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Well perhaps agame covering all warfare for the last 50 years is a bit much.....but it would be worth it. I sure this game will be good but it will not hold the interest of the players as long. It is a pity that BF no longer creating games with any scope. I have played CM series for over 5 years happily. I am not sure I will be able to say that about the new series. I have already talk to players who are going to vote with thier pocket books. It is a shame as I would really like to see CMx2 be successful but thier attitude seems to be how many narrow focus games can we get these suckers to buy so we can make a lot of money.

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Originally posted by Warmonger2005:

Well perhaps agame covering all warfare for the last 50 years is a bit much.....but it would be worth it.

As a consumer hell yes - at US$50 it'd be a goddamn bargain!

Probably not 'worth it' for BFC though.

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The orignator of this thread emailed a large group of CMers with this:


I just learned that the new CM game will only cover a future (2007) war between the US and Syria. I was very disappointed about the lack of scope of this game and I have started a thread at the battlefront forum telling them just that. There is almost no historical battles for this era so there is nothing to do but make fictional Arab bashing battles. If they are going to do a post WW2 game at least you should be able to make battles from any post WW2 war like Korea, Arab/Isreali wars, Viet Nam etc.

What do you think?

Tom Grace

I think this is an example of my third person post in action...

So yes, not only do I have to wade through these retarded, pretentious, self important posts on the forum, but now I get spam emails at home.

What next? Full page ads in Computer Gaming Monthly?

Tom, at least have enough guts to use your real name next time.

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era so there is nothing to do but make fictional Arab bashing battles.
If they are going to do a post WW2 game at least you should be able to make battles from any post WW2 war like Korea, Arab/Isreali wars, Viet Nam etc.

What do you think?

Tom Grace

I think it's funny you have a problem with bashing Arabs ficticiously...but don't seem to have one with bashing them historically...

And now I must keep the love goin';

Originally posted by dalem:

I have to say that I am disappointed that Warmonger2005 felt the need to start a new and redundant thread instead of simply adding his opinion to any of the half-dozen threads already extant regarding the game.


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As a consumer hell yes - at US$50 it'd be a goddamn bargain!

Probably not 'worth it' for BFC though.

Listen up class!! JonS pays attention :D

This is exactly correct. We nearly killed ourselves making CMBB because we thought we could do it. Took just as long as CMBO, and twice as logn as planned, and yet sales were less than CMBO. Yet for those few tens of USD, gamers are still plugging away on CMBB 3 years after it was released when the average lifespan on a harddrive for other games is measured in weeks (not even months!).

I'd love for someone with an economics or business degree to explain how that could possibly be a good thing for a business strategy. If someone can do that, and show us how we won't lose yet another 2 years of our lives spent infront of computers instead of enjoying, oh, just about anything else... perhaps we'll make a large scope game again. Until then, we're going to stick with the narrow scope concept.

Also, all the new graphics and visual affects (which add to the game tremendously) take a lot longer to make than CMx1 games. Heck, we made NO animations for CMBB or AK and it still took us 3 years to make the two of them. Now we have to do animations and far more detailed models. "So don't" some will say. We say "then pony up about $1000 per copy because we're sure to sell fewer CMx2 games than we did CMx1 games. 8 year old graphics don't tend to sell games very well".


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Madmatt:

And sounds Steve! Don't forget the sounds! They are hard to make too!!!!

Oh forget it..us poor sound engineers, we never get no luvin... :(


Line up three quarts of gin and a gorilla suit, and I'm yours. </font>
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Why does everyone seem to think they're making an FPS?

1. Because they don't like the setting. If those two screenshots showed an SS guy in full, and neato, camo uniform with a King Tiger in the background they would be peeing on themselves about how great it looked.


2. No ability to read or no ability to think because anybody who could think the stuff we've been talking about equates to a FPS game has one or the other (or both) of these serious problems. I'll be kind and assume it is the inability to read since that is the better of the two possibilities. Warmonger2005 must have had an English speaking friend make the posts. Otherwise, I gotta go with inability to think.

