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CMSF vs MBT, aka "Peng Challenges Again"!

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

That would be outstanding. I look forward to see which of us screws up the most, thereby handing victory to the other.

If I know Boo (and ashamedly I think I do) I can safely say that we won’t enjoy his scenario one bleeding bit, hopefully it’ll be one of those 15 turns games… as for my scenario I'm currently testing to see whether my IED's work </font>
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To Peng it may concern,

For 7 looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong years now we haven't been able to discover two answers to life's most pressing questions:

1. How to make Cold Fusion a reality

2. How to deal with large scale idiocy on the Forum. Either in the form of one prolific idiot or many idiots in chorus

Now, at one point we thought we solved #1, but it turned out to be an error in our data gathering methodology. Something about beer contaminating the experiment... but oddly enough we don't remember that night too well. So we're still working on that one.

For #2 we gave up experimenting with new ways to deal with major disruptions of the otherwise calm waters of the public forums. If we ignore it we've found it gets worse. Kinda like when lifeguards don't stop idiot kids from cannonballing off the highdive when people are trying to do laps in the pool. Yelling at the offenders (the virtual kind, not the ones displacing pool water) doesn't seem to work either. In fact, it only makes us look as ill mannered as they are. That leaves us with only two options:

1. Ban'em!

2. Call'emout!

We've favored #2 because #1 makes us seem like jackbooted thugs. And since we don't work for the BATF, this doesn't seem right to us. #2 can get messy at times, but not as messy as a 200 lb 14 year plunging 20 feet to land on a 72 year old grandmother attemption to do aqua exercise for her arthritis.

So there you have it. We might not be perfect, but gershdernit... this whole damned place is a shining example of the darkside of Darwin's laws when they are circumvented by wealth and laws protecting infanticide (for it is clear most of the whiners should have been drowned before they reached 5 years old).

And there you have it :D


P.S. Boo, I use the name of Mace all the time as he rightly described. What you should be more impressed with is that this is probably only my 4th or 5th time sinking down low enough to post in the Cesspool. Now I am going to take a shower (no seriously, I am... I stink!)

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

To Peng it may concern,

We've favored #2 because #1 makes us seem like jackbooted thugs. And since we don't work for the BATF, this doesn't seem right to us. #2 can get messy at times, but not as messy as a 200 lb 14 year plunging 20 feet to land on a 72 year old grandmother attempting to do aqua exercise for her arthritis.

11. I would pay you hard American currency for some footage of that.

42. You don't number properly. No, not properly at all.

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We've favored #2 because #1 makes us seem like jackbooted thugs. And since we don't work for the BATF, this doesn't seem right to us

I would have never thought that fellows from the beautiful state of Maine would ever feel that way. I am impressed! The next thing you know one of them will mention deer season!
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Oh, you mean "wear orange blaze to ensure a good target for the drunken idiots from Mass and NJ to shoot at season"? Personally, I find the challenge of running to my wood pile without getting shot the real excitement of the year! I mean, how many people do you know that can do a combat roll with some split beech and maple without breaking a hip or somefink! Of course, truth be told, my wife helps out too. She provides overwatch with a MG42. Inaccurate my ass... you know how many unmarked graves we have out back? But best not to speak of such things in public... although I'm not typing this from a public library, I'm sure Big Brother is still watching!


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What to my wondering eyes did I see at the cesspool today?

Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

To Peng it may concern,


A visit by the powers that be, and God forbid, he's asking these pengthreadians for advice.

Steve - as far as the unwashed masses who are contaminating your forum with the Plague of stupidity, all you need to do is ask yourself: What Would BlackAdder Do? (WWBAD)

[Edited to reduce post suckage factor]

[ October 14, 2005, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]

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Amazing. And I get called an @sskisser for seeing Matt's post for what it was: a collaborative effort of *everyone* associated with producing CM games and/or moderating the forums AND for realizing the "harsher" aspects of the post were directed at the younglings littering the forum with their feces flinging and not at the oldtimers who've shown their support over the years.

Yep...I guess I must be an @sskisser alright. Even though I have not a thing to gain from doing so. I thought @sskissing and brownosing were ways to *get* things from the intended target of said behavior. But I don't see my name in lights on the forum or have a free copy of any software in my mailbox.

