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The Peng Challenge gets a B-Day Gift


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I like to think that I am the Old One always willing to offer a hand-up to even the dullest penny in the fountain.
And you've picked up some DULL ones all right. Look you Seanachai, this recruiting of yours is unseemly. You don't see the rest of us trolling for newcomers in the outerboards ... well ... not for newcomers to JOIN the MBT ... Gawd KNOWS what Michael tells the more impressionable lads out there.

But in any case I've no objection to some likely SSN trying the waters and testing his mettle ... it's what's made the CessPool what it is.

I object to creating a member from the whole cloth as it were, in the form of an "Other Recognized". We have only to see example set by Michael, Grog Dorosh and Abbott to understand that folly that open membership (or even membership by fiat) can create.

Let an SSN make the attempt, by all means, but let us test him in the time honored traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread FIRST.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Taking cheap shots at people like Janet Reno is what little boys do. Little boys who are insecure in their own manhood.

I have been to bed with extremely attractive women, attractive women, and women who were lovely in their hearts, under the stars, alone with only their own eyes and mine to see them.

I can truthfully say that there wasn't a single one of them who didn't despair of being attractive enough, no matter how beautiful, and that because of involving themselves with men, who are, frankly, fecking pigs.

Now, how to say this? I've met several of you, seen pictures of quite a few more, and you lot of drooling halfwits simply aren't in a position to be cutting up about ugly women. It's like watching a cage full of baboons hoot about how there isn't an arse puffy and red enough for them.

Let's be frank. You are not the answer to the sighs of maidens. Every single one of you lot of pissants who has a woman should be on your knees, every single fecking night, praising the Goddess and proclaiming her mercy. The rest of you are just lonely geeks who spend evenings arguing with your right hand about who's going to be on top that night.

And that includes you, Stuka. Doesn't matter how long you spend in front of the mirror, boyo, you're starting to be more and more like the wicked Queen, tossing a poisoned apple.

I bet you've even started plucking your eyebrows, haven't you?

It always shows.

Speak for thyself Story Teller . I for one...in my youth of course....was quite dashing with the ladies....in fact I was once referred to as "Adonis", by an older, very attractive and intelligent woman who lived in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan and owned her own business. I sir, am not now, nor never have been a "a fecking pig" and BTW I am left handed.

[ October 25, 2007, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo! As you love Peng, the Queen and Me, fetch my charger! And some gloves! I go, to raise up the masses!

Reaches into 'gadget bag', mumbling, "First off it's not your battery charger, it's MINE...er well, the company's. And I hate it when you borrow it because it always comes back encrusted with Cheez Whiz and I don't EVEN want to know what that's all about.

Middle off, which gloves do you want this time. The elbow length, white satin opera gloves or the non latex surgical gloves? Be specific, you soused sand-pounder!

Last off, 'raising up the masses' again? Fine. You go do that. But when they turn on you AGAIN and come after you with torches and up-raised pitchforks AGAIN and pile kindling around your feet AGAIN and tie you to the stake AGAIN and pummel you with over-ripe vegetables AGAIN, don't come crying to me AGAIN!

Dong ma?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<large><large>MEEKS!</large></large> ... have you recanted your heresy yet?


Heresy? Wasn't I king? I remember being king. I'm just hanging out until dosomefink recoalesces completely. Bughunter is still a mess and I have no wiki with which to express myself creative-like.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<large><large>MEEKS!</large></large> ... have you recanted your heresy yet?


Heresy? Wasn't I king? I remember being king. I'm just hanging out until dosomefink recoalesces completely. Bughunter is still a mess and I have no wiki with which to express myself creative-like. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The operative word is WAS ... and your heresy, your apostasy predated even that and YOU'VE NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR IT!

Oh, yes, about that. I'm really and terribly sorry that the whole lot of you picked the wrong fork in the road so long ago. Poor, ugly bastards. If I still had my copy of CMBO or CMBB (Never did get the Eye-Talian one, was it any good?) I'd make sure to give you such a sound thrashing that you'd not well soon forget it. But, my wiki has been restored and needs much witticism about Kissinger's untoward influence on late 19th century Malaysia.

You can come by and contribute, it's a much better cause than this rabble:


Or you can all perform a flying flop into the nearest thumbtacks-and-spent-rubbers patch. I'm okay, either way.

I can't believe Lars has a boat and Abbott has a bus and Seanachai a wee, little dingy. I remember when the Peng Challenge was about more than the Department of Transportation...

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The operative word is WAS ... and your heresy, your apostasy predated even that and YOU'VE NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR IT!

Oh, yes, about that. I'm really and terribly sorry that the whole lot of you picked the wrong fork in the road so long ago. Poor, ugly bastards. If I still had my copy of CMBO or CMBB (Never did get the Eye-Talian one, was it any good?) I'd make sure to give you such a sound thrashing that you'd not well soon forget it. But, my wiki has been restored and needs much witticism about Kissinger's untoward influence on late 19th century Malaysia.

You can come by and contribute, it's a much better cause than this rabble:


Or you can all perform a flying flop into the nearest thumbtacks-and-spent-rubbers patch. I'm okay, either way.

I can't believe Lars has a boat and Abbott has a bus and Seanachai a wee, little dingy. I remember when the Peng Challenge was about more than the Department of Transportation... </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's become more like the Peng Coffee Clatch and Backfence Gossip Thread than the inimitable and fearsome Peng Challenge Thread.




