would have sat better, but, BFC obviously feel there's a stronger market for a current ME game.

But that was 20 years ago.

Er, well, it would have been 20 years ago...

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What about a game about events in 2010 and involving the US and UK in an amphibious landing of France or Belgium or whatever against France and Germany and Russia... it's all hypothetical anyway. And the setting would be familiar to us WWII lovers.

I mean, if it's going to be an over the top, non-believable scenario, make it real big or else people won't follow you (I won't for this one). The setting sucks for one, US vs Syria... how fair!!!

If you're not ready to make it (for political correctedness) the axis of evil (US-UK) against the axis of weasels (Fr-All-Rus), than resort to the good ol' scenarios: Russia trying to rebuild its lost empire. Anything else is bah..

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Sergei wrote:

I don't have a problem with playing as a US commander (but of course it adds to variety if I don't have to play every game with or even against them). But to me, all these military hitech gadgets from Tom Clancy novels just aren't very interesting. I don't feel connected to that kind of warfare in any sort of way.
Novelty things like water closets can be very intimidating at times. ;)

Seriously, the opponent in question (Syria 2007) is not raising expectations to me, at least.

Maybe if there would be credible opponents with some modern equipment, the setting would be more interesting one. Like the FFL paratroop half-brigade joining the Syrian cause or something.

Or modelling any joint EU rapid action military force unit to take part of the action (for marketing perspective the one with the German, the Dutch and the Finnish forces would surely be the best). ;) !

These new European units are limited in scope, so it shouldn't be too hard or time consuming to research and model them. And as a matter fact, the abovementioned unit (consisting of the German, the Dutch and the Finnish contingents) has a responsibility in 2007!

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

Count me in among the disappointed ones. Syria 2007, commanding units from the Stryker brigade If not WW2, why not a 1985 scenario between the WARPAC and NATO forces?

Comanding units from a Stryker brigade?

Sorry but i havn't a clue what you are talking about.It must be some yank thing that i for one know nothing about and to be perfectly honest i don't give a toss about either.

I would have prefered a Cold war setting as well.

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Originally posted by SSgt Viljuri:

Novelty things like water closets can be very intimidating at times. ;)

I would expect such love of yuppie comfort from someone like SturmSebber, but not from another ÜberKarpaasi :mad: High treason!!!! You haven't truly lived if you've never wiped yourself with a handful of moss... :D

Anyway, I started a <font size="5">new thread</font> as a continuation for this one - these things shouldn't go over 300, y'know (I wonder if this limit has become obsolete with software updates or not, but you know the drill). Go there. Shoo!

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Originally posted by phil102:

I would find it objectionable to play a game based on events which simulate very very closely the events currently going on in Iraq.



Why ? No offense, I'd really like to know. What would be the problem playing scenarios from OIF 2003, there are plenty of books about it...


No offense taken at all mate. Reading some of the abusive posts in here is sad in many ways. Its a game. Its supposed to be fun.

To answer your question: I think that with all the **** that I read about in the news on a daily basis about the bloodbath in Iraq I think it would detract from my enjoyment of the game by attempting to simulate that reality. Maybe a dumb reason but it just doesnt sit right with me.

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

Count me in among the disappointed ones. Syria 2007, commanding units from the Stryker brigade interests me about as much as leading the pink paladins from Beteigeuze in their quest for the scarlett undies. If not WW2, why not a 1985 scenario between the WARPAC and NATO forces?

Of course I will try the demo, but unlike CMBO/BB/AK I will definitely not pre-order it. CMx2 for me suddenly dropped from the "must have"-category to the "will take a closer look"...

This post sums it up for me, and I'm afraid that Abbott's outburst above was even more disappointing than the subject of this thread ..
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posted October 09, 2005 06:27 PM


syria is not iraq, the last time i checked


Using Syria is just a thinly veil attempt to avoid using Iraq, which most poeple would agree, is unacceptable.

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Originally posted by Boff:

This post sums it up for me, and I'm afraid that Abbott's outburst above was even more disappointing than the subject of this thread ..

I am an American and I have never done anything to any of you guys. I have been listening to anti-American crying last night and today and from soddball for a couple of years. I spoke up. If you don't like it to bad. I said my piece and I stand by it. I edited girly-man because I don’t think some of you (if your not from the states) know what I was referencing. Sodball called me out but I am sure you noticed that and because I am American it is ok with you.
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