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Micropay for scenarios?

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Would it be possible to work out some sort of micropay system for scenarios so that Battlefront and the community have the motivation to keep cranking them out, as well as to pay for the bandwidth.

I am envision a dollar a scenario charge with Battlefront and the designer getting half each. This would allow Battlefront to maintain a truly first class server and the designers to take the wives and/or girlfriends they are ignoring when writing scenarios to dinner occasionally.

Please don't kill me, it is only a suggestion. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

From my experience, scenario designers do not require pay to motivate them

Testing them properly is another story. The number of untested scenarios is truly abominable. Check out the depot the proving grounds to see what I mean.

The new scenario design process will be much more involved, and frankly, much easier to do poorly at. Don't get me wrong, the tools are great. But the AI planning will take getting used to, if you are designing solo. There will also, I think though we really don't know yet, need to be different versions for RT vs WEGO. I may be proven dead wrong on that point, but it will be up to the community to see how much time is necessary in either case in any given scenario.

A user pay system has advantages, but I know that BF.C would never commit to administering it, and it would be impossible to police in any event. Too bad, as it would be nice to see talented designers get their due - and incentive to keep things going and listen to user feedback. I know we have a lot of that now, but there are a lot of truly awful ones out there and it is hard to tell the difference at a glance.

Then again, user pay might just kill the game off entirely, too; one never knows.

It's worthy of dicussion though, dan, good for you for bringing it up.

Add to that the incentive for reviews - if you pay for something, you're more likely to provide user feedback than if you got it for free. I am looking at TSD right now and the number of unreviewed scenarios is staggering, especially compared to the number of downloads.

[ July 24, 2007, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Hell, no. I've created Scenarios, Missions and small Mods for a couple of games and I would NEVER take money for them. I created them because I had fun doing so and like the idea of giving back something to the community.

One of the great features of the CM series is excacly the ability to download hundreds of FREE mods and scenarios.

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I'd pay a dollar for a scenario that was designed well and tested extensively.

Free is great, and I truly appreciate idea of contributing to the community, but it looks like designing these scenarios will take skill, time and some real play testing to make them good. For that, I'd be willing to pay.

I still would download and play free ones too!

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You can stumble into unpleasant legal areas. What if you catch someone else charging for a slightly altered map that YOU had designed and is passing it off as his own?

An alternative might be 'donations' like the cmmods.com website does. Build enough great scenarios and people may just offer their appreciation. I remember awhile ago I decided it was high time to donate $1 per each mod of mine that ColumbusOHGamer hosts on cmmods.com. I started counting and... holy crap, this could bankrupt me! :eek: :D

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I will never pay for extra scenarios. IMHO, part of the joy of this game and this community is the nonprofit-oriented mods and scenarios that make the initial investment in the game itself all the more worth it.

By the way, let me second the recommendation that people visit the scenario depot at the Proving Grounds to find new missions and even submit their own.


Formerly I was strictly multiplayer, but about 2 years ago I started playing singleplayer only (at the time, I had kinda burned on all the CMxx variations after 7 years, but still wanted my fix once in a while), and I was pleasantly surprised not just by the quality but the range in challenges and situations people could come up with.

If anything, the scenario editor looks pretty easy to use (based on the preview), at least in terms of what I thought was challenging. I think I may even submit a few to the proving grounds myself.

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I have designed scenarios in the past had many people test them. I do it for the enjoyment of the community, be it meta-campaigns, tournaments, head to head, or single player games. I also enjoy playing the top rated players in the ladders when I have the time, but I enjoy scenario designing the best.

I am one of the designers that look outside the box with the editor.

I will also push the TO&E to the limit.

I will also pick a couple of scenarios I have done in the past and recreate them.

With CMSF I believe I can do some great Hilly and Mountain terrain maps and through my studying of Syirian landscape there could be possibly some great armor battles especially using Blue vs. Blue and Red VS RED. If I remember correctly someone did a Gettesyburg Map and I had a whole bunch of fun playing that map.

As for Payment none is needed I enjoy sharing.

By the Way who now runs the proving grounds? I have lost everything in a fire at my house including all my files. I am wondering if anybody out there has any of my scenarios from the past.

Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez

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I think it's worthy to insist on this comment from Michael:

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The new scenario design process will be much more involved, and frankly, much easier to do poorly at. Don't get me wrong, the tools are great. But the AI planning will take getting used to, if you are designing solo. [...] I may be proven dead wrong on that point, but it will be up to the community to see how much time is necessary in either case in any given scenario.

The editor is very powerful, but just like any such complex tool, it will take some time and dedication to get it to it's full potential. In a sense, it's like a clarinet. Anybody can blow some quack, but a concerto is something else.

The good thing is, those who persevere will have the ability to produce truly great battles. Of that, I'm sure.

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Slightly off topic but...

The Proving Grounds is where beta scenario's are placed to be play tested by the players.

The Scenario Depot is where the finished scenario's should end up after being play tested to iron out any bugs.

Gary runs both sites and at the moment is holding back from hosting future CMSF scenario's for awhile to see how things work out (size of files etc).

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The file sizes arent outrageous except for the picture files you can incorporate into it. You will understand when you see it. The learning curve for designing a scenario is pretty steep to add all the bells and whistles and VERY TIME CONSUMING (to do it right that is). Getting used to the terrain function will be the most difficult part at first, but I am also sure once you get the hang of it you will be glad you learned it.

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I dunno about paying for scenarios.A professionally done scenario pack, I might, or, as others have mentioned, I don't mind chucking a few bucks into someone's web hosting kitty.

Originally posted by Major_Jerkov:


I had to look that one up.Great constructive post that, come again soon .. :rolleyes:

edit: bloody hell, 400 posts in almost 4 years.I'm catching up :D

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Originally posted by Pinetree:

I dunno about paying for scenarios.A professionally done scenario pack, I might, or, as others have mentioned, I don't mind chucking a few bucks into someone's web hosting kitty.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Major_Jerkov:


I had to look that one up.Great constructive post that, come again soon .. :rolleyes: </font>
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Originally posted by Major_Jerkov:

Straight and to the point. I could never be more concise. I suppose you would be much happier with some bs post that supported your ideals.

Not at all, I believe in free speech and all that, but your delivery of the message was in complete contrast to dan's reasonable post.This isn't some uber-l33t kiddies forum you know..

Originally posted by Major_Jerkov:

No such luck, pinecone. Its just ****e.

You named yourself well.
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