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Originally posted by Lee:

The Syrians got owned by the New Jersey. smile.gif I would love to see video of that, as the Syrians run around screaming while huge shells rain on their heads, blowing the command post and everything else around it to bits. haha smile.gif

You mean the Syrians were screaming like the 241 US Marines who were pulverized, incinerated and butt-slammed on national TV in Beirut circa 1983? That’s how you mean? There’s video of that one if you’re an enthusiastic voyeur of US Marine pieces of skull, puny brains, intestines, filet of US testis stuck on the persons of the then-horrified surviving Marines.

I mean the Marine Corps flew the coo with its tale between its legs from Lebanon faster than a rabbit impregnates his concubine bunny. There’s video of that screamin’ retreat too, Peepin’ Lee. “Own” up to that, video dude. ;)

Lille wanker Lee peepin’ Tommy likey likey videos of horror, does he? Why the archives can offer yet another naval video to peepin’ Lee, that’s video of 17 US sailors barbecuing their nuts in Yemen on the USS Cole. Remember that screamin’ one, voyeur Lee? You know, the Cole? The naval ship which showed a hole in it nearly the size of Lee’s anus? You’ve quite a few videos to watch peepin’ Lee. :rolleyes:

There’s yet another video, On Dec 4, 1983 US navy flier Robert O. Goodman caught a Syrian Stogie up his F16's ass, as well as his own in your “New Jersey” days. He took that Stogie while on a bombing run over a Syrian installation in Lebanon.


Lt. Goodman was captured and imprisoned by the Syrians amidst the 1984 Reagan - Mondale elections. One of the Democratic candidates back then was the Reverend Jessie Jackson, so as to score points in the campaign, he flew to Syria to secure the release of flier Goodman (a black fella himself). So seeking to embarrass Reagan while the campaign was in swing, the Syrians released the US flier to the custody of Jackson.

You want the above video, Peepin’ Lee? Go to the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, CA and push on the archival button “1982 Lebanese Conflict.”

See, I doubt you get Zawraa TV in your neck of the woods, it’s a very satisfying satellite station based in Syria which I doubt peepin’ Lee would subscribe to or like. Why? Cuz the ones running around and screaming on film whilst IEDs, EFPs, mortar shells and high explosives “rain on their heads” are his US boyfriends in Iraq.

The funniest Zawraa piece anyone ever seen ‘s got to be this video which has fallen into the Iraqi Resistence hands. It shows a US serviceman pinned under heavy Resistence fire and cowered in a Ramadi shack with its front door open, mumbling hysterically ‘please don’t make ‘em get me, please god, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die’; while an American voice in the background tells him to “shut da **** up.” And no, the Zawraa folks wouldn’t know how to doctor videos even if they desperately wanted to.

See peepin’ Lee, someone will always be watching and listening, your stilty, high hat, gratuitous comments will never go unchallenged, the US servicemen’ halitosis-ridden screams are louder and stinkier than the dumps the Syrians take, especially today.

And while your US army screams and is being destroyed and “owned” by Mesopotamia, the Syrian army is sitting back, drinking Shai, puffing on Sheesha, watching, enjoying and procuring modern Russian armament.

You can be rest assured, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it won’t be Peepin’ Lee who’ll have the last “haha.” :D:D:D

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Originally posted by panzermartin:

Well you have to admit Lee's post deserved some kind of reply.

Yes, it was morbid. One should not rejoice of the death and suffering of people. Which, however, is precisely what Boneheaded Syrian does in every post of his, so it didn't improve anything.
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Originally posted by Sergei:

One should not rejoice of the death and suffering of people.

Sergei must be a senile, one-eyed Finn tard hypocrite:

Sergei’s bro, Lee Wattada said:

would love to see video of that, as the Syrians run around screaming while huge shells rain on their heads, blowing the command post and everything else around it to bits. haha
What’s the above, ya blind, deaf partisan? Rejoicing the demise of global warming? Somehow Syrian suffering don’t count? Their suffering is lesser suffering? When someone gives you a dose of your own, it’s suddenly “morbid” and lacks “improvement”, ya piss ant, Ruski subservient neighbor?

Should you choose to rejoice, others will wanna rejoice as well. Just ask the Brits, when they got off their high horse, ate humble pie and went back stage, things “improved”.

You seek improvement? Go back to the McMartin preschool where you belong.

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Originally posted by DeSilva:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sergei:

One should not rejoice of the death and suffering of people.

Sergei must be a senile, one-eyed Finn tard hypocrite:

Sergei’s bro, Lee Wattada said:

would love to see video of that, as the Syrians run around screaming while huge shells rain on their heads, blowing the command post and everything else around it to bits. haha
What’s the above, ya blind, deaf partisan? </font>
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OK, back to the topic: as to the battlewagons and broadsides issue, I just finished reading a Marine surgeon's memoir of Iwo Jima (COMBAT SURGEON by James S. Vedder) and in it, he commented about how, when his LCVP was near the old BB Tennessee and the BB cut loose a broadside, there were large waves created on the opposite side of the BB that nearly swamped the LCVP.

From time to time the Tennessee would fire its formidable battery of 14-inch guns. The wrenching recoil of this action would push the venerable battlewagon broadside a few yards in our direction. This produced a wave action sufficient to splash water over our gunwales.
So, if we are to take the impressions of one who was there as fact, it would seem that there is a definite reaction in the opposite direction when a battleship fired a broadside.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gunnergoz:

If you believe in all that rot, that is.

Otherwise, have a nice day.

