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I always say it and yet for some reason I thought this time would be different... Never buy a game when it first comes out or you are volunteering to pay a company to be a beta tester. I just finished uninstalling CM: SF from my hard drive until at least a patch or two are released to address some issues that should have never made it into a version being sold for money.

I am a HUGE fan of the original Combat Mission series. It has stimulated my interest like few other games ever have. I have been eagerly anticipating CM: SF's release since its announcement, as I'm sure many of you have. I actually convinced a friend of mine (who I've spent countless hours battling in earlier CM games) to upgrade his computer specifically to run this game. When the release date finally arrived, my friend and I both downloaded our copies as soon as the email notice arrived that it was available. Now I am wishing I had kept my mouth shut and saved him over $400 on PC upgrades.

It started with my friend being unable to license his copy. The installer asks for the Order ID which he went and dug through old emails to find, then it rejects the number he puts in. He calls me and the first thing I do is come to the forums and find out the program's actually asking for the license number. No big deal... Then he finally gets the game installed, loads up the Training Campaign, gets ready for some action, and ... FREEZE. Less than two minutes in the game freezes up and he has to do a hard reboot. I get him to try various settings and without fail the game freezes up within the first couple of minutes. So I tell him I'm going to go home and try it myself.

Luckily for me, the game actually installs correctly. I know about the Order/License # issue already, and I don't experience any freeze-ups. That gets us to the actual gameplay... I know this post is getting long so I will try and sum it up...

No tutorial... An awkward GUI... Vehicles that can't follow orders to move in a straight line over flat, open terrain... Bullet tracers flying towards the enemy from positions where I don't even have troops stationed... Poor performance on a system that well exceeds the recommended specs... An AI that seems to sit motionless while you shell the living hell out of them... No random Quick Battle maps... A QB setup interface that just boots you to the main menu because it apparently can't process your request...

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but these issues just off the top of my head are more than enough to drive me away until a LOT more time is spent in development. All this, and I'm the "lucky" one because my friend still can't even run the game on his brand-new system. I've since tracked his problem to the AMD dual-core issue but to be honest I don't even feel like talking him through the workaround because I know what's waiting for him on the other side...

This release feels a lot like the release of World War II Online. You know that somewhere down there is a gem and truly hope that the developers can bring it out in a polished state, but quite frankly there is a LONG way to go until then. After playing the original trilogy (and I'm a late arriver to the CM scene), I have full confidence that the developers will find a way to eventually bring out the shine on this game, but until it comes a lot closer I will spend my hard drive space on much more worthy software.

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Home of superior WAR and STRATEGY games..

Somewhere along the line of SF, I think they forgot their roots and their company logo.

With more Bugs than Starship troopers on release, one wonders just how much time was spent finding BUGS rather than oohhing and ahhing over the pretty pixels..

I'm waiting on the NDA form to arrive so I can be an official BETA buddie along with everyone else who bought this game..

I'm also hoping the credit for 50 bucks will show soon on my Card as play testers and beta buddies get free copies of the games in most companies.

Sadly the more I play this game the more I wonder how can anyone actually say it's got potential to be anything close to resembling of a rewarding gaming experience.

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Originally posted by jogr:

Sell your copy on Ebay and get this


CoH is utterly unfullfilling.

Yes. CMSF has problems, some of them quite big (and Steve isn't handling the real problems like he should be visavi how you treat a customer and actual problems), but at least it's fun (albeit sometimes frustrating), and the bugs and glaring problems will be fixed.

Either way, CoH is not a wargame.

[ July 31, 2007, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: Xipe66 ]

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With more Bugs than Starship troopers on release, one wonders just how much time was spent finding BUGS rather than oohhing and ahhing over the pretty pixels..
This is another thing I forgot to mention... I may be in the minority here but I actually find that the graphics have taken a step BACKWARDS. Go back and look at a good CMAK map from different angles. Now come back to SF and watch buildings and features flash in and out of view as you awkwardly fumble the camera around and tell me which you prefer.

Want to see how to do graphics in a real-time tactical environment? Check out this game... http://www.worldinconflict.com/main/ Now THAT would be a step up in graphics that might be worth the gameplay sacrifices that have been made in Shock Force...

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Tried worldinconflict.

I found it seriously lacking, its a simple rts with nice explosions..

And since everyone got nukes/heavy arty you basically do nothing else than request new troops..

Gfx are good though, and map runs completly smoothly and looks way better on my machine though.


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I really like your analogy to the launch of WWIIOnline - like you said, it really feels like there is a good/great game under here somewhere, waiting to come out.

My problem is paying good money to basically beta test software. But I guess thats the way of the small developer...

I just hope that BF can get something together soon.

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To be honest, for the moment I haven't experienced game breaking bugs. Neither have I had any horrible technical problems (in fact had none). I guess the pleasure of this new challenge (unlearning CMx1 is a challenge for me, as well as playing RT after years of wego) overrides the minors problems. I'm confident those will be fixed soon or later. I think jumping out too fast is sad and (my opinion only, no disrespect intended) looks to me more like a kneejerk reaction than anything else (CMSF is only a couple of days old....). After all this game is quite different from the old CMx1 and its not always easy to change good old game habits...can make you grumpy :D .