There, all done ... you are free of the taint of heresy and may join our deliberations without fear or qualm.

Slip sliding away,

Slip sliding away,

Joe, you know the nearer your destination,

the more your slip sliding away...

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Well, now, warden, isn't that a pretty piece of work? Yup, been a long-time coming, been a long-time living here in this box, thinking about all you fine folks living a good life in the sun with all your fancy drinks and mini-skirts. Yup, well, I hope you don't mind me saying, but the more I think about all you happy folks with all your happy days, up there in the sun, it makes me want to tell the governor just exactly where he can shove that pardon. You could do that for me, warden. And if he don't understand, then have him come down to solitary, and I'll make sure he gets it right.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Well, now, warden, isn't that a pretty piece of work? Yup, been a long-time coming, been a long-time living here in this box, thinking about all you fine folks living a good life in the sun with all your fancy drinks and mini-skirts. Yup, well, I hope you don't mind me saying, but the more I think about all you happy folks with all your happy days, up there in the sun, it makes me want to tell the governor just exactly where he can shove that pardon. You could do that for me, warden. And if he don't understand, then have him come down to solitary, and I'll make sure he gets it right.

Now see, here I try to be magnanimous, I try to show some compassion for the less favored, I try to hold out the olive branch and what do I get? SARCASM ... and not even very good sarcasm.

Meeks I've ALWAYS considered you one of us ... a less capable us to be sure, perhaps a less presentable us, but one of us.

I objected only to your apostasy ... and the kingship to be sure ... and your inability to string more than three words together coherently ... and ... but enough of that, I've found you to be ... acceptable.

Not like those OTHERS ...


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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I can't believe Lars has a boat and Abbott has a bus and Seanachai a wee, little dingy. I remember when the Peng Challenge was about more than the Department of Transportation...

Lars you know those ship photos are magnificent. I would say something nice about Steve's dingy as well if he ever graced us with a photo but someone or other would take it wrong (as usual) and start Joe to crying like a little girl (as usual).

Yes, I do have a bus and it is on it's way to becoming a nice conversion.


I just today updated my website (link in my Sig) with new photos and notes of the bus growing it's new skin.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Well, now, warden, isn't that a pretty piece of work? Yup, been a long-time coming, been a long-time living here in this box, thinking about all you fine folks living a good life in the sun with all your fancy drinks and mini-skirts. Yup, well, I hope you don't mind me saying, but the more I think about all you happy folks with all your happy days, up there in the sun, it makes me want to tell the governor just exactly where he can shove that pardon. You could do that for me, warden. And if he don't understand, then have him come down to solitary, and I'll make sure he gets it right.

Now see, here I try to be magnanimous, I try to show some compassion for the less favored, I try to hold out the olive branch and what do I get? SARCASM ... and not even very good sarcasm.

Meeks I've ALWAYS considered you one of us ... a less capable us to be sure, perhaps a less presentable us, but one of us.

I objected only to your apostasy ... and the kingship to be sure ... and your inability to string more than three words together coherently ... and ... but enough of that, I've found you to be ... acceptable.

Not like those OTHERS ...

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

If you've been here at all, you should know that this is the perfect time to knee him in the kiwis and then, when he goes down, aim for the kidneys!

I guess you've gotten a little soft, eh Sparky?

True, true. We do have Joe flipping out like a Ninja and wailing on an electric guitar. We almost have him to the breakdown point, he threatens and whines constantly. If it keeps up he may even begin to refuse to attend those bondage clubs with Matt. All thanks to me of course (I drive him fecking nuts) and I guess a small mention should go out to <small><small> Emry's </small></small>as well. Do you think I even get a thank you form this lot? Of course not!
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Well, Redneck, I see your housebus is coming along. It looks appropriately funky. You'd have wept in admiration of a really nice job I came across in a campground just north of Lake Tahoe 30-some-odd years ago. A guy who had retired from one of the aircraft plants, Lockheed or North American, I forget which. But anyway, he had been a master machinist, so he had done a great job on his. He and his wife were snowbirds; they spent the summer on the Truckee there, and winters down in Arizona, which is where he was originally from.

His brother was there at the time too and told me an interesting story about how he hid from the draft during WW II up in the Arizona mountains. He lived up in a cave and hunted for food, plus a little extra that his family would bring up to him when the coast was clear. I don't know how he got a job after the war was over, found a sympathetic boss I guess.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You'd have wept in admiration of a really nice job I came across in a campground just north of Lake Tahoe 30-some-odd years ago. A guy who had retired from one of the aircraft plants, Lockheed or North American, I forget which.

Yes. I have a couple friends who are retired aircraft mechanics, they have skills! My Mother-in-law called us from Truckee yesterday, she went up there to pick up a few Lottery tickets. She ended up at that Casino with the old west motif just about 20 miles west of town...Boomtown I think it's called. She is a slot-O-holic.
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PShaw! you obviously have never coached a U-12 gels soccer team. It takes a braver man than you to face a dozen tweens, teach them the layoff pass, the dummy, the flick... and even worse, to assign one of them to be goal keeper. The howls of protest that escalate to beyond normal hearing range and into the spine decalcifying range... yeah. Takes guts that you don't have.

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