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The Peng Challenge Goes Up a Creek Without a Paddle

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Isn't that the name of a country somewhere near Sri Lanka?

Nah it's just to the North West of Australia. There's East Temor and then there's West Temor.

And btw good morning to that one person. Yes You! You know who you are.

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there was a time when the MBT was about taunting and challenging and was dominated by the likes of Meeks and Croda and Mr Peng himself. when Blood Hamster was declared, gauntlets were tossed down, bile and vitriol were in every care package, and the women wept for the loss of scores of digital tankymajigs.

it seems those days of war on a war-lovers' forum have been reduced to people trying out for some Monty Python's Flying Circus meets Benny Hill meets the Forking Teletubbies spinoff.

small wonder Schloss Peng sits in shame. Were Peng here, he'd have his name removed from this thread, where it has sat for nigh on 7 years.

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Originally posted by Croda:

there was a time when the MBT was about taunting and challenging and was dominated by the likes of Meeks and Croda and Mr Peng himself. when Blood Hamster was declared, gauntlets were tossed down, bile and vitriol were in every care package, and the women wept for the loss of scores of digital tankymajigs.

it seems those days of war on a war-lovers' forum have been reduced to people trying out for some Monty Python's Flying Circus meets Benny Hill meets the Forking Teletubbies spinoff.

small wonder Schloss Peng sits in shame. Were Peng here, he'd have his name removed from this thread, where it has sat for nigh on 7 years.

And you were saying we don't know how to get him down, sheesh...
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die Croda die

it still rings true and should be an anthem sung by prepubescent miscreants the world 'round.

I think that Peng tried to remove his name from this travesty years ago and was soundly ignored. I may have tried too, but that was during the 5 minute time span when I cared.

hate you all etc etc etc

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Odd is one word for it, puzzling is another word for it but saying that this could be part of a conspiracy is BY FAR the most accurate way of putting it!
A troubling notion, Sir Sir 37mm, but I can find no other LOGICAL reason for BFC to IGNORE my request for a Podcast interview. If they've nothing to hide, why are they AFRAID to answer my questions?

Logically then, we have no choice but to see that they do INDEED have something to hide. And, of course, with the wide distribution of the Non-Disclosure Agreements (I mean, hell, even rune has one ... I'm surprised they didn't give one to jj rambo) we have no access to the records.

Is this RIGHT? Is this JUST? We of the Peng Challenge Thread have been the SINGLE MOST CONSISTENT thread on their bulletin board for YEARS now ... and they are keeping something from us, something SO important, so significant, that it could keep STEVE himself from agreeing to an interview by the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast. Were there nothing to hide ... they'd not go to such lengths to hide it. Whatever it is ... it HAS to relate to ... US! Yes, this conspiracy is clearly a danger to the Peng Challenge Thread ITSELF!

I agree Sir Sir 37mm, a committee is needed. The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread hereby announces the creation of OPUS DEI with Sir Sir 37mm as it's Chairman. I also appoint juan_gigante as the lead Investigator of the Committee and charge him with finding evidence on the Outerboard that might lead us to this terrible conspiracy. What other volunteers for the Committee would like to step forward?


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I agree (scarily) that Juan-gigante will make a fine inquisitor… but what of my female sidekick?

As to my new role, I promise the Cesspool this… One of these days, Steve, shackled in chains, WILL kneel before US & beg US for forgiveness.

He will ask US to forget his atrocious snub to the Peng Challenge thread or to ‘understand the reasons behind’ his remarkably bizarre attempt to take over the world with sea-slime.

When THAT time & THOSE excuses arrive I will allow YOU the Greater Cesspool community to decide his fate… well, either you or the nearest drunken Olde One.

... Oh and Joe does this mean I get to have my GRACE back?

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I agree (scarily) that Juan-gigante will make a fine inquisitor… but what of my female sidekick?

As to my new role, I promise the Cesspool this… One of these days, Steve, shackled in chains, WILL kneel before US & beg US for forgiveness.

He will ask US to forget his atrocious snub to the Peng Challenge thread or to ‘understand the reasons behind’ his remarkably bizarre attempt to take over the world with sea-slime.

When THAT time & THOSE excuses arrive I will allow YOU the Greater Cesspool community to decide his fate… well, either you or the nearest drunken Olde One.

... Oh and Joe does this mean I get to have my GRACE back?

I don't know ... what's your grace?

Probably not in any case but now I'm curious.


EDIT Okay this may not have been such a good idea, or at least that part of it that gave you some degree of power ... at least in YOUR eyes.

We just want to find the TRUTH. There's no need to exact punishment ... unless, of course, there is a MORE SERIOUS conspiracy.

But focus on the TRUTH ... it's out there ... or so I've heard.

[ June 03, 2006, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Jeez, I step out for a week and look what happens, Swedes and Lawyers coming out of the woodwork.

