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A Brief History of Time and Combat Mission... by Madmatt


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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

Stephen Hawking would be proud, but MadMatt, but you forgot to mention the black hole that sucks up most of the idea's that come from this forum. ;)

And how does Imaginary Time come in to play on this. I don't recall reading anything in "A Brief History of Time" about how time moves slower when you are trying to load that second RPG round while the Abrams you just scratched is slewing in your general direction.

Finally, if the universe is indeed saddle shaped, then why the hell don't we have mounted infantry in CMSF!!!! The last time I checked there are camels in Syria!!!! :mad:

Imaginary Time, Brane-Worlds, Saddle Shaped Universe, Supergravity and the loss of information across a waveform. Bah, yesterdays news! Its all about M-Theory these days. And I don't mean that hackneyed update to the original String Theory but my own, self titled M as in Madmatt Theory.

For those of you that have no idea what we are talking about.. Pick up a physics book why don't ya? Been lots of progress in the last 20 years. I reccomend Brian Greene as an author to look into. His work is pretty approachable.


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Wow, did Peng just snap?!? Kinda took my post a little personal there don'tcha think there Pengy?

On the other hand, he may be doing a parody of a parody. ;) But yes, this may all be too subtle for this room, so Mr. Peng should be careful lest he be misunderstood (again).


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Originally posted by Chops:

And one more thing..who or what in the hell is a Peng, and why is that name and associated nonsense all over the forum?

Ye've bin aroond since 2001 an' ye didnae knoo? Af ye really wantaid tae knoo, ye wud alraidy. Sae Ah assume ye didnae want tae knoo. Sae why did ye ask af ye didnae want tae knoo?

Boot Ah'm pleased ye pleased aboot BFC's businaiss model. At warrrms mah heart.

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Now, who can tell me what a ****stiff is exactly?

I am assuming you meant "****stick" as per the original post.

Matt, you may have noticed how boys and girls look different when they are naked. Now, you may have some funny feeling when seeing boys or girls naked. Thats ok, its a normal part of growing up.

Sometimes people make up funny names for the parts where boys and girls are different. "****stick" is what some people call the boy parts.

Used in a sentance it would be "Go suck the snotty end of a ****stick" (Courtasey of my cousin's husband currently serving in the US Navy)

And of course the obligatory All Seeing All Knowing Wikipedia link



Edit: PS nice Freudian slip. Like the old man said "Sometimes a cigar is just a big brown flaming penis."

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I sympathise in general given some of tha abuse that BF has been getting lately, but I think he should perhaps be a bit gentler.

CM has thousands of satisfied customers, delighted with their games, and that shows as if not more from the volume of sales and longevity of the products, as the reply and use of the forums.

However there are a small minority of people who have over the years slipped in to the delusion that they are somehow a part of BF or have a special status, they're not just customers, they see themselves as partners, members of a family and despite gentle efforts to reconnect thm with reality they just can't get it.

So I'd ask for more sympathy for the poor afflicted few who have had there dreams crushed by BF's cruel decision to produce anything other than the perfect game of their immaginations.

In their world they were geared up for the game of all games and everyone of them expecting a version that was different from every other.

For them the announcement of CM:SF, has been traumatic, you've crushed their ( totally unrealistic and unfounded ) dreams, and I think you shouldn't be so hard on them.

I mean asking them to grow up for petes'sake, Like that's ever going to happen with people who's posts run in to the thousands, next you'll be telling me they actually have lives away from this forum.

This Forum is pretty much, all the have and the close brush with reality that the announcement of CM:SF has been, has had a deep psycological effect on them that may take many of them a long time to recover from, and sad though it may be some might never recover atr all.

We can hope that some are jolted back towards reality to join the rest of us , only time will tell.


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Dear Folks,

I recently wrote this in an email to someone I am PBEMing with who is becoming frustrated by the whining on the forum. I have read almost none of the whining because I have neither the time or patience for it:

"I'm not letting the whining bother me a bit. And Steve and Company had to have expected it and I would be shocked if they are surprised. If you think about I would wager that a HUGE majority of people found out about CM and became interested in it FIRST because was a WWII tactical level game and second because it was a well done tactical level game. If you stipulate that my last comment is most likely true then it isn't hard to imagine a fairly large portion of people feeling almost betrayed (whether they are valid complaints or not is irrelevent) and in that group you're likely to find some very vocal people....Which seems to be what we're seeing."

So my advise folks is to let the upset people be upset and just let it go in one ear and out the other. There is no need to try to "convert" them because by the time the game is released they will probably already have converted themselves.



P.S. Matt, I'm only answering this because you asked......There is no need for you to want a "****stick". It is something you and I already have. Moraine on the other hand does not (sorry babe..and they are so much fun too). Peng also has one which I saw in the shower in gym class and having seen it answers many questions about his possible anger issues.

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Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

but I think he should perhaps be a bit gentler.


