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I Never Stopped Hating You: The Peng Challenge Thread Story

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It's always a bitch, coming up with the New Thread. For example, my first choice tonight was:

The Peng Challenge Thread Named a Teddy Bear After Your Prophet, and Then Pissed on Him

Mind, I named Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard in the opening rules. But I thought, given the Season, it might not be quite 'on'.

So, I'm going with the current title. Because, when you get right down to it, we've hated everyone. And everyone we've ever hated, is still right there with us. As alive, stupid, annoying, pointless and not worth a ****e as they ever were.

You've come in, and you shouldn't have. You're ****e. I've pissed a better, stronger and more pleasant stream than anything you're likely to come up with in your posts here.

I don't like you. I've made better balloon animals. And I can't make balloon animals for ****e.

You're only as welcome here as you can make yourself. Post things big, broad, memorable and worthy.

Otherwise, Bugger Off.

There are Three Olde Ones: Myself, Berli, and MrPeng. What we want from you is memorable posts, interesting thoughts, creativity and wonder. Amuse us.

There is the Justicar. He wants you to post a challenge, observe certain regulations, notice the signs on the walls, and puzzle through the Peng Challenge Manual of Badges and Ranks. It's like the Boy Scouts, but without any application to surviving in the wilderness, except that you can really piss off a variety of smaller predators.

And there's the main gang, the old hands, who are, without question, the dimmest gang of bipeds who've ever knelt in their own vomit while attempting a jolly singsong.

And there's the Ladies of the 'Pool, of course. Treat them with respect. We're the only thread that consistently has women posting. Gives the place some class.

For the rest of it, you're almost, without question, too goddamn stupid to actually understand the whole point of this place.

Do your best.

Christ, I need a drink...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

After linking the old Thread to the new Thread, you've gotta bump it, somehow, or the halfwits will continue to piss in the same place...

Pretty safe bet in any case actually.

One of your better efforts lad, at least some semblance of the rules though you didn't mention that we do require an email address and a general location in the profile of the SSNs.

But a better effort.

I owe Berli a turn ... I should feel worse about that than I do but then Monday is likely to suck anyway and I doubt he can make it much worse.


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And now, a bit of a singsong for Dalem...

You are a fluke of the universe

You have no right to be here

Deteriorata, Deteriorata

Go placidly amidst the noise and waste, and remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof

Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep

Rotate your tires

Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself; and heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys

Know what to kiss - and when

Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three - do

Wherever possible, put people on hold

Be comforted, that in the face of all irridity and disillusionment, and despite the changing fortunes of time,

there is always a big future in computer maintenance

You are a fluke of the universe

You have no right to be here

Whether you can hear it or not,

The universe is laughing behind your back

Remember the Pueblo

Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate

Know yourself

If you need help, call the FBI

Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons closest to you... That lemon on your left, for instance

Be assured that a walk through the seas of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet

Fall not in love, therefore, it will stick to your face

Gracefully surrender the things of youth: the birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan - and let not the sands of time get in your lunch

Hire people with hooks

For a good time, call 606-4311. Ask for Ken

Take heart in the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese

And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Milwaukee

You are a fluke of the universe

You have no right to be here

Whether you can hear it or not,

The universe is laughing behind your back

Therefore, make peace with your god, whatever you perceive him to be: hairy thunderer or cosmic muffin

With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal, the world continues to deteriorate


You are a fluke of the universe

You have no right to be here

Whether you can hear it or not,

The universe is laughing behind your back

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

One of your better efforts lad, at least some semblance of the rules though you didn't mention that we do require an email address and a general location in the profile of the SSNs.


Why would I put that stuff in? The nuts and bolts are your job, Justicar.

I want...

I want wonder.



I want rat-assed bastards like Meeks off their meds, quipping bad impersonations of Shakespeare. I want Bauhaus to sit down. I want Peng to piss on fools from a considerable height.

I want to see the northern lights, in print, every night.

Showers of Glory, Josephus.


Step right up, step right up!

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Oh, well. Tonight I don't imagine I'm going to get much of anything. Everyone's asleep, and the Aussies are probably too sodding drunk to post.

For myself, this is the first night in a week that I've been well enough to post much. I even missed Thanksgiving this year, as the day before the Holiday I came down with a cold/flu/respiratory nightmare that hammered me right into the ground.

The nicest thing that's happened to me was a phone call on Monday night, after I'd talked with my friend Jen (the Mom of Small Emma). About two hours after I talked with her about how I'd been dying, but was trying to get better, I got a phone call. I answered it, in my gasping, hoarse voice: Hello?

And there was a moment of silence, and I was about to hang up, thinking that the pause was the usual one before the recorded voice came on telling me:

'Hello, please listen carefully. Your vehicle warranty is about to expire...'


'Hi, this is X from cardholder services. There's nothing wrong with your current credit card accounts, but...'


'Our records indicate that you qualify for an astounding mortgage opportunity...'

Instead, I heard a very small, pleasant voice say:

"Hello, Grandma Steve!'

And I smiled. And said: 'Hello, Emma Sine!'

And she told me: 'I have a message for you. I love you, and I like to play with you, and I like it when you tell me stories, and I like it when you come over to talk to Mommy'.

And I thanked her, and told her that I loved her, and then she told me (clearly listening to some prompting from off camera), 'And I want you to feel better'. And then she told me goodbye, and she put down the phone.

Her Mom came on, then, of course, and I told her 'Wow, that was cool. It was like she'd memorized what you told her to say and gave it back to me without any hesitation, except there at the end.'

And my friend Jen told me: "Nope, I didn't tell her any of that. When I picked her up from Day Care, she asked if you were going to come over tonight. And I told her you weren't, because you were not feeling well. And she told me all the things she liked about you. So, when I told her I was going to call you, she said she wanted to tell you some things. And what she told you were her thoughts. The only thing I had to remind her was to tell you to get better."

So I got that going for me.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hey, Abbott, you know what? They have the same hummingbird feeder in that photo that my Mom has up north at our cabin on Lake of the Woods.

Go figure.

I think a really inventive mind would have mounted a suet feeder inside the display.
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Wife was shopping on-line for the little one last night. He came in, and inquired as to what mommy was doing. She replied that she was making a list for Santa Claus, so he knew what to bring. She then asked if he knew who Santa was. His reply?

"Yes, he's the King of the Mall!"

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Originally posted by Stuka:

as it happens there is a party starting at my place in about an hour.....and none of you are invited.

especially not Noba.

Party at my place starting tomorrow night.

Was going to invite you to come on over and eat, drink, and sit in the hot tub with babes, but since you're going to be all snooty like this, guess I'll ask Noba instead.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

as it happens there is a party starting at my place in about an hour.....and none of you are invited.

especially not Noba.

Party at my place starting tomorrow night.

Was going to invite you to come on over and eat, drink, and sit in the hot tub with babes, but since you're going to be all snooty like this, guess I'll ask Noba instead. </font>

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