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Eastern Front after Normandy ;) ?

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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Rob Ross:

Well if I was being contrary as usual on this ******* board I'd say something about Finland being the only Axis nation to never apologise, but instead revel, in its role.

For a closing shot I'd mention that they surrendered twice and accomplished nothing aside from helping to kill millions of innocent civilians in Leningrad.

No wonder they are proud...How am I doing?

Pretty well for an ignoramus. </font>
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Originally posted by Ivan Drago:

If the attempt was anything more then half hearted, for example if Finalnd was strategically important for some strange reason, the result would have been Helsinki looking like Berlin circa 1945. Buildings reduced to rubble and Soviet troops going on a raping spree of massive proportions.

Well, the Soviets tried to bomb the city into oblivion in 1944, but thanks to the extensive counter-intelligence work they were bluffed to bomb the island of Vuosaari, which was made to look like the city from the air.

Also the mines of Petsamo produced 75% of all the nickel for the German war machine, so you have your strategic importance right there. Don't know really what the strategic importance was in 1939, but you have to ask the Russians why they were so eager to invade another small nation after the Baltic States. There are always excuses, of course.

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Originally posted by Mikko H.:

And I also want to take this opportunity to disassociate myself from the more extreme views of my fellow countrymen. Not all Finns are hypernationalistic tossers smarting over old wrongs.

How cute. If this insult is directed at me, just read my posts and tell me where these "extreme views " are presented. Finnish front in 1944 is a "forgotten battle" in eastern front historiography outside Finnish borders. Some tidbits of facts here and there about it when eastern front is discussed doesn't hurt anybody.
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Keke, I suspect the "extreme views" would refer to the "best Russian is a dead Russian" claim seen before from somebody else. It's a great way to start a constructive conversation in a multinational forum, no doubt, but still. Which is why I don't want to touch that debate that you joined even if otherwise it would be fun.

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Well, altough schoolboys from which ever country might get their views quite wrong now and then, and be surprisingly or not so surprisingly close of those Nazis intellectually... meaning, for example, that most of the SA people belonged to the densest percentiles of the whole German nation, including severe cases of mental retardation, as their own research data have shown...

But on a scale one to hundred, it's about two hundred times more worrying if such odd and ignorant views, altough reversed, are preached and distributed by state television, by other state media, by State President's Own Jugend etc.. as an official and undeniable divine gospel, without providing even most basic tools, means or forums to have an honest, open and democratic debate, let alone letting people with critical skills to live and breath in the society... (Anna Politkovskaja, you are not forgotten)

All these being the most basic ingredients, along with a working justice system, which differentiate countries being a more or less developed or belonging to the third world. Conditio sine qua non. Without giving hope for a country's people of a better future. Or a working justice system. Or equality in any sense. Or anything at all what would make living worthwhile for a majority of the people not belonging to a organized crime or state security machinery.

This is even more worrying since its not entirely up to the lack of democratic institutions and traditions, let alone such accidental factors like who happens to hold the highest office of the state. Anybody reading Dostojevski should get the idea that ethos and culture leading to such grim realities is quite independent from the accidental factors, like who or which ever "politician/ogliarch/party/three-lettered agency" holds the power inside the true and only motherland. The whole system is f*cked. The people themselves are f*cked. The soil is frozen too...

A most closest case of a hopeless big brother dystopia, with ruling classes consisting of those of the state security people and those of the super rich, as described so aptly by many science fiction and other writers, is not situated on the western hemisphere, like so many liberals often want to delude themselves.

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Originally posted by Mikko H.:

Here's one more vote for a future Eastern Front game.

And I also want to take this opportunity to disassociate myself from the more extreme views of my fellow countrymen. Not all Finns are hypernationalistic tossers smarting over old wrongs.

Well most of the finns that post on this forum are infact interested in the war and "the old wrongs" were made by the russians.

[ May 15, 2007, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: Axel ]

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Originally posted by Rob Ross:

Well if I was being contrary as usual on this ******* board I'd say something

i'm sorry if i am mistaken, but aren't you the same ignoramus who displayed some rather bizarre and counterfactual ideas about Finno-Soviet wars of WW2 on the General Forum some months ago?

about Finland being the only Axis nation to never apologise, but instead revel, in its role.
- Finland was not a part of Axis powers.

- Finland was the only nation of WW2 to pay its war reparations.

- Ever heard the term "Finlandization"? you might be better off checking it out.

For a closing shot I'd mention that they surrendered twice and accomplished nothing

nothing of course but our independence, though i suspect you don't even acknowledge that USSR was the aggressor in 1939.

aside from helping to kill millions of innocent civilians in Leningrad.
except of course that Finns refused German requests to push for Leningrad and in practice stopped at the 1939 borders. Finns never systematically shelled or bombed Leningrad and in general ceased offensive actions after reaching 1939 borders. Soviets acknowledged this and transferred a good number of divisions off from the Finnish front to deal with Germans at South and East.

this was perhaps one of the main reasons why in 1944 Stalin settled for peace with Finland instead of occupying the nation.

No wonder they are proud...How am I doing?

you are doing fine in displaying your ignorance regarding the subject. someone might even say that you come off as a f---ing moron.
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Originally posted by Axel:

And as said before if it wern't for the Wehrmacht i would probably be speaking russian and living in a slumcity now.

perhaps. on the other hand, if it wasn't for the Russians you would probably be speaking Swedish and living in an underdeveloped and abused Swedish province. after all, we did better under Russian rule than under Swedish rule.

"The best russian is a dead russian"
what a stupid thing to say.
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Since you seem to be around for a while, could do you give a little background info about your "snap" regarding J.V Snellman?

Are you aware, considering that you got most of your facts wrong, that J.V Snellman personally and out of his own initiative, and outside the state budget, got a hefty loan from Rothschilds' banking family, to buy more food during the famine in the 1800s? This personal loan out of their own pockets was more than 5 million marks at 6 per cent interest rate per annum, so the deal was almost a miracle of its own kind, since there were no time to issue state bonds or obligations?

What kind of book you have read about him, and I mean honestly? ;)

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This idea of "mini-modules" based around some CMX WWII game is an interesting notion to be sure.

The best I can reckon based on what Steve and Co. have said so far is that future games won't be Eastern or Western Front per se, rather CMX - "A Bridge Too Far" or CMX - "Drive on Berlin".

But then, simply based on what was said, there is no guarantee that the third title on the new engine will even be WWII based. We know the first one isn't going to be.

Also, this new approach begs the question: What kind of time cycle between these smaller game sets is envisioned? Six months? A year?

Will each smaller project be free-standing? Or will there be an add-on approach to a WWII core with CMX WWII being a $45 core with battle expansions at around $20 each?

I think we have a general idea what Battlefront is looking to do in the near future, but the details are still a little cloudy.

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Originally posted by SlapHappy:

Also, this new approach begs the question: What kind of time cycle between these smaller game sets is envisioned? Six months? A year?

Will each smaller project be free-standing? Or will there be an add-on approach to a WWII core with CMX WWII being a $45 core with battle expansions at around $20 each?

I think we have a general idea what Battlefront is looking to do in the near future, but the details are still a little cloudy.

Six months or less between module add ons. You must have the initial game to play the expansions.
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