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Miss me? :D

I'm going to start posting regularly again. But before I get back to that I want to answer the questions (and wonderful imaginative conclusions) people have expressed as to why I ceased posting here for a number of weeks.

At first I ducked out of here for the most simple of reasons... I needed to free up some time to deal with various things that have been blown off over the past three years as CM:SF was developed. Many of them weather dependent so there was a need to get things going before winter set in. I didn't mean to stop posting, just cut back. But as the days went on, and sunlight reduced, I found myself less interested in brushing up on the latest and greatest rehashing of the same handful of topics I'd already addressed a dozen times. Next thing I knew, several weeks had gone by! Time flies when you're figuring out how much a house can rot in three years with no maintenance smile.gif

I checked back in and made a quick post that I would be returning to posting shortly. I began to catch up on threads and realized that the same stuff was going on without me as was going on with me. I felt I had nothing new to contribute since I'd already covered the same stuff too many times already. What I decided to do was to not post until I had something new to talk about, specifically v1.05. I didn't want to get into what was fixed and not, though, until the patch was actually released. This seemed to be a reasonable concept because we were planning on releasing the patch "any day". Er... that didn't happen.

We hit a technical hitch when Charles tried to switch the code over to a new compiler. Unfortunately, this was Microsoft product. As one can imagine, the transition should have been easy but wasn't. We lost almost 2 weeks of time trying to work through oddities and outright bugs in the compiler which produced extremely unstable and/or wacky stuff for us to test. Charles is someone how doesn't shrink from a challenge, but in this case he reverted to his aging (but reliable) compiler so as to get the patch back on track. That sucked. He'll try again later when delays aren't as important.

Another couple of weeks went by as we fixed, tweaked, and added things to the game. Great stuff, but the usual side effects of change meant more fixes, tweaks, and additions before we could release the patch. And hey... whadda know, more time that I wasn't posting because of my decision to not post until the patch was nearly done.

Well, I'm posting again so you can (correctly) surmise that v1.05 is soon on its way. We have a couple of very minor things to wrap up, then we have to make sure those final fixes are working correctly, and out to you it goes. The current list of things fixed, tweaked, and added is over 60. So it's not like we've been twiddling our thumbs over the past two months :D

OK, the obvious question is... what does v1.05 have to offer? I still don't want to get into all that until the patch is out. Obviously the things you guys have been most interested in seeing improved (LOS/LOF, pathing, user feedback) are amongst the best things that the patch has to offer. But there is a lot more to it than that, of course, and you'll see them all soon enough.


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Who said I got it sorted? I pretty much just had enough time to get mildly depressed :D

We are still planning on adding SF Modules beyond Marines. We will continue to support SF for a long time to come. In fact, we will soon be sorting out the details of how to allow people to upgrade to new features offered with Modules without having to buy them. Meaning, keeping the game code separate from the data. It's a major goal of ours to have this be the case. All bets are off when we move to WW2, though we won't purposefully do anything that will make CM:SF a non-supported product. It all comes down to the details and we're just getting into them now, so time is still needed to tell what is practical.


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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

Can't wait!

...but the aliens that kidnapped you could be writing up your post while you are taped up in the corner. We'll need proof it's really you.

By the length of Seteve's recent posts I would say it's all the proof you need ;)


[ December 04, 2007, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: Itael ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

We hit a technical hitch when Charles tried to switch the code over to a new compiler. Unfortunately, this was Microsoft product. As one can imagine, the transition should have been easy but wasn't. We lost almost 2 weeks of time trying to work through oddities and outright bugs in the compiler which produced extremely unstable and/or wacky stuff for us to test.

Hmmm . . . I'd ignorantly guess this is the "new" Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 complier?

If I knew anything about C++ compliers (only simple ex-Fortran 77 jockey) I suppose I'd know if this comment means that Charles has given up on moving to an OS X box for development . . . and thus hopes (as I understood them from previous BFC comments) of native OS X CMX2 are DASHED??

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Good to have you back, Steve. And you're right, as you've seen, the rot sets in pdq when you don't regularly tend to your house (and sometimes, even when you do!!).

Good news on 1.05 and future stuff. I'm one of those who loves SF, even though it didn't initially appeal too much, and never at any time doubted BF's commitment. Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Rock on!

[ December 04, 2007, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]

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Just want to let you know that some OTHER guys made some, er, "tough" posts about CMSF and BF.C. Not me. No sirree. Not me. No need to remove my name from the 1.05 distribution list. Maybe those "others". Not me.

I don't see a need for you to browse through ALL the threads during your absence. Do you? Good.



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Thank you Steve for the update and good luck with the (metaphorical and real-life) house-cleaning.

I am looking forward to any stuff you guys are working on (including CM Campaigns if it's still on). I am mostly a Napoleonic Wars fan and eagerly awaiting HWLG!

As for CMSF, I've learnt a lot about modern warfare and have been enjoying it thoroughly, so much so that I have completed all the scenarios that came with the game in a matter of weeks. I know there are a few good 3rd party scenarios out there, but does Battlefront intend to prepare new ones, and let us old fogies play some more well-balanced 1P games? Maybe in form of a scenario pack add-on or something?



P.S.: re. snow. FYI it's +18°C in northern Italy now. Talk of global warming. It should be -2°.

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It's nice to see Steve posting again after such a long absence. Regarding the negativity of some posts, I'm hoping the v1.05 patch will change all that and we can all start singing the praises of CM:SF instead of debating its faults. Only time will tell (hopefully not long now). We should not forget that v1.04 was already a big improvement on v1.03, which I said at the time. If v1.05 is as big an improvement on v1.04 we should all be very happy.

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Originally posted by c3k:


Just want to let you know that some OTHER guys made some, er, "tough" posts about CMSF and BF.C. Not me. No sirree. Not me. No need to remove my name from the 1.05 distribution list. Maybe those "others". Not me.

I don't see a need for you to browse through ALL the threads during your absence. Do you? Good.




I might suggest Steve WAS reading all those posts, the only absence was from posting not from reading.... :rolleyes:

(maybe the more he read the less he was inclined to post... that sort of thing)


make of that what you will

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