Being the good poster that you are and considered (by myself) as an excellent potential opponent for a future CMC and/or CM:SF PBEM, I would like to politely say..

F@uk 'em! Gentle is what I save for animals, small children, squishy Europeans and women that deserve it. Other then that they can suck it up and take it like a man or go away crying like uh...a woman who does not deserve it.

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Peter makes some good points. The forum does lead to a belief at times that "we are all in this together." One group instead of a business and then a group of customers.

Most customers (notice I said most - I have worked retail!) would not come unglued in a store like they might here. And if they did, we had the police/security escort them from the premises. That being said, if any of us came close to saying what BFC says to people here, we would be fired so fast it would make our heads spin. We weren't owners, but even the owners I've worked with or for are far more circumspect in person.

BFC offers a product that is impossible to replace. That makes them and this forum unique. They have the right to say what they want but consequences might follow. I do think that BFC has made it clear what they think about that. It's their forum, they can do what they want and how they want. Freedom of owning the business.

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That being said, if any of us came close to saying what BFC says to people here, we would be fired so fast it would make our heads spin. We weren't owners, but even the owners I've worked with or for are far more circumspect in person.
Waaaah! The mean ole BFC meanies hurt my feelings! Boo friking hoo. Wargamers aren't exactly the most pleasant (smelling) bunch of guys you'd ever meet, sometimes we need a good cuff behind the ear.

It kind of reminds me of that idiot who tried to sue to LAPD when they 'yelled' at her.


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Originally posted by DJP:

That being said, if any of us came close to saying what BFC says to people here, we would be fired so fast it would make our heads spin. We weren't owners, but even the owners I've worked with or for are far more circumspect in person.

I guess you don't go to the kinds of bars that I frequent. There's nothing pretty about bouncing a drunk or stopping a bar fight, and there's nothing pretty about putting idiots in their places... :mad:
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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />That being said, if any of us came close to saying what BFC says to people here, we would be fired so fast it would make our heads spin. We weren't owners, but even the owners I've worked with or for are far more circumspect in person.

Waaaah! The mean ole BFC meanies hurt my feelings! Boo friking hoo. Wargamers aren't exactly the most pleasant (smelling) bunch of guys you'd ever meet, sometimes we need a good cuff behind the ear.

It kind of reminds me of that idiot who tried to sue to LAPD when they 'yelled' at her.

gmafb! [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DJP:

That being said, if any of us came close to saying what BFC says to people here, we would be fired so fast it would make our heads spin. We weren't owners, but even the owners I've worked with or for are far more circumspect in person.

I guess you don't go to the kinds of bars that I frequent. There's nothing pretty about bouncing a drunk or stopping a bar fight, and there's nothing pretty about putting idiots in their places... :mad: </font>
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Guest BigAlMoho
Originally posted by Madmatt:

So, maybe, just maybe WE KNOW WHAT THE HELL WE ARE DOING!


Yeah, well, maybe, just maybe WE KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE NOT DOING!
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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Imaginary Time, Brane-Worlds, Saddle Shaped Universe, Supergravity and the loss of information across a waveform. Bah, yesterdays news! Its all about M-Theory these days. And I don't mean that hackneyed update to the original String Theory but my own, self titled M as in Madmatt Theory.

Heterotic E8 x E8 String Theory sounds kinky. It excites my bozons.
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And here I was going to make fun of rune for getting all important when he's the new guy on the Battlefront team and then Peng comes in and gets all serious....

Well for what it's worth, good post Matt and STHU is my favourite drink :D .


*Lurker mode on*

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Maybe it has been expressed already and very probably my word does not count for much around here, BUT:

I wanted to express my gratitude to all the people that made Combat Mission the experience it is. I never knew what awaited me in the frist place and I never have regretted my choice. A lot of my most joyful hours I spent playing CM and I´m thankful BFC made this possible.

I might not always agree on the decisions regarding future or actual games, but I´m sure they know what they do - at least I know what pressure they´re under becasue I have been in the gaming industry a few years ago.

It might very well be that I will be blamed for this post or regarded as just another immature customer not really adding anything meaningful to the debate, but I thought maybe the guys at BFC would like to read someone´s honest opinion.

Thank you, BFC, for making my life a little bit more enjoyable.

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Originally posted by rune:


New guy? You know I have worked with BFC longer then Madmatt? Since the CMBO alpha as a matter of fact. smile.gif


I think some of these Weebloes could use a brief history of BTS/BFC kinda like what Madmatt did but with more names and fewer head-butts.

Then some of us can pull up our rocking chairs and reminisce about the Olden Days. Oh sure, I remember when I found this place whilst looking for something called Computer ASL (you can't deny it Charles, you nutrient-soaked whippersnapper, I have the old General magazine article to prove it!) and then the very next week it changed to something called Combat Mission. I mean, "Combat Mission"? What a terrible name! It will never sell! And another thing... blah blah blah...

I mean, is it enough to hate Seanachai without the context of why one should hate Seanachai?


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