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A Thousand Points of Collateral Damage: A Kinder, Gentler Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Even more sad is the fact that the next podcast won't show an improvement ... dalem ... sheesh ... 20 minutes of explaining how he scratch builds models of R2D2 taking a dump no doubt.


Sorry... I read that as "scratch builds models of R2D2 WHILE taking a dump..."

And I was going to say you can get your own damn sound effects for that one, Shaw.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Even more sad is the fact that the next podcast won't show an improvement ... dalem ... sheesh ... 20 minutes of explaining how he scratch builds models of R2D2 taking a dump no doubt.


Sorry... I read that as "scratch builds models of R2D2 WHILE taking a dump..."

And I was going to say you can get your own damn sound effects for that one, Shaw. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What worries me is that I won't have to ADD sound effects ... they'll be part of the recording made live.


What a great idea - I can eat a bunch of Taco Bell an hour before you call and do the piece from the john. That would add immeasurably to my short list of Cesspoolers who I've talked to whilst pushing out fresh, shiny stool.

1) Seanachai

2) Lars


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Originally posted by Leeo:

You'll beg to differ. You're not receiving the ones I'm sending. That's the way of it, Gunny Gusting Wind.

Leeo if you MUST get after the Sterno do buy some new stuff. The old stock is clearly causing more problems than normal.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Many a night we sat in our bunkers and watched the bombs rain down on the DMZ from unseen and unheard B-52s. It was always neat the way the sound of the impacting bombs took a few seconds to reach us after the first flashes from 500lb bomb impacts. Then it became sort of a continuous rumbling, like a subway train and hundreds of individual flashes of light for 15 to 30 minutes straight, then silence and darkness again, and just a huge pall of black smoke rising into the sky and then it blew away and the mountains regained the look that they had for thousands of years before we got there with all of our sophisticated machines of destruction.

They never really had a chance, you know, the North Vietnamese Army. They marched all the way down the trail from the North being bombed along the way and dying of disease and exhaustion.

Their only chance against us was to catch us in a bad tactical position, which happened often enough, or to out number us, which also happened. They always had to stay close, right on top of us...we knew that.. we planned for that...it was the only way they could negate our artillery and air support. They were cut to ribbons by the thousands by our arty...you could have it landing in seconds...anywhere any time, it was reassuring for us, but scarey because it was sooooo close. The poor bastards were brave, I'll give them that, but we were far better, better soldiers, better officers, better attitude, and they paid the price when attacking us, so for the most part they laid low and picker their spots..they outlasted us, they never beat us. Some great men lost their lives in that small Asian country...great men on both sides...men....**** we were boys and so were they, boys who could have done great things, if their lives were not ended so violently, so abrubtly.

Best damn thing I've read on this Thread in years. Made it worth coming in here tonight.
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Originally posted by dalem:



O, Wondrous ArcLight

O, Wondrous ArcLight

You are as a rain of dumb iron

That falls on the heads

Of the naughty

O, Wondrous Arclight

You are best used

On strategic targets

O, Wondrous ArcLight

You make the hippies cry

At your mere mention

O, Wondrous ArcLight





Thank you, goodnight!

I am going over to Dalem's house tomorrow night. After reading that hideous bit of...there simply aren't words for what that was. But after reading it, I'm bringing over some rum, some cigars, and an axe handle.


Or kill him trying. Either way, it's a win.

I feel like Anne Sullivan in the 'Miracle Worker'.

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Tonight, I spent 35 minutes building a boat in my living room, and then sitting in it. I had an enjoyable 15 minutes of 'talking like a pirate' while looking down the bow of my brand new 13' long, bright blue 'skin-on-folding-frame' kayak.

It's a Folbot Yukon. You can see pictures of it here: www.folbot.com/yukon.html. The one pictured is the one I have; same colour, same rigging.

Man, I can hardly wait for fecking Spring. I can get enough weight of gear into the new Yukon to make it worthwhile to ambush Lars in his freaking pontoon boat as he zig-zags drunkenly across Lake Minnetonka.

Grapnels, rope...shotgun and ammo...instruments of torture (federally approved and certified by the Department of Justice)...

I can hardly wait for that moment when, after an educational session on the foredeck, I can tie a rope to his wrist and toss him over the side and drag him across a couple of miles of the lake.

It's not like it's cruel, or anything. I mean, the stupid sod has done it to himself...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

You'll beg to differ. You're not receiving the ones I'm sending. That's the way of it, Gunny Gusting Wind.

Leeo if you MUST get after the Sterno do buy some new stuff. The old stock is clearly causing more problems than normal.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Tonight, I spent 35 minutes building a boat in my living room, and then sitting in it. I had an enjoyable 15 minutes of 'talking like a pirate' while looking down the bow of my brand new 13' long, bright blue 'skin-on-folding-frame' kayak.

It's a Folbot Yukon. You can see pictures of it here: www.folbot.com/yukon.html. The one pictured is the one I have; same colour, same rigging.

Man, I can hardly wait for fecking Spring. I can get enough weight of gear into the new Yukon to make it worthwhile to ambush Lars in his freaking pontoon boat as he zig-zags drunkenly across Lake Minnetonka.

Grapnels, rope...shotgun and ammo...instruments of torture (federally approved and certified by the Department of Justice)...

I can hardly wait for that moment when, after an educational session on the foredeck, I can tie a rope to his wrist and toss him over the side and drag him across a couple of miles of the lake.

It's not like it's cruel, or anything. I mean, the stupid sod has done it to himself...

Ah yes ... the YUKON ... For Larger Paddlers or Lots of Gear! Seriously, that's the lead on the webpage, for LARGER PADDLERS!

But wait, that's not all, it goes on to say:

Delivered with paddle, carrying bags and safety bladders ...
SAFETY BLADDERS? Do they anticipate ... accidents? Are diapers out of style on the river? All the best NASA Astronauts use them.

And finally it continues with ...

... it is shipped to your door by UPS unless you specify otherwise.
Uh, yeah, listen have the UPS guy deliver it to my roof willya?


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I now own a fleet of kayaks.

Well, at least two. And I can get both of them into the trunk of my car.

When I come to visit you all, there will be boats for everyone.

I hope that you all have rivers and/or lakes near by. Just, you know, in case we want to go indulge in God's sport...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Best damn thing I've read on this Thread in years. Made it worth coming in here tonight.

Best damn shortest post by you on this Thread in years! Made it worth reading.

[ February 17, 2007, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: **YK2** ]

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

You're looking at a very happy camper, I just passed all six of my exams!

So you've been found competent to stand trial. So what. </font>
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From the FolbotYukon Kayak Website; The Yukon will accommodate a 6' 4", 250-pound paddler with ease, but the seat adjusts for the smaller paddler with lots of gear.

I guess you reckon on bringing 50 or so cases of Ring Dings along eh Seanachai? Good planning on that purchase.

[ February 17, 2007, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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