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Peng Battles With The Video Challenge Thread


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Well in those days cars were mechanical devices not computers on wheels, you could actually make adjustments to the engines with real hand tools
Very true Nidan1 . I won't work on my wife's new Dodge. I doubt if I will even change the oil myself. Looks like dealer maintained all the way.
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Looks nice...I often wonder what became of mine. I sold it in 1972 to a friend from work. I never did any real modifications to it over the time I owned it. I put Thrush mufflers on it, which sounded great but got me nothing but heartaches from my new wife's neighbors and the cops. I also put air adjustable shocks in the rear, which improved the ride a lot, but also got me nothing but heartarches from the cops. For some reason they disliked raised rear ends, I could never figure out why.

Those were great times to have a lead foot and a few bucks in your pocket.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

So this is what the Apocalypso looks like. The <font size=1>penguin</font size> thread morphs into Musclecar Enthusiast. Last one to leave please turn out the lights. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

It is a sad, SAD day when the beloved Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread must not only agree with a despised SSN of an Outerboarder but a Gawdawfuller as well, but such is the case here.

Where have we lost our way lads? Is THIS the Peng Challenge Thread of hallowed memory or has it become a latter day ANAHEIM, AZUSA, AND CUCAMONGA SEWING CIRCLE, BOOK REVIEW, AND TIMING ASSOCIATION?

For shame lads ... I blame Abbott.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


From where do get the names of these hallowed places? (well not Anaheim) Katella? Did you race on Baseline? Foothill blvd? Azusa avenue all the way to PCH? You must tell!

For shame lads ... I blame Abbott.


Oh, like thats new.


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Originally posted by Noba:

There's nothing worse than stealing jokes from the Irish, either. That joke is older than Joe Shaw, by a long way. It may have been funny once, but no one can remember when, not even Joe.

And the accent was crap as well.


Who were you chiding? Me or Lars? I assure you that my joke was a born-and-bred in Minnesota joke, and that my understated and subtle Squarehead accent was a 100% accurate representation of how Twin Cities Squareheads like Lars sound who are only two house payments away from living in their bloody ice-fishing shacks year round.

Of course, anything you had to say about Joe Shaw was undoubtedly uncalled for and out of line. Unless, of course, you were simply echoing, in your simple, all but pre-sentient Australian way, something I've already said about him.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And remember, as you stand, facing the sun with your head to the wind, that I, Boo Radley, is... am... er... are... whatever... the person standing with you, facing what the vagaries of life will next be bringing your way....

If I'm not busy doing something else, or there's something good on the tube.

There are few enough men these days, Boo, who will take the time, and be honest enough, to share a cigar...a glass of scotch...or their feelings with you. That is why I always look forward to our posts, here, on the Thread of threads.

I treasure these times, oh Boo.

The dismissive jibes of Berli, the cranky humour of Peng; the pontificating of Joe Shaw, that casts a glow of the ephemeral over even a mound of ****e; the merry bleating of the Aussies.

And that online touch to the shoulder, that gentle reassurance that, if the yard is clean of dog**** and there isn't a single cable channel on planet earth currently showing re-runs of 'F-Troop', that you'll be by my side...

Well, Boo, that means all the world to me.

You know, if there is a Just and Righteous God, I will be visited upon each and every one of you lot of complete fecking tossers between now and when you die.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

I thought this was a cesspool and not a children's farm ??

I have lived a long time, as these things go. I am, at one and the same time, more amazingly weird than all but a few of you could truly appreciate, and yet stunningly normal.

I am not sure that I will ever truly understand, or appreciate, what you just posted.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Gnats bollocks to that O blessed chunk of spam ... a more fitting punishment would be to have a squadron of senile but frenzied ducks fly him to a Cave of Woe ... then see how he likes being bricked up in the Pengdamn thing with the whole soddin' village outside throwing rocks & spouting vile oaths at you just because some kid got a cold... see how he likes hearing his own mum scream “kill the witch!”... see if he can keep his sanity all locked up in a cave with no-one to keep him company but stinking moss... you ever had a conversation with moss? ... the damned stuff is naught but a load of boorish thugs... it's all sport, beer & lady moss with those daft buggars... yeah I say whistle for the ducks & make him truly regret whatever it was that he did...

Either that or whack him with a fish... the fish always works

You know, of course, that I think you're an idjit

But just lately, reading your halfwit posts is starting to fill that hollow place inside that longs for me to re-read Joyce's "Ulysses".

Now, if you could just wear the flower in your hair like the Andalusian girls and make me hear 'A screaming comes across the sky' in a Pynchonesque post ala "Gravity's Rainbow", I might make a place for you in my Mythology.

Joyce and Pynchon. Cuchalainn and Odysseus. Pogues and Loreena McKennitt.

You fools want such a lot of instruction.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I found this lovely little place for lunch. Quick service, clean, and the most delicious pork sammich this side of Verdun. Meal presentation was a bit sub-par, but what do you expect when eating take-out in your car? Over all quite succulent pork, with deliciously crisped potatoes as a side. The doppleganger passing themselves off as the cook for this should flayed in butter, or at least given a big warm 'bugger off' when seen on the street.

You guys WISH you had a double-fisted McRib® sandwich this fantastic. HA!