You mean if I believe, you do not care whether or not I have a nice day...now that's cold.

You have a nice day though. </font>

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You know what Lone Syrian? You're a mental midget that lashes out at others since you are either too cowardly or too mentally handicapped to look at the problems caused directly by those around you. As long as people like you are the norm for the pathetic, small "middle class" of your country, nothing will ever get any better for your people. Doesn't matter what the US does, it just won't happen. A sad fate that I'm honestly sorry to see happen, but it is beyond my ability to influence your behavior (though I honestly did try) not to mention those around you. But I can keep banning your crazy ass every time you resurface.


[ April 08, 2007, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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I hate to put it this way, but if 1 crazy flamer from the ME is the worst thing this board suffers, we will have gotten off light. I mean, a US invasion of Syria is a pretty controversial basis for a game. The fact that a native of Syria would take issue shouldn't be particularly surprising. If this game is as popular as we are all hoping I fear we may be getting fairly frequent visits from at least:

1) Crazies from the ME like our friend

2) Crazies from the US who wanna cap some (insert slur of choice here)

3) People in the US that don't like seeing US soldiers die in a setting very similar to Iraq

4) People in the US and abroad that for some odd reason disagree with the recent foreign policy of the US.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Yup, we are (sadly) prepared for all of the above and more. I suspect I'll be banning a lot of nitwits over the coming months.


Whoa, really?! I understand about the need to be on the look out for crazies who become further unhinged by an (arguably) controversial game... but banning nitwits? That's a pretty major change to board policy. No Peng thread, for one thing.

It's just not going to be the same around here...

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Originally posted by Tarquelne:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Yup, we are (sadly) prepared for all of the above and more. I suspect I'll be banning a lot of nitwits over the coming months.


Whoa, really?! I understand about the need to be on the look out for crazies who become further unhinged by an (arguably) controversial game... but banning nitwits? That's a pretty major change to board policy. No Peng thread, for one thing.

It's just not going to be the same around here... </font>

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This has inspired me to go back and read the old LS flames. I copied over one side of the conversation, its pretty funny. At least I think so. Nobody can say he didn't get a decent shot at staying around tho.

LoneSyrian ,

I'd like to be the first to welcome you, as our first confirmed Syrian, to the Forums. Always remember that we draw a very hard line of distinction between the people of a country and its government. As an American living at a time with one of the worst US governments of modern times (as perceived by pretty much the whole world, including our allies) I would be a hypocrite if I didn't feel this way. I don't want to be judged as a Human based on my government any more than I am sure you don't want to be based on the government in your homeland. Most people likely feel the same, more or less, all around the world. Now, with that out of the way...


I had a nice reply typed up, but I feel we are starting to violate the rule of not talking politics here instead of talking about the game. Having said that, there is some room for discussion of the issues surrounding the hypothetical invasion of Syria

Lone Syrian,

Even people who speak the same lanuage from birth can have misunderstandings. This becomes more likely when people grew up with different languages.

What I meant by "Stalinist" foreign policy is that Stalin developed a model that was followed by successive regimes. I could have, and probably should have, used "Soviet" instead. My mistake.

I do agree that had France and Britain practiced more enlightened policies in the Middle East perhaps things would be a lot different today (for the better, of course). But they did not and it is ridiculous to hold the US responsible for these early problems. Might as well blame it for all the problems in African and South East Asia as well, two other regions that various European nations screwed up pretty well. From my perspective, the US is responsible for the problems in Central and South America more than any other region of the world. But I digress...


Thanks for addressing my points directly. I tip my hat to you [smile]

Lone Syrian,

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />When General Abi Zeid was asked last week by Senator Warner if US forces have control of Anbar, Abi Zeid answered under oath “we do not control Al Anbar province.” I believe him.

For sure the Iraqi central government does not control Anbar. Nothing Imperial Grunt said contradicts that. What he said is that it is in dispute, not "won" by the Sunnis as you put it. The Sunnis are not in control of their destiny in Anbar, the US forces there are. As Imperial Grunt said, there is no place that the Insurgents can go that the US forces can't also go. When the Insurgents try to gather up strength in a particular area, the US forces crush them. This is established fact, so there is zero room for debate.

What is up for debate is what this all means and how it will turn out. I'm curious... what do you think will happen if the US forces withdraw immediately from Iraq? While you're at it, I'm still curious to know who you think is behind the various assassinations in Lebanon if Syria isn't to blame?

Anbar IS lost, and it’s a prelude to the entire Iraqi theater. Moreover, Anbar is lost not because of inner Iraqi killings or sectarian violence, it’s lost because Americans no longer accept the level of daily casualties they’re sustaining in the province, the cost has become too much to bear by American standards.

That's nonsense. The Americans have lost faith in the war because it is obvious that a political solution is needed and BECAUSE of the sectarian violence a viable settlement in the near future is impossible. Therefore, things don't look good from the American perspective. It looks like a lot of senseless killing with us getting caught in the middle. Given a choice between more force and pulling out, it would appear that without a viable political solution between Sunnis and Shias that the option to pull out is the one most would choose. It is quite rational and logical to choose this option.

You can dodge and dance around the issue all you like, but the fact is that if the Sunnis stopped their killings and instead went to the negotiating table the violence would end. But they don't want to negotiate... they want their old position of power and dominance in Iraq back. That will not happen. The US, the Iraqi Shias, the Kurds, and the Iranians will not let that happen. So why not negotiate now and get started on making the lives of Iraqis better today instead of in a few years after a lot more death and destruction? </font>

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