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I invented a powerful way to protect tanks strongly cheaply an lowtech; implications?

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I like the Nerf Tank approach, personally - although there's always something to be said for going the "Naked Venezuelan Hotties" route.

No matter how goofy this 'idea' turns out to be, I admire your sense of responsibility. When I was 21 I would have been trying to figure out how to utilize my invention to make an obscene amount of money and get laid a lot. Well, come to think of it, I'm almost 40 and that would still probably be my primary focus.

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It may permanently shift the power from people to governments and from poor countries to militant rich countries by permanently nerfing ATGMs. [/QB]
Is 'nerfing' a technical term? I only studied engineering in college for two years, but I never heard it mentioned in my Theoretical and Applied Mechanics course. It doesn't strike me as a word that a creditable person with a relevant technical education would use.

I am sure you are a genius though.

[ December 29, 2007, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Runyan99 ]

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Originally posted by 'Card:

I like the Nerf Tank approach, personally - although there's always something to be said for going the "Naked Venezuelan Hotties" route.

No matter how goofy this 'idea' turns out to be, I admire your sense of responsibility. When I was 21 I would have been trying to figure out how to utilize my invention to make an obscene amount of money and get laid a lot. Well, come to think of it, I'm almost 40 and that would still probably be my primary focus.

Hey 'Card, Where do you get the notion that this dude is 21?

His profile tells me he was born in 1996, now either that is a mistake, or this kid wants us to think he is younger than he really is, either way it does not lend much weight to his credibility.

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Originally posted by cool breeze:

my reason for making this is to make money for good, I would prefer making money selling it to the world IF it would do no harm. im only 21.

Profiteering Peacenik!


Is it like Reagan's, less well know, top secret 'Magic Bean' project from the 80's that had ultrafast propagating bio-mass acting as an impenetrable missile shield?

[ December 29, 2007, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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or 'Gort' the robot from the Day the Earth stood still


IIRC Gort can melt all weapons without harming soldiers. In the end the aliens worlds, not impressed with Earth, created a race of robot enforcers like Gort, and given them absolute power to deal with any outbreak of violence.

[ December 29, 2007, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Photo credit: Bernie Boston of the now-defunct Washington Evening Star

FLOWER POWER iconic photo of anti-war protester George Harris putting carnations into the gun barrels of U.S. Marshals at the pentagon. This took place during the 100,000-strong demonstration against the Vietnam War on October 21, 1967.

Originally posted by Adam1:

Wow, awesome photo. Hadn't seen it before.

[ December 29, 2007, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Originally posted by Wicky:

or 'Gort' the robot from the Day the Earth stood still


IIRC Gort can melt all weapons without harming soldiers. In the end the aliens worlds, not impressed with Earth, created a race of robot enforcers like Gort, and given them absolute power to deal with any outbreak of violence.

Klaatu Barata Nikto!!!!
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The history of weapon technology is littered with perfect solutions, which, if ever implimented, merely spawned the next generation of perfect solutions. If we are witnessing the blossoming of the next great step forward, I reckon give it 3 months, there will be a counter for it, and humanity will be back to square one again. Not that I am decrying this chaps sincerity, but maybe preparing him for a bit of a disappointment a few months down the line, when some other genius counters his product.

It is called progress, apparently.


PS Wonder what it is, though. Remember, wacko suggestions to the RAF for Death Rays led directly to the development of radar.....

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It is not jusst relevant to insugent, a I esxampled, Lebanon just successfully fended off a invasion thanks to atgms. This works against KE heat and explosively formed penetrators (KE I Guess). It would help against HE too. No, it is not an active motion shooting shotgun, those are being made by two sources already. I cant take this to a defense contractor yet because people break non discloser agreement all the time. I appreciate the interest. This is an idea that wouldn't be thought of by those who would see its importance or do anything with it (well, it took a while).

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Originally posted by luderbamsen:

Am I missing something here? What IS the idea? Naked Venezuelan chicks atop the tanks to distract the missileers? Little goblins with butterfly nets catching the missiles? What?

If you painted pin-up models on the tank, maybe they'd stop shooting guns. Or else provide a casus belli to bomb the hell out them.
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I just thought of a solution do some of your disbelief. If the forum convinces me a weapons expert who wants to hear about my idea is completely trust worthy I will tell him and he can vouche for me so the world situation experts take me seriously. Another matter is I dont know how to tell him while distrusting the security of electronic communication But Im sure I can figure something out. Maybe you live in the SF Bay area ?

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If we're talking warheads, Shaped charges are generally referred to as Chemical Energy, as the armour piercing effect is generated by explosive (chemical energy), even though the actual mechanism is Kinetic Energy (KE).

Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) are a special variant of shaped charges. The explosive charge produces a more massive but slower slug than a regular shaped charge, and there is no jet. The shape can be designed so that it is aerodynamically stable, and can fly for quite significant distances.

KE weapons are those that use their inherent momentum for armour piercing effect, mostly referring to gun-launched munitions.

Shaped charge jets range in velocity from 2-8km/s

EFPs are typically 2-3km/s

Modern KE penerators are 1.5-2km/s.

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Originally posted by cool breeze:

If the forum convinces me a weapons expert who wants to hear about my idea is completely trust worthy...

Oh, why wait for the forum to convince you?

You've already demonstrated such sound judgement, mature reasoning, and unquestionable intellect (by posting about your brainstorm on a public forum in front of a group of completely anonymous strangers) that I would think you could certainly trust your instincts on something like that.

Although now that I think about it, we're all weapons experts here - so your best bet would probably be telling us all about it. Then we'd be convinced and we'd all feel really bad about mocking you.

Originally posted by handihoc:

Why does Gort wear metal underpants?

I think a better question would be: Why doesn't everybody? Especially when you consider what a dashing figure Ol' Gort cuts while sporting them.
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Perhaps you could outline your background knowledge and understanding of current and projected ATGM defences both active/passive. Just so we can see where you are coming from on this revolutionary invention.

I get the impression from your first post that your proposed system while working "for tanks and some AFVs" would be able to deflect somehow the incoming targeted missile - hence the "some AFVs" (unarmoured?) could be vulnerable to near misses.

Am I warm (scuse pun) with something like an active dry ice (co2) extinguishers/discharger/cooling system?

or some other passive cooling methods but then non of them would work to protect against direct fire.

PS Gort has underpants as even Robots have modesty (Asimov's shamefully unstated Law no.4)

[ December 29, 2007, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Right O, this is your topic because you said.... what?

Oh yeah, you have a radically new way of defending tanks against all types of ATGMs, only you can't tell us because...why???, and you're waiting for John Kettler or someone like him to respond so you can tell them all about it, because you can't trust just anyone...you need a weapons expert. OK....let us know if one shows up.

Will this discovery protect a tank from a Molotov Cocktail?

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Originally posted by cool breeze:

Can you lame asses get off my topic, I explained that I am very serious, making you assholes who clearly don't know what you are talking about.

You, my friend, have picked the wrong forum. There are plenty of forums about armor and technology to pick from. If you can't even figure out google, there isn't much hope.
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