In the Celtic world, Heroes battled, and raided, and they stole women and cattle. But they ate Pork at the Victory Feast.

Because they knew, for it to be Truly a Feast: Pigs Must Die.

Never again seek to torment Peng with references to the unnatural horrors of the 'McRib'.

Or I will curse you to an eternity of Phillips Vodka without any application to gout medication, you wanker.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Not that any of you complete wasters deserve to know it, today is Lady Rose's birthday.

A very young 44.

I abase myself in my contrition for having been...'away' during this most noteworthy and propitious occasion.

By which I hope it is understood that I stand ready, if the insurance policy is large enough, to whack Boo Radley if it means that the Fair Rose will enjoy a better, richer and happier life without Boo than she currently does with him still shambling about the place and looking a bit vague.

Happy belated Birthday, Lady Rose.

Seriously. Get him to up the life insurance coverage. Other than the wonderful 'I love him' factor, he's pretty much got to be worth more dead than alive.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


Because they knew, for it to be Truly a Feast: Pigs Must Die.


This I will not abide ... the CORRECT quote, from the lips of our own MrPeng is ... and I QUOTE ...

In order for it to be breakfast ... pigs must die.

A feast he says ... there can be any number of feasts which do NOT feature pork, but without pork there can be no breakfast.

Amend your statement at once sirrah, AT ONCE I say.


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Originally posted by Dave H:

So this is what the Apocalypso looks like. The <font size=1>penguin</font size> thread morphs into Musclecar Enthusiast. Last one to leave please turn out the lights. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

It will not happen.

Although I admit that, for one vomitive moment there when Lars, Wildman and Abbot were all posting excitedly about their strap-ons, it did look as though every 'Marry Your Own Cousin Here' Protestant church near a trailer park had let out at once after the minister gave an excited sermon about his recent experience blessing the vehicles at a monster truck rally.

It's a form of rebellion. Since they can no longer simply flip to the 'fair and balanced' Fox News Channel in order to register their vote to "Cast America Into the Arms of Satan", they tend to spend a lot of time brooding over whether their vehicles shout 'FECK YOU' loud enough to be heard by people who simply want to drive from Point A to B without having to apply a ruler to their penis in order to tell if enough towel-heads have been put on notice that 'there's no way this sonofabitch can tear chunks out of that dead donkey without a goddamn NAME engine mounted in it, you Muslim arseholes, pardon my American, so besides gettin' over Mohammed, you're going to have put up with the fact that MY AMERICA NEEDS A GALLON FOR EVERY 17 MILES I DRIVE.

It's okay, though. Usually they're going to the store for chips and more beer. Bad beer. Cheese flavored Doritos. The Death of God.

They're the salt of the earth. I honour them.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:


Because they knew, for it to be Truly a Feast: Pigs Must Die.


This I will not abide ... the CORRECT quote, from the lips of our own MrPeng is ... and I QUOTE ...

In order for it to be breakfast ... pigs must die.

A feast he says ... there can be any number of feasts which do NOT feature pork, but without pork there can be no breakfast.

Amend your statement at once sirrah, AT ONCE I say.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

That fecking Speedy.

wipes a tear from an eye

Could there be a more archetypal Australian?!

Oh get over it. The tosser has been drinking all day, watching the Poms choke on their way to losing the Ashes.

Tears... you've been on the slops as well. The archetypal Australian does that AT THE GROUND. Not in his back yard.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Although I admit that, for one vomitive moment there when Lars, Wildman and Abbot were all posting excitedly about their strap-ons, it did look as though every 'Marry Your Own Cousin Here' Protestant church near a trailer park had let out at once after the minister gave an excited sermon about his recent experience blessing the vehicles at a monster truck rally.

In my defense, my post was about a firearm.

Although I did have a '73 Gremlin back in the day.

You needed the whole kit to work on one. Metric, English, and I think a set of Sanskrit Cuneiform wrenches or somfink. A real pleasure on a Friday through Sunday afternoon, and then Monday night when the parts store opened back up.

Ah, AMC, fine automobiles, fine automobiles...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

They're the salt of the earth. I honour them.

You know Steve I know a drunken artist (from Nevada) who lives near the beach in Mexico. He says the same thing about the Mexican people. When I visit him I have also noticed the people there to be kind, giving and friendly. Much like many Middle American rednecks, okies and hillbillies.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And that online touch to the shoulder, that gentle reassurance that, if the yard is clean of dog**** and there isn't a single cable channel on planet earth currently showing re-runs of 'F-Troop', that you'll be by my side...


I will always keep a candle burning in the window for Corporal Randolf Agarn.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Good morning Lars ,

Do you know if they have heard anything new about those two little guys who disappeared off the Res. up in your neck of the woods?

Nope. Completely disappeared without a trace.

I fear they wandered off in the swamp and froze to death. Abduction doesn't look that likely, given the area.

Sad story.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:


Because they knew, for it to be Truly a Feast: Pigs Must Die.


This I will not abide ... the CORRECT quote, from the lips of our own MrPeng is ... and I QUOTE ...

In order for it to be breakfast ... pigs must die.

A feast he says ... there can be any number of feasts which do NOT feature pork, but without pork there can be no breakfast.

Amend your statement at once sirrah, AT ONCE I say.

Joe </font>

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