I think that we need to establish a commission to investigate the sudden influx of these ne'er do wells that I thought we were well rid of long ago. I mean really, jdmorse, SirReal, Croda? Doesn't having them all in here again violate a health code or something? Someone obviously needs to repair or replace the locks on the doors to the Cesspool.

I mean really, Croda? Sounds like something you wipe off your shoe before coming in the house, "Oh crap, I stepped in a big pile of Croda, someone get the garden hose and a scrub brush"

I blame Lars.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I think that we need to establish a commission to investigate the sudden influx of these ne'er do wells that I thought we were well rid of long ago. I mean really, jdmorse, SirReal, Croda? Doesn't having them all in here again violate a health code or something?

Fear not simpleton… OPUS DEI will look into ALL anomalies!
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The mere notion that one of our house would so toady to join a Justicurate Inquisition, for that is what it well be, certainly sullies our name. Therefore, I can think of no more fitting an assistant for Sir 37mm than one of the Mormon Wives perhaps ...


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Has anyone else noticed just how incredibly Strange these Swedes are? Nonsensical phrasing, whining about "Gaminess" and Tigers, Bergman films. I mean really, and you guys complain about the Australians...

Then again, what can you expect from a member of House Shaw? The illustrious Justicar apparently is too busy dispencing... umm, Justicariousness(?) to properly bring up his squires. Must be a Utah thing.

[ June 03, 2006, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You're liable to be stoned by the CMx2 crazies for taking him away from his work. Not that any of us would mind. </font>
Well, the Outerboard is ... out there. But it IS odd that Steve hasn't responded to my invitation.

Btw, how many freaking halftracks does it take to quell one crummy trenchline? My gawd man, talk about overkill. I suppose suggesting that you actually be a MAN about it and just ATTACK would be out of line.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Has anyone else noticed just how incredibly Strange these Swedes are? Nonsensical phrasing, whining about "Gaminess" and Tigers, Bergman films. I mean really, and you guys complain about the Australians...

Then again, what can you expect from a member of House Shaw? The illustrious Justicar apparently is too busy dispencing... umm, Justicariousness(?) to properly bring up his squires. Must be a Utah thing.

Now look you lot here ... it's the Shavian House, not House Shaw and it's the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, not whatever nonsense jdmorse has in his sig line.



p.s. I've completed an interview with Nidan1 ... which is apparently pronounced KNEE don one ... like we care. Now to complete the podcast ... WITHOUT ANY EMAILED QUESTIONS TO YOUR BELOVED JUSTICAR!

Hopeless, you're all hopeless.

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

The mere notion that one of our house would so toady to join a Justicurate Inquisition, for that is what it well be, certainly sullies our name. Therefore, I can think of no more fitting an assistant for Sir 37mm than one of the Mormon Wives perhaps ...


I think as long as it's female and he can call it "Grace" he'll be happy, so it works for me.

It's Justicariate you blithering idiot. Though I must say you BLITHER well. Never seen it done quite so well, of course you've had LOTS of practice.


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Joe Simply because it irritates you .....

although I suppose a case can be made that the Justicate is the tyranny you create, while the Justicariate is the organization, the means or method by which you seek to undermine the freedom that the pool was created to preserve.

[ June 03, 2006, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

Joe Simply because it irritates you .....

although I suppose a case can be made that the Justicate is the tyranny you create, while the Justicariate is the organization, the means or method by which you seek to undermine the freedom that the pool was created to preserve.

There is no tyranny, there is only protection from the evil of the Outerboard. Oh some may say that the rules of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread limit the so-called "freedom" that, according to some, once existed in the minds of some. But that freedom came under attack, jdmorse, time and again it came under attack by evilthinkers from the Outerboard. Evilthinkers who would DO US IN ... or OUT I suppose.

That Freedom can only be mainained in these perilous times by the most rigorous employment of the most rigorous tools available. To have the freedom to post is a grand thing, to be sure ... but you can't post if you're drowned out by the meaningless babble of hordes of Pengless Outerboarders clamoring for this or that bright bauble.


Well not on MY watch jdmorse, not on the watch of THIS Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.


Needless to say, those who don't are AGAINST the CessPool and they're nothing better than Outerboarderlovers.


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Originally posted by jdmorse:

So we fight them here so we won't have to fight them there? Is that it Joe

So they do not steal our precious bodily fluids (of cess).

The Justicariate Department of Homeland Security eh? You're doing a heck of a job Joey

I'm thinking of starting up a Guest Serf program.


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<big><big>The Peng Challenge Thread Podcast #6 IS UP!</big/></big>

Wow ... what a lineup ... well, not really but we DO have an interview with Nidan1 who sounds just about as funny as Sir Sir 37mm did last time.

And a special tribute to Seanachai that's sure to bring a tear to your ear.

You can find it, as always, HERE ... The Peng Challenge Thread Podcast


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I am an Aquatic God. A horribly decrepit and disreputable god, but a god none-the-less.

You may fall to worshipping me.

I will post more, later, when the kayaking season has ended, or I need to come in for beer.

Why aren't you on IM, you limp eel?
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