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AMEN Brotha!


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I've just been reading through the SUPER informative "Steve's recent CMx2 Bones" thread. (thanks for compiling that information)

I'd venture to guess 99% of you don't remember me. I don't have a huge post count, but back in the days of CMBO & even prior to release I was highly involved in CM. I had been following it, like many, since it was Computer ASL.

Flash forward to CMBO. Bought it. Loved it. Started a league for it. Flash forward to CMBB. Bought thought it was great. Hosted the demo as a mirror. Flash forward to CMAK...didn't buy it.

Steve's thoughts and comments about the upcoming engine and business model changes are EXACTLY what I've been waiting to hear.

I've been away, NOT because I lost interest in the games. I've been lurking a few times a month at the hot threads. I've been away because I'm MOSTLY interesting in 'what's next.'

I realize a lot of you are really expecting something along the breadth of what was released with CMx1. That definitely would be cool. But at the same time...I have played probably 3,000 games of CMBO since it came out and I see strange new interesting stuff all the time. I STILL haven't used all the unit combos that could be out there in that game.

The fact is, we deal MOSTLY with depth of play issues on this board. I think people easily find reasons to carp about X unit from X province not TRULY having the MG42 at it's inception, but having it in the game...but you know what...it's a tiny tiny percentage of people who actually care about that kind of hardcore insanity.

I personally find those little tidbits fun trivia. But I also don't expect that kind of stuff in the game.

Think about this scenario for a moment...

I had a Sherman headed through a small village June 44. It's supported by a few infantry but nothing to really ferret out the AT stuff I KNEW had to be hiding. All of the sudden AT fire erupts from the end of the street. The shell hits my tank bounces off and ends up setting a building on fire.

WHAT OTHER SYSTEM CAN HANDLE THAT??? To me, those moments are incredible. The moments when you see something unexpected and think...holy jeebus...what just happened there. You watch the replay over and over just to make sure you see it.

Steve isn't promising less. He is promising you MORE moments that will blow your mind. He is promising a release schedule that keeps you salivating, but doesn't force you to swim in a pool of your own proverbial drool. Look at it this way...you get to see the unexpected MORE often, in NEW ways, in a WIDER VARIETY of settings.

Personally...I cannot wait for an American Civil War game to come out from this engine. Just the thought of a phenominal 3D engine and the Union charging down little round top in the woods in July makes me all excited for its release sometime in the future. (That's not to say that Space Lobsters of Doom doesn't make me happy as well...)

Bottom Line: Just chill. Has Steve NOT known his consumers in the past? Have the beta testers NOT been awesome guys (remember the beta guys inviting people over to their houses for previews last time around???) I am SUPREMELY confident the franchise is in the right hands. And if not the right hands...at least with someone crazy enough to make it kick a ton of ass.


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Geez STEVE, are there not enough fanboys here already willing to do you bidding that you have to resurrect some musty unused member to shill for yourself??!!??

For shame!!!

Has my slobbering sychophancy not been enough?

Has not my hand-drawn "CMBB w00t!!" T-shirts not filled your coffers with treasure, booty, and development resource funds?

Has not my delivery of Super-sized McDonald Value Meals not provided all the nourishment a growing corporate sell-out needs?

Oh wail and gnashing of teeth!! My dreams of mediocre significance are shattered!! I am stricken and shall never buy another game regardless of how revolutionary, genre-influencing, fun, or immersive it is!! NEVER!!!!

...unless of course I am listed in the credits as your best friend ever who saved your life and made all of this possible.



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Barrold, if medlinke is musty then you must be pretty close to the same, but with one of those Christmas tree deoderizers hanging over you (mind you, one that is almost lost its beautifully natural fir tree scent!).

Medlinke, thanks for the post. Always nice to see someone from our dark past step forward and remind us why we got into this so long ago. Or is it just that you are reminding us it was so long ago? Well... I guess it could be either and I wouldn't know which. The mind is the first thing to go in old age :D


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So I'm in the credits then eh? Actually, I'm not really 'outdoorsy' enough to pull off the pine scent.

I really just want to be in the running for the BFC Fanboy Contest. My definition of Fanboy being one with irrational exuberance for your products without actually contributing anything substantive to the community.

My posting alone gives weight to my qualifications, but I have also drove almost 400 miles (roundtrip) twice for sneak peaks at Rune's house and if possible, I will do it again!!

I also used or referred to CMBB in four separate assignments during my college coursework related to essays, speeches, or presentations.

I have evangelized for the games with friends, co-workers, and relatives.

IF I get the traveling project manager job I am close to landing, I will commit to meeting as many forum members as my trips allow. Since I will be all over the country doing 12 upgrades per year for about 3 years, I could go for a record.

I am FANBOY...Hear me smooch posterior!

Wow...it's late. I might be getting a bit punchy.



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Hah! If it was not for *ME*, the CM soldiers would still have right angles between their knees and their feet, and their toes would still penetrate the ground!

Here is the historic evidence:

-rw-r--r-- 1 ###### assist 22320 Oct 15 1999 kneeling.jpg

Six years ago ... :D

Best regards,


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Don't take it that way medlinke. It's good to have a positive voice amongst the wringing of hands.

Everyone here has there moments of WOW! Whether it be the original CMBO demo or other moment, there are a large number of people who share those same feelings.

I remember the moment when Rune gathered us around a monitor and with barely suppressed glee and set the view on the CMBB demo at ground level. Our collective Holy S*** moment occurred as a machinegun opened up and the bullets kicked up the dirt where they struck.

Those moments of discovery and exploration coming well before anyone really had enough information to nitpick are special fun.

So there is certainly no need to apologize for any confusion as I am just having a spot of fun. I for one am glad to see a bunch of people starting to gather in anticipation of the new games. The more people here means a better liklihood of more and better games from a company we have all invested a great deal of time and energy with.


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Hi -

Delurking after a few years of nonparticipation to see what my member number is and to say that way back when I started reading the original AAR posts, downloaded the demo, played it incessantly, bought CMBO, played it incessantly, downloaded the CMBB demo and never bought another game. But not because I didn't want, but rather that my old-timey Mac died and the new one I acquired was/is OSX only. I'm slavering to get to play CMx2.

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