Yep. Prime, Grade A @sskissing on my part for certain.

Have fun, gentlemen.

[ October 14, 2005, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by J Ruddy:


Man that was a horrible post. I shouldn't come here sober.

A six word obervation.

A four word declaration.

And an extra word at the end.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Amazing. And I get called an @sskisser for seeing Matt's post for what it was: a collaborative effort of *everyone* associated with producing CM games and/or moderating the forums AND for realizing the "harsher" aspects of the post were directed at the younglings littering the forum with their feces flinging and not at the oldtimers who've shown their support over the years.

Yep...I guess I must be an @sskisser alright. Even though I have not a thing to gain from doing so. I thought @sskissing and brownosing were ways to *get* things from the intended target of said behavior. But I don't see my name in lights on the forum or have a free copy of any software in my mailbox.

Yep. Prime, Grade A @sskissing on my part for certain.

Have fun, gentlemen.

Keep practicing, they gotta send us something soon. Right? Right?
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Personally, I find the challenge of running to my wood pile without getting shot the real excitement of the year!


Yeah, *spits* I know what'cha mean. Them damn city folks are nuts! I see 'em round 'ere packin trailers and wheeled tents..they calls them moter homes with ammunition and cases of Beer! They scare the hells out 'a' me. I never drunk nuthin' when I was totin my daddy's shotgun! I heard that some folk gave up and now 'n' then they just shoot a doe behind the ear with a .22 short in their own yard.

Red necked doaller

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Amazing. And I get called an @sskisser for seeing Matt's post for what it was: a collaborative effort of *everyone* associated with producing CM games and/or moderating the forums AND for realizing the "harsher" aspects of the post were directed at the younglings littering the forum with their feces flinging and not at the oldtimers who've shown their support over the years.

Yep...I guess I must be an @sskisser alright. Even though I have not a thing to gain from doing so. I thought @sskissing and brownosing were ways to *get* things from the intended target of said behavior. But I don't see my name in lights on the forum or have a free copy of any software in my mailbox.

Yep. Prime, Grade A @sskissing on my part for certain.

Have fun, gentlemen.

Keep practicing, they gotta send us something soon. Right? Right? </font>
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With all this butt kissing and syncophantic rhetoric I forgot if I was supposed to ban someone or not... :(

What really amazes me is how soon people forget the forums origin of the "Warm glass of shut the hell up" phrase. Even I can't recall its exact context but I believe it was back in the long gone days of a Lewis and Fionn epic meltdown thT i first uttered that. It was a replacement for my usual "Bite Me" comment to the forum dregs. It sorta became my catchphrase although to be honest in recent years I only wheel it out on special occasions.

Now, its true origin was in Happy Gilmore, where Ben Stiller had a cameo as a Retirement Home aide.

An old woman ask him if she can have a warm glass of milk and he replies with "You can have a warm glass of shut the hell up!". Well, I thought it was always funny.

And one clarification Peng. I didn't say that if people didn't like what "WE" (royal we) had to say, I said if they didn't like what "I" (singular ****stiff that I am) had to say. Small point, but important.

Okay, prolonged exposure to da 'pool has left me with this strange flakey rash and a uncontrolable urge to scrape my body with a wire brush so I am outa here.


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oh.. well I guess if I'm going to visit the Cesspool, I should try to follow the rules layed out by the lunatics who run this asylum.

I'd love to stay and chat, but frankly I'm about to have my tongue beaten wafer thin with a steak-tenderiser and then stapled to the floor with a croquet hoop.

I'm sure you understand.


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Okay, prolonged exposure to da 'pool has left me with this strange flakey rash and a uncontrolable urge to scrape my body with a wire brush so I am outa here.


We do like to share fungal infections... and brushes... and Gnomes. Best with all three, at the same time.

What a perfectly civil pod.

Do stop by for tea and crumpets next time?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Hey, who let management in? Sheesh, what ever happened to standards? Common Decency? The bouncer at the door? Lady Yeknodathon, did you forget to pay the lad again? sigh, if you want something done right.... *grumblings fade into the distance*

I blame Old Foul Joe for leaving Boo in charge of the door.
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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

This place stinks like a pair of armoured trousers after the Hundred Years War. Mr. Hortlund, have you been eating dