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Big firefight in Iraq today; sniper weapons in evidence

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Don't know whether any of you saw this, but local news ran footage of a big firefight involving a combined U.S. and Iraqi force operating near where a U.S. helo went down. In the clip I saw, a Barrett .50 cal. sniper rifle was being operated, bipod extended, from atop a crate and an apparent scoped, camouflaged M24 in another sniper's hands was clearly in evidence. A most interesting sequence, especially with the disconnect of what I first thought were U.S. troops blazing away with AK-47s.


John Kettler

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I got an email from a friend of mine who is a sniper. I'm not going to say where he is or what service or type of unit he is with. Well, two sniper teams were hidden in hides in an urban enviornment (He didn't say whether they were in buildings). This vehicle with four guys pulls up like 30 meters away, and two other guys come out of this building and start loading weapons and munitions into the car. The sniper teams lob some grenades and then start firing. The insurgents react pretty quickly and start to engage one team which small arms about the time the grenades go off, dropping 3 of them, and the other 3 drop their weapons and start running away, evidently wounded. And second car with 6 guys starts firing on one sniper team as they drive closer, but they didn't see the second sniper team. When they are like 30m from the second sniper team they get their own dose of 40mm grenades, frags, and small arms. Two don't even make it out of the car, a third makes it a couple of steps, and three others take off wounded. The sniper's react moves in and finds a good sized arms cache in the building.

A few minutes later they get a call from the Iraqi police that they think they caught a bad guy at a traffic control point. Another react goes there, and it turns out it controls access to a local hospital. The bad guy they ID'd turns out to be a guy on the bad guy list, but he is wounded and dies. He has two accomplices, one of whom is lightly wounded and has GSR on his hands. So the final tally;



2 detained (One of whom was wounded)

1 sizable cache

This all happens in like 15 minutes. None of the friendlies has so much as a scratch.

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civdiv informs the board with a high hat and stilts:

I got an email from a friend of mine who is a sniper
I received a message of my own from a Syrio_Iraqi Resistance commander by way of a Page Pigeon ;) and it conveyed the following:

On 20 January 07 after nightfall, an Iraqi Resistance commando force led by a Syrian warrior infiltrated the Provisional Joint US-Iraqi Coordination Center in Karbala and brilliantly completed a mission only heard of and seen in WWII books & movies.

Of course by now, everyone knows about this qualitative SUV-orientated raid during which a US hick soldier was killed, 4 abducted & executed, several wounded and a plethora of US military vehicles destroyed.

Don’t wanna believe Toot on the above? Don’t; listen to your own US hick Lt. Col. Scott Bleichwehl, spokesman for the Multi-National Division-Baghdad and he said:

The precision of the attack, the equipment used and use of explosives to destroy the US military vehicles in the compound suggests that the attack was well rehearsed prior to execution
What many dunno, however, is why the 4 abducted US hick soldiers were executed on the way to Babil province: the Pan_Arab raiding force came to the conclusion they were carrying a whining, hysterical, shorts-soilin’, stinky, dead weight hick load that was compromising their extraction, so they terminated the hicks’ contract.

Horn-tootin’ civdivs should make NO mistake about it, you’re facing an enemy that’s sophisticated, resourceful, adaptive, pliable, linguistic, IT-savvy, well funded, nationalistic, religious, fearless,tireless and isn’t constrained by cyclical presidential and congressional elections.

Accordingly, your enemy has the wherewithal and necessary skills to pinpoint, approach and recruit US army personnel, of all ranks, who are enthusiastically willing to betray the USA for monetary gains.

The tootin' civdivs should know there are WASP American traitors in your midst who are furnishing US army fatigues, weaponry, intelligence, and countermeasure kits to the Iraqi Resistance. And if that Sniper hick friend a yours is still alive in Iraq, he won’t be for long.

Every time civdivs and Chink Lees come in here and toot it in admiration of their hick army, your enemy will be watching, listening, correcting, humbling, debunking, tootin’ back and infusing satire.

If you want a one-sided board that goes OOOOOh Ahhhhhh, googoo gaga every time a US soldier farts, petition BF to develop a game about an Arkansan stryker force VS. Oakies in Tulsa

Moreover, I submit to Lee that it’s your Falun Gong in-laws who are “terrorists” . Plus, What's a Lee doin’ cheerin’ the US army? You’re a Chink for cryin’ out loud. Don’t you know the famous WASP saying “not a Chinaman’s chance”? That goes for you too, sap.

Finally, civdiv’s opposite side of the coin “final tally”, and I won’t use US army lame ass shorthand to delineate it either, just plain ole words:

5 US army hicks killed with extreme prejudice

7 US army hicks maimed, amputated and dismembered

A sizable, qualitative raid booty

A psychological blow in yo face beamed on national and worldwide TV

This all happened in “like” less than 10 minutes and the triumphant Pan_Arab commando force crossed the Euphrates and escaped toward Mahwil without as much as a nick on it. ;)

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Actually they killed and wounded several of the attackers, and captured several more. They also recovered a bunch of the vehicles. This happened both right after the abduction and the next day. Yes, a well-planned operation but they were not unscathed. They executed the captives because the Coalition and Iraqis were right on their asses. One soldier was still alive when the Iraqi army arrived as he had just been shot. He died on the way to the hospital.

And in regards to their training and sophistication, only a small percentage are that. At least 50% of them are of the 'stick my AK blindly above a wall and pull the trigger' variety. Maybe another 30% or so have the basic military skills that your typical 3rd world draftee has after basic training. Maybe 5% have the training of your average US infantry private. And maybe a tenth of one percent could be considered equal to a SpecOps guy. I mean, three Marine HMMWVs going for supplies bumped accidentely into Zarqawi's security detail out by the Syrian border back in like 2005. They were on a very narrow road in the middle of a city, so they should have been dead meat. Instead they killed about a dozen of Zarqawi's men and didn't take a casualty themselves and they lost no vehicles. They said Zarqawi's guys had first class equipment and they were very brave and went toe-to-toe with the Marines. And they died in great numbers. I would assume Zarqawi's security detail would be the best of the best, right?

Oh, I've served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, have you? I'll bet you're a alawite, right?

While I agree the Iraq invasion was a mistake, and I felt that way at the very beginning as I participated in it, the reality is that the Arabs need to keep on a grip on reality and try and progress beyond where they have been stuck as a culture, around 1300. That's why the wahabbists want us to go back in history and live in the cultural norms of 1300; because they haven't progressed any. I mean, what has the Arab world invented in the last 500 years or so? The suicide bomber?

You are part of a proud people deep in culture and history (though very dated) that is just damned angry because you are now irrelevent.

I actually hope you get to reply before you get banned.

[ January 27, 2007, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: civdiv ]

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Don't Toot Your Horn: Are u from Detroit? Why is your anger directed at us? Are u not angry at those that would strap bombs to their bodies to then blow up Arab women and children in the name of Allah?

I have read nothing in the Quran that allows this type of behavior? Only self serving humans whose agenda is power for themselves preach this...... and sadly, there are tons of idiots who Listen.

[ January 27, 2007, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: sniperscope ]

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Empty reply.

Actually I served the Iraqi and Afghan people. And they were both very grateful. I served mostly in the Shia portions of Iraq up to the fall of Baghdad, and at the time their biggest concern was that we wouldn't stay. Obviously things have changed.

I served in Afghanistan up until early 2005. Every Afghan I met went out of his/her way to thank me. They were critical of our dropping all of our support after the Soviets left, but they were thankful that we had returned.

The fact is that we got rid of the Taliban, whom almost nobody liked, and then we got rid of Saddam, whom almost nobody liked. And your country is rulled by the alawites, whom almost nobody likes. Egypt is ruled by someone almost nobody likes. Iran, Pakistan, Libya, etc. See a trend here?

Why do your gallant insurgent heroes go around killing so many civilians? How can you defend that? Sure, the US kills some civilians, but when it happens, 99% of the time it is an accident. And in the other 1% people usually get punished. But your 'heroes' go out to deliberately kill civlians. How can you defend that? You do realize that the Iraqis are finally getting sick of the foreign fighters who are predominately Syrian. Out in al-Anbar the tribes having gotten sick of it to the point that they kill any foreign Arabs they find. On one level it frustrates the Marines out there as they would like to talk to these guys and get some intel, but the tribes only bring them dead foreign fighters.

