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Pretentious Self Important Post Regarding the New Combat Mission

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Introduction revealing blind ignorance as to multiple threads already started on this topic. Adjective revealing shock, softened by admission of possibility that new game may be enjoyable. Dogged resistance to subject matter and in-your-face comment about alleged hypocricy of poo-pooing favourite pet time period while picking fictional future scenario.

Listing of personal "Combat Mission" credentials including length of time registered on this board, number of posts, number of multiple copies paid for of CMBO, CMAK, CMBB as if it was out of goodness of heart. Reminder of personal scenario design efforts, membership in gaming ladders or scenario design teams, number of personal mods uploaded to cmmods.com and showing in last CM tournament. Assumption that all of this makes my opinion mean more than anyone else's. Inference that that includes Steve and Charles. Reiteration in belief that entire board is waiting with bated breath for me to come forth and give opinion, justifying new thread on topic currently discussed in thirty other identical threads and counting.

Insistence that I represent quote "core audience" unquote. Dismissal of BF.C's posts and rationales followed by inadvertent revelation that I know little about what new game will actually cover.

Lame insincere apology for offence caused. Smug insistence that I know better than BF.C what their audience is, marketability of new game will be, and what their sales strategy is.

Condemnation of BF.C for "breaking faith" with WW II buffs. "mad smiley" for emphasis.

Dismissal of possibility new game will ever appeal to anybody, followed by even more insincere well wishes for success of new game, followed by declaration that said game will, in fact, succeed. Insinuation that it will do so, barely, despite fact that I will not be "on board."

Desperate plea to BF.C to change minds. Mind-wearying further insistence that minds be changed to Pacific in WW II.

Hysterical yarbling and conclusion jumping about lack of features that BF.C has suggested may possibly not be included in first release but will try hardest to include.

Snide comment about American politics followed by wholesale swipe at Americans in general.

Think I've got the hang of this board yet? :D:rolleyes:

[ October 11, 2005, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Think I've got the hang of this board yet?

Since you personally wrote a quater of all posts here, I should bloody well hope you've got the hang of it. If not, I've got a 6-foot length of rope here that might help :mad:
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mannequin Dorosh,

No mention was made that moi will not/have not send wine to useless programming buggers. Please represent those that have a life away from their computer and not in the enviable position to post a gazillion words per day while sitting in the morque.


ex-Avatar dude.

[ October 12, 2005, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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You forgot:

Express disapointment that first game will only feature US and Syrian forces rather than the contemporary armies of Russia, France, Iran, Israel, Turkey, China, Iraq, and Germany and that follow-on modules will not include 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 Arab-Israeli Wars, Lawrence of Arabia, and Saladin's army.


Complain that Battlefront is deliberately limiting the size of battles to deprive me of the joy of playing regiment-on-regiment scenarios, which are the only ones worth playing.

Not that I would ever contribute to such nonsense!

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Originally posted by Shmavis:

Excellent post, but you misspelled "hypocrisy". Also, why is almost the entire post italicized?

Oh. Before I forget, "Mar-haban, Uma!"

OK, good question...for the sake of the newbies, I'll answer it: There is a fine old tradition of ironic/comedic posts in 3rd person/italic that purport to represent a generic "type" of posting; think mockery, parody and theatre. I throw in alliteration just for fun and ego. We're posting the "flavor" of many posts we've seen grace the forum, perhaps one time too many.
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Wow, you drop by the old neighborhood and find out that it wasn't a party the night before.

Good luck with the game guys. I always thought that part of the joy of having your own business was to do what you wanted to do. I'll be following the games with interest.

Oh, I'm sorry. I meant down with the infidel invaders and up with the (insert your favorite group here>).

edit for accidently using ubb code apparently.

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