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Please just let us know?


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Instead of the incessant drip feed, please just let us know what you are doing BFC.

Im not particularly bothered if your going RTS, future war, small unit acion etc.

Why the secrecy?

Just tell me what you want SF to be. Please.....

Theres no point in this continuing drip by drip information.

Just tell me what SF is about and what it will do, you must know by now, you have said continually that you have been working on it for years.

I would appreciate an honest answer here.

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I'm not sure what the question is, honestly. The only way to give you guys a true, complete picture is to release the game itself. We are still a ways away from that. As for telling you guys what we see SF being all about, uhmmm... that's what I'm doing :D If you haven't seen an answer to a question you have, then perhaps you need to rephrase the question. However, you need to be fairly specific. Asking me "what is the game all about" is as useful as me asking you "what is life like in the British Army". There is no simple answer to either of those questions.

The "dripping" is the only practical way I can present information to you guys. Besides the "which one of a thousand things do you want me to talk about" problem, as M1 pointed out, things are still in development so either I don't have answers for some questions or I don't want to box us in on something that could quite possibly change. Yes, we have been working on the game for over 2 years now, but you'd be surprised how little there is to talk about after all that time. The devil is in the details and the details come at the end of the development cycle.


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Me, I don't even want the complete picture.

I'll settle for a couple of small, incomplete beta screens of some combat, **** blowing up, y'know, general stuff I can compulsively masturbate to for the next 8 months as I drink cup after cup of coffee while sittin at my Dell, lurking and refreshing this board every few minutes for any new tidbit of game mechanics or the occasional witty quip by some pompous, middle-aged blowhard.

But hey, that's just me... ;)tongue.gif

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The best thing to do is pretend the game was never announced. Come back in 12 - 18 months and maybe the game will be close to a release. CMSF wasn't set in 2007 arbitrarily - that's when it will be done (as far as you or I should be concerned). For now just enjoy the crap out of CMBB and CMAK and whatever other games you have or will purchase before CMSF is released.

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Well, that really is the choice here. Either we shut down the Forum for a bunch of months until we actually have a "true picture", or we keep the discussion open and let the information out as we have it to give.

As for screenshots, there isn't that much to see right now. The RIGHT way to build a game engine is to build the structure and code elements underneath first. The rest, the stuff you actually see, comes out relatively late. That sort of stuff is only now just starting to come to be. If any of you think we're sitting whacking T-72s with Javelins and calling in air support... we're not. Vehicles are only now just starting to "learn" how to drive. That code should be done in a week or so. So really, there isn't much to show at this point. What is running is cool, for sure, but with placeholder artwork it's the sort of stuff only its mother could love :D


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Originally posted by Ivan Drago:

I'll settle for a couple of small, incomplete beta screens of some combat, **** blowing up, y'know, general stuff I can compulsively masturbate to for the next 8 months as I drink cup after cup of coffee while sittin at my Dell, lurking and refreshing this board every few minutes for any new tidbit of game mechanics or the occasional witty quip by some pompous, middle-aged blowhard.

But hey, that's just me... ;)tongue.gif

um, no.... :(

... actually I sort of think that pretty much typifies most of us here in this forum if not ALL of us reading this thread smile.gif

That one sentence could easily be someone's signature line.

( I like mine now so I don't plan to change it :D )

-tom w

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

What is running is cool, for sure, but with placeholder artwork it's the sort of stuff only its mother could love :D

A misconception!

Please post some ugly alpha screenies, so that we can pull them out again in 5 years for public entertainment!!!

Best regards,


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Guest Sgt. Emren

Yeah - but I'll bet that the placeholder graphics are actually CMBO/CMBB/CMAK graphics!!! ;) So actually, you can just post some old screens and say: "This is what CMSF looks like, although the graphics are sure to change!" :D

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I think the debate so far shows BF's problem, people seem to want to things, the full details of a game that's not complete, and every bit of information available on whats been done so far as soon as it happens.

You can't have both, as what they boil down too is "I want to play the finished game now", which given that it's not even half finished just isn't going to happen.

For my part i am quite happy with the info so far , an especially discussions like the one on the "UI", where it is clear suggestions on both function and look are being listened too. Not ever suggestion ( or anything like it) will be taken on board, and no doubt those who's suggestions aren't fill fill this forum with rants, but some will and as far as I can see thats far more input than most games companies give their customers.


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Well I didnt think my question was a rant. I didnt realise the game was so far away from completion either.

One last question then.

As far as BFC knows, what is the planned release date (month and year will do) for CMSF. Knowing this I can then come back here a bit closer to the time.

Oh and thanks for the answer as well BFC.

[ November 15, 2005, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: GSX ]

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Originally posted by GSX:

As far as BFC knows, what is the planned release date (month and year will do) for CMSF. Knowing this I can then come back here a bit closer to the time.

I suppose Steve will answer this in his own way, but in case he takes his time about doing so, I will if you permit me make one observation. And that is that they don't like to do that until they know they are very close to going gold. Why is that? Because no matter what date they set, there is always the strong likelihood that something will come up that would cause them to push it back. If you might be frustrated now, just imagine how you'd feel if you showed up on the appointed day and the answer was, "Nope. Sorry. Not for another six weeks." Your best bet is to register with them to have an e-mail sent to you when the game is ready. How's that for service?



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Originally posted by GSX:

Well I didnt think my question was a rant. I didnt realise the game was so far away from completion either.

One last question then.

As far as BFC knows, what is the planned release date (month and year will do) for CMSF. Knowing this I can then come back here a bit closer to the time.

Oh and thanks for the answer as well BFC.

Maybe follow the best advice here and just STFU until they have something to tell you and stop making moronic demands. If this game is really that important to you maybe you need to step away from the keyboard before its too late...
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Anyone whos frequented the CMBB and CMAK boards as the games were in development will know that we aren't going to get a solid release date for the game til something like 3 weeks before it releases! :eek:

A better indicator's gonna be screenshots. 2 screenshots only means its a loooong way off. 20 screenshots on a dedicated CMSF website means were's just a few months away. 60 screenshots where they're showing off cool small details of the game will mean we're really really close! :D

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We're still shooting for the end of Winter 2006, but it will likely be Spring 2006.

The game *is* very far along, just not in the way you guys think of it. Think of it like a new car. Years of engineering go into the thing, along with lots of test bits and pieces that are on work benches being fine tuned. The car only takes prototype form very late in the process, with full production capable in a relatively short time after that. Therefore, probably 70% of the car design timeline would be about the same as you are seeing here... a discussion of small parts of the car in (roughly) the order they are designed and implemented, with only a limited amount of information available about the "big picture".

And yeah, if you look at the screenshots we have released the ground texture was taken right out of CMAK smile.gif


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