[ January 27, 2007, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: civdiv ]

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Originally posted by lone syrian III:

, you’re facing an enemy that’s sophisticated, resourceful, adaptive, pliable, linguistic, IT-savvy, well funded, nationalistic, religious, fearless,tireless and isn’t constrained by cyclical presidential and congressional elections.

and are so fearless as they repeatedly bomb and kill fellow muslims at pet markets and Universities. :rolleyes:

On Friday, an explosion in Ghazil pet market in the city centre killed 15 and injured 35 others.

An attack on a market in Baghdad's central neighbourhood of Bab al-Sharqi on Monday killed 88.

A car bomb blew up outside Mustansiriyah University and a suicide bomber targeted students as they fled.

"The majority of those killed are female students who were on their way home," Reuters news agency quoted a university official as saying.

lone syrian for a 'man' who supposedly practices medicine you plainly relish human suffering.


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Originally posted by civdiv:

You are part of a proud people deep in culture and history (though very dated) that is just damned angry because you are now irrelevent.

I actually hope you get to reply before you get banned.

I’ve time for one more.

“Empty reply” ey? Civdiv likes substance does he? He’s cerebral-less yeh? Doubtless, he wants to nourish that “empty” crate on top of his grunt shoulders, yeh?

Words of a true fool, if we’re so “irrelevant” what’s the American leadership class doin’ occupying our region? Your leaders utter Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Iran, Iran ,Syria, Lebanon, Iraq every single day.

That tard president you’re so proud of, says the stakes couldn’t be higher, we can’t leave, the Mid East is soooooooooooo crucial to us hicks. You spent your entire treasury in 3 years on us, our affairs and irrelevance.

To be honest, we’d like to be irrelevant in the US’ leadership eyes for once, this would mean you’d get da **** outa Muslim lands.

Au contraire, most Arabs would welcome and feel serene with irrelevance if it would mean we can stop lookin’ at civdiv’s cousins’ ****ing faces in our region everyday. So we’re really “angry” because you make us very relevant everyday, and the evidence of the latter is indisputable, grunt.

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The Middle East is relevent, because of the oil, but that doesn't make the culture relevent. You once had a great and glorious culture rich in the arts and in science. But guy, that was a loooonnng time ago. Your culture stopped learning 600 years ago and turned inward on itself. You need some popular figure to emerge to bring your culture and religion into the 21st century. But unfortunatly if a charismatic popular reformer did rise to the top and begin making progressive inroads in the culture, he would be assasinated by those he threatened; ie; bin Laden, Omar, Mubarak, Assad, Khomanei, Ahmadinajad, Hekmatyar, the Saudi Royal Family, Nasrallah, or a dozen others.

In regards to us being in your lands, prior to 2001 where were we? Quit ****ing with us and we will leave you alone. The reality is at some point your radical nut-jobs are going to drop a big hurt on the west. I'm not talking about 3,000 casualties, I'm talking about 10,000 or more. We took over two countries after 9/11, WTF do you think is going to happen after 9/11 x 3 or 4 or 5? What happens when the limp-wristed left stops making 'random screenings' involve 80 year old grandmothers because we wouldn't want to racially profile anyone, right?

So sort out your own mess, quit coming over here to kill innocent civilians, and try and address the complaints of radical Islam as they are very valid. Dictators sucking up all of the wealth of their countries. No political or press freedom. No democracy. No educational system or job market. There are few things as corrupt as the Saudi Royal family. Quit murdering your wives because they nag you or they get fat. Let them get educated and drive cars and hold political office. Get to the point where buggering little boys is not culturally permissive. Realize that you have a hell of a lot more in common with the other wing of Islam than you have differences. Educate your young so the only possible education isn't some half-literate, self-proclaimed 'mullah' teaching a twisted version of Islam. Quit squandering your national wealth so 80% of your population is poor and pissed.

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Originally posted by civdiv:

In regards to us being in your lands, prior to 2001 where were we? Quit ****ing with us and we will leave you alone.