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Originally posted by DzrtFox:

No tutorial...

I figured out the game without even reading the manual. I will read it for more details though. Then read the manual.

An awkward GUI...
nothing that you can't get used to

Vehicles that can't follow orders to move in a straight line over flat, open terrain...
That's called evasive maneuvers

Bullet tracers flying towards the enemy from positions where I don't even have troops stationed...
graphical abstraction. you can't expect things to be exactly 1:1.

Poor performance on a system that well exceeds the recommended specs...
Will it bug you to find out that the game works pretty fine in my PC that does not meet minimum requirements (graphics card)? At least for small battles.

An AI that seems to sit motionless while you shell the living hell out of them...
I agree they have to fix this. I guess in the current build you get most fun playing attackers and try to have zero casualties.

No random Quick Battle maps... A QB setup interface that just boots you to the main menu because it apparently can't process your request...
Yes a lot of work is needed for QB. But the editor is great (like playing with Lego) and I think they want us to focus on that. But it's a pain.
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Do you think that maybe, just maybe these OMG they ripped me off threads are really unhelpful ?

I do understand that BFC owes you, personally, the customer, to produce the product you expected.

The simple point you guys keep coming back too, is its not your idea of a war game. All 10 or 15 of you. You can still play WEGO if you really want, but no doubt, that people can play in RT ruins the experience, because, maybe, possibly, people could be doing it a different way.

On refelction, what I want you to do, is play a few hours on basic training settings in wego. That way you get all the great features of CMBO (borg spotting, jesus in command of your isolated rifle squad), but with modern equipment.

If it still doesn't float your boat, then, well, you've learnt a valuable lesson about the free market system and consumer decision making.

Actually, how about you sue Battlefront for misleading and deceptive conduct and see if you can get a judge to agree with you, rather than other obese IT professionals who consider war games are turned based and can be played on tables with dice ?

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Originally posted by Xipe66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David Chapuis: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Xipe66:

(and Steve isn't handling the real problems like he should be visavi how you treat a customer and actual problems)...

fyi - that should be vis-a-vis </font>
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Maybe he can swap his copy of CMSF with the reviewer at Eurogamer?

"Combat Mission: Shock Force is the ultimate tactical simulation, a flawless, bugless, gorgeous masterpiece that places lucky wargamers right in the middle of a highly credible fictional conflict between modern-day American and Syrian forces."

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Originally posted by David Chapuis:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Xipe66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David Chapuis: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Xipe66:

(and Steve isn't handling the real problems like he should be visavi how you treat a customer and actual problems)...

fyi - that should be vis-a-vis </font>
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Originally posted by Xipe66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David Chapuis:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Xipe66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David Chapuis: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Xipe66:

(and Steve isn't handling the real problems like he should be visavi how you treat a customer and actual problems)...

fyi - that should be vis-a-vis </font>
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What's up with the personal attacks on those who have issues with CMSF?

The OP had a reasonable post, and he even ended it with some optimism, noting he could see a gem underneath and hoping it could emerge over time.

WHAM - a few posts later, we're told that only "10 or 15" people are unhappy with CMSF's release, and they must be the "obese IT professionals" who think wargames are only played on boards.

Basic debating tip - when you find yourself attacking the messenger and not the message, you're admitting that your side's position is really really weak.

There ARE bugs in CMSF, significant bugs that profoundly affect gameplay in this v1.01 release. Furthermore, there are design decisions underlying those bugs that may or may not work out in time - right now it's hard to tell because of the overlay of bugs.

So please stop with the personal flames on those who criticize the v1.01 release. Nearly everyone who has criticized the game so far has emphasized how much they love the CM series, myself included. I can see both sides of the argument, but it ticks me off to see how often reasonable posts are answered by personal attacks.


[ July 31, 2007, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: istari ]

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Originally posted by average:

Do you think that maybe, just maybe these OMG they ripped me off threads are really unhelpful ? ..........other obese IT professionals who consider war games are turned based and can be played on tables with dice ?

Do you think your post was helpful?
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And which of the constructive posts ran with an OMG I've been ripped off theme ?

Yes, my post is helpful, balancing if you will.

So it needs patching, it's not ruined, broken or a fraud on the public and I'm tiring of seeing BF defamed relentlessly by said obese IT professionals with dyed in the wool views about what is a wargame and what is not.

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Originally posted by average:

And which of the constructive posts ran with an OMG I've been ripped off theme ?

Yes, my post is helpful, balancing if you will.

So it needs patching, it's not ruined, broken or a fraud on the public and I'm tiring of seeing BF defamed relentlessly by said obese IT professionals with dyed in the wool views about what is a wargame and what is not.

Following your logic, we already have several threads about how great the game is, and adding yet another is not useful.

...unless, maybe, expressing our opinions is what it's about. But then again, that would mean that DzrtFox's opinion is just as valid to be heard.

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