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I Never Stopped Hating You: The Peng Challenge Thread Story

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How dare you assault me in such a mundane and offhand manner; I deserve better insults from the likes of you, Nidan1-boy-o. I know it's very difficult for a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging homo-coelacanth such as yourself, but quit gumming the teat, belly up to the keyboard, and say something vile; something that will make me take notice. Something that may offer a glimmer, a clue, that you are not just one of the many "play-it-easy-and-shallow" nosehounds who "inhabit" this dank and dismal place. Though it would be as a candle to my sun, for Gawd's sake, bring some feckin light into this miserable, dank, hate-hampered hall.

Make me care, Nidan1. I double dare ya...

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If I thought you had the base knowhow of a pissant, I might have been more flowery with you Leeo .

However to due my unlucky and painful association with you, I realize that granting you even the most modest modicum of intelligence, would suck me into a dialog resembling a man shouting into the wind.

When I talk to a dog, his head goes from side to side, and I just think, just for a moment that the dog might understand a small bit of what I am saying to him. I get no such feeling from you Leeo

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Check yer email doofus.

(As everyone in the MBT((Say it with pride!) checks their E-mail))

You're going to have to be a bit more specific, if not even pacific when you toss your lame-o insults around here, Elmer Fudd.

It's like when a buddy of mine said that the bunch of us should all have nicknames and I said it wouldn't work because if you yelled, "Hey Sh*t for brains!", everyone would turn around.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

If I thought you had the base knowhow of a pissant, I might have been more flowery with you Leeo .

However to due my unlucky and painful association with you, I realize that granting you even the most modest modicum of intelligence, would suck me into a dialog resembling a man shouting into the wind.

When I talk to a dog, his head goes from side to side, and I just think, just for a moment that the dog might understand a small bit of what I am saying to him. I get no such feeling from you Leeo

See!!!!! what did I tell you....no response!!!!
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You wart on a toad; You puling, mamby-mouthed geriatric goat goader. I have better things to do than breathlessly refresh the MBT to see what you've shat upon this particular electronic canvas.

Compare me to a canine, will you? I bark in your direction, you pustulent prole with a penchant for pederasty. You mewling milk sop, you fickle feck. I just might not let you into the village for the night. Whaddya think about that, Mr. "Bring the whole friggen American army to pacify a hamlet?"

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It's like when a buddy of mine said that the bunch of us should all have nicknames and I said it wouldn't work because if you yelled, "Hey Sh*t for brains!", everyone would turn around.

Glad to see "Know Thyself" is finally starting to work out for you.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It's like when a buddy of mine said that the bunch of us should all have nicknames and I said it wouldn't work because if you yelled, "Hey Sh*t for brains!", everyone would turn around.

Glad to see "Know Thyself" is finally starting to work out for you. </font>
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Now you see the violence inherent in the system ... AND THAT'S THE WAY WE LIKE IT!

All of this namby-pamby, hail fellow well met, lean over the back fence and talk about the weather CRAP has to stop.

This is the CessPool damnit!

I congratulate the experienced Knights of the CessPool for displaying the level of hatred and disgust that's EXPECTED of CessPudlians.


EDIT Obviously the last bit was written BEFORE Boo Radley stepped in (and IN IT) with that AWFUL cheese danish remark.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It's like when a buddy of mine said that the bunch of us should all have nicknames and I said it wouldn't work because if you yelled, "Hey Sh*t for brains!", everyone would turn around.

Glad to see "Know Thyself" is finally starting to work out for you. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now you see the violence inherent in the system ... AND THAT'S THE WAY WE LIKE IT!

All of this namby-pamby, hail fellow well met, lean over the back fence and talk about the weather CRAP has to stop.

This is the CessPool damnit!

I congratulate the experienced Knights of the CessPool for displaying the level of hatred and disgust that's EXPECTED of CessPudlians.


EDIT Obviously the last bit was written BEFORE Boo Radley stepped in (and IN IT) with that AWFUL cheese danish remark.

Stay out of this Shaw we don't need your befuddled bloviating here...we are perfectly capable of being befuddled on our own....thank you very much.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

You wart on a toad; You puling, mamby-mouthed geriatric goat goader. I have better things to do than breathlessly refresh the MBT to see what you've shat upon this particular electronic canvas.

Compare me to a canine, will you? I bark in your direction, you pustulent prole with a penchant for pederasty. You mewling milk sop, you fickle feck. I just might not let you into the village for the night. Whaddya think about that, Mr. "Bring the whole friggen American army to pacify a hamlet?"

I don't think the Village Idiot has that kind horsepower...do you Sir Leeo of the Inane ? Seeing as how I own half the village already maybe you should just go shamble off to your ofal den and wait out the firestorm that I am sure to bring down upon you.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now you see the violence inherent in the system ... AND THAT'S THE WAY WE LIKE IT!

All of this namby-pamby, hail fellow well met, lean over the back fence and talk about the weather CRAP has to stop.

This is the CessPool damnit!

I congratulate the experienced Knights of the CessPool for displaying the level of hatred and disgust that's EXPECTED of CessPudlians.


EDIT Obviously the last bit was written BEFORE Boo Radley stepped in (and IN IT) with that AWFUL cheese danish remark.

Stay out of this Shaw we don't need your befuddled bloviating here...we are perfectly capable of being befuddled on our own....thank you very much. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

There are CessPudlians and there are those who simply WISH they were CessPudlians ... and then there are those who most CessPudlians wish weren't CessPudlians and constantly have to remind said CessPudlians to, for example, sit down when warranted.


Hmmm, who might the old crusty one be talking about?
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What that means is that you are an idiot and have been to busy fondling yourself to pay attention to the news.

First, I see no disconnection between “fondling oneself” and “paying attention to the ‘news’”. Second, now go back and read what I said with that in mind, assuming that I knew exactly what was being referred to. No, really, do it. (It's funnier that way)

Please, do not take the presence of Abbott as evidence that we generally tolerate idiots.

Well, you’re here. (And the use of 'we' is always illuminating. We think that's illuminating. We all do. All of us."

You assume, not-enough, Monkey-boy.

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In more news. I have just come back from giving blood. So if anyone around here is AB+, watch out!!

In mundane news, Boo and Stuka continue to die loudly at the hands of my glorious American Troops. It's a good job emails don't have "howlers" attached... I would be deaf by now.


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Originally posted by Noba:

In more news. I have just come back from giving blood. So if anyone around here is AB+, watch out!!

In mundane news, Boo and Stuka continue to die loudly at the hands of my glorious American Troops. It's a good job emails don't have "howlers" attached... I would be deaf by now.


Deaf from listening to loud yawning? It could happen, I guess. And I don't see an end to the yawning anytime in the future, if you continue your plodding, glacier-like advance. But I guess that's to be expected, seeing as how your men are undoubtedly moving through ruts worn in the map from having to go over the same ground over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Check yer email doofus.

I've been checking mine for a few weeks.. nothing from you.....

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

In more news. I have just come back from giving blood. So if anyone around here is AB+, watch out!!

In mundane news, Boo and Stuka continue to die loudly at the hands of my glorious American Troops. It's a good job emails don't have "howlers" attached... I would be deaf by now.


Deaf from listening to loud yawning? It could happen, I guess. And I don't see an end to the yawning anytime in the future, if you continue your plodding, glacier-like advance. But I guess that's to be expected, seeing as how your men are undoubtedly moving through ruts worn in the map from having to go over the same ground over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. </font>
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