You were in Saudi and Kuwait ****head, since 1991. And by the admission of your primate-resemblin’ president Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. When asked by a reporter a few months ago, what’s Iraq gotta do with 9/11, Bush El monkey answered “nothing”. Go back to the record ya sanctimonious weasel private.

And before 1991 where da **** were you? You were supplying Israel with $11 billion wortha lethal armament to massacre Arab toddlers; your filthy and unwelcome presence in the region goes back quite a while, ya spineless commoner.

Personally, I don’t condone the tragedy of 9/11 in the least, but Bin Laden “****ed with” you cuz you were desecrating Saudi Holly land with your filthy presence, breath, soul, intent and heresy a decade before 9/11. There’s a reason for everything, grunt. Don’t you go mangling history, cluster-****in’ documented facts, misrepresenting causes and effects to get wanton mutt praise out of your piece of ****, irretrievably retarded army types audience.

You want us to sort our **** amongst us? Why did you then accept to sort the Kuwaiti conflict, assface? Bin Laden attacked you from Afghanistan, what da **** you doin’ occupying Iraq, threatening Syria, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Somalia and southern Lebanon? You like deafening logic, substantive answers and introspection, dwarf, don’t ya. So in your infinately finite wisdom, do tell the board.

Look at the state a ya, grunt, look at the state of your country, it’s you who are in decline, just like Rome began to crumble, only you’re a senile ostrich.

Your country is on the decline in education, the sciences, math, medicine, IT, influence, culture, morality, the art of dispensing good will... Your way has become the way of the gun, the way of the foolhardy. And I’m gonna be back here soon enough to take fat piss on your grave.

Nor am I here to give you non-empty answers, win an argument or entertain you, grunt, I’m here to stomp you with a dog****-ridden boot in da face. I’m here to pluck and tear your eyes out then piss on your purny brain.

I’ve nothing against American girls, for I’ve porked a substantial number of them, but I hate US army types, and you civdiv da grunt, you are an army type. So long ****o. ;)

[ January 27, 2007, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Don't_Toot_Your_Horn ]

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is that you John Wayne?

"Who said that??!!

Which one of you twinkle-toed communist cocksuckers just signed their own death warrant??!!

Was it you Lone Syrian !?!"

No? Well I guess the fairy-****ing-godmother said it!"

The Drill Sargent

[ January 27, 2007, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Don't_Toot_Your_Horn:

Au contraire, most Arabs would welcome and feel serene with irrelevance if it would mean we can stop lookin’ at civdiv’s cousins’ ****ing faces in our region everyday.

Why don't you practice what you preach and stay the hell away from this forum. </font>
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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

is that you John Wayne?

"Who said that??!!

Which one of you twinkle-toed communist cocksuckers just signed their own death warrant??!!

Was it you Lone Syrian !?!"

No? Well I guess the fairy-****ing-godmother said it!"The Drill Sargent

Oh come on Tom, "death" and warrants are mere jokes in the context of these boards, and I for one am glad you're laughin' it out.

Syrians come & go, you know that. ;)

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A rather clairvoyant board member predicted a surge in the death of American soldiers concomitant with Bush’s surge in Iraq. Lo and behold, 7 more US army types like civdiv were killed by the Iraqi Resistance just hours ago.

An excerpt from The Book of Job would be somewhat germane here:

Those who plow in equity and sow wickedness reap the same, by the blast of god they perish and by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed
A surge for a surge and a tally for a tally. ;)

Now civdiv will come out and say “oh we killed and captured all the perps”.

Tards like civdiv dunno how to separate the tangible from mere statements. What’s tangible? The US soldiers who croaked.

You say you killed, captured and seized some raiders after the Karbala raid? Prove it, produce them in the media. Oh, the masses must rely on cividv’s sources and US military publications say you? The same clowns who declared “Mission Accomplished” years ago?

The so-called killed & captured raiders were doubtless picked up from the nearby village while baking bread and milking goats, you’ve corpses and live bodies of goat milkers and bakers in your grasp, grunt.

Found and seized vehicles don’t mean **** after the fact. Authorities find getaway vehicles daily all over the world, recovering the loot and propagandists are a whole new ball a wax.

In baseball terms, and you guys like games with sticks, you’re getting creamed. ;)

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