Steve </font>

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I have been thinking of some suggestions of what I think should be added to this game to expand the scope of the game without the need of mulitiple DVDs to hold it. I would add Isreal. Isreal is much more likely to be involved in a war in Syria than the British. Also by adding some of the earlier Isreali and Arab equippment you would expand the historical base of this game to cover the Arab/Isreali wars and great increase the scope and wargaming potential of the game. The main Arab countries involved except Jordan are all alike militarily. Soviet trained and equipped for the most part so the Syrians could represent them all. It was not my intention when I started this thread to put down Battlefront. I have greatly enjoyed playing Combat Mission and will continue to do so. All I know is that CMBO and CMBB were crowned "Wargame of the year" with 5 out 5 stars by several Computer Gaming Mags while CMAK barely got 3 out 5 Stars. I might be totally out of line and by this time next year I will eating crow as this next generation of CM takes the computer gaming world by storm but I still think it needs more scope.

Tom "Warmonger" Grace (for those you don't know who Warmonger is!)

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Originally posted by Warmonger2005:

All I know is that CMBO and CMBB were crowned "Wargame of the year" with 5 out 5 stars by several Computer Gaming Mags while CMAK barely got 3 out 5 Stars.

And your wrong again! CMAK also got a the PC Gamer Turn Based Strategy Game of the Year award for 2003, just like CMBO and CMBB did in years previous.

In fact, it got that award even though it was an end of year relase. As to a 3 out of 5 stars, umm NOOOO, have a look at this page for a refresher on the types of scores CMAK really got:



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Well, we had some so-so reviews of CMBO and CMBB too (some games DREAM of 3 out of 5 stars ;) ), but we don't put much stock in individual reviews anway. Only weak games that get a single decent review need to do that. Plus, CMAK deserved less accolades than the earlier ones because the game engine hadn't changed much since CMBB. It's no accident that we decided CMAK would be the last of the CMx1 games prior to even making CMBB.

The reason why we're never doing CMx1 scope is because it takes too long, too much expense, and far too much energy. Whether the game fits on a DVD or a 3.5" floppy has nothing to do with anything.

No, we have no plans to do Israel as a part of CM:SF. At least not specifically as a Module that intertwines with the main game plotline. In fact, Israel would likely sit it out just like the last two Gulf Wars. It would complicate things politically to the point of perhaps widening the conflict. And anyway, the US and Europe have used Israel as a proxy for its foreign policies for decades, so I'm sure they're all to happy to have their neighborhood cleaned up on someone else's dime. They've got enough problems to contend with in case you haven't read the papers for the last... well... 60 years :D


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Yeah, my folks found an old LIFE magazine my mom saved for me from back in the 50s. Same issues, different people (sometimes): defense budget questioned, Middle East hoping for peace, blah blah blah.

Quite instructive, actually.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The orignator of this thread emailed a large group of CMers with this:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Hi

I just learned that the new CM game will only cover a future (2007) war between the US and Syria. I was very disappointed about the lack of scope of this game and I have started a thread at the battlefront forum telling them just that. There is almost no historical battles for this era so there is nothing to do but make fictional Arab bashing battles. If they are going to do a post WW2 game at least you should be able to make battles from any post WW2 war like Korea, Arab/Isreali wars, Viet Nam etc.

What do you think?

Tom Grace

I think this is an example of my third person post in action...

So yes, not only do I have to wade through these retarded, pretentious, self important posts on the forum, but now I get spam emails at home.

What next? Full page ads in Computer Gaming Monthly?

Tom, at least have enough guts to use your real name next time. </font>

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Well for my 2 pennies, BFC has every right to make any type of game they wish. I will decide if I want to purchase what they offer based on what I see and what I like to play. I like the "big iron" usually but I have no idea how this will play out and therefore must take a wait and see position. From what I have seen so far it looks like this new engine has LOTS of possibilities so no sense in going off half cocked because they haven't done MY thing yet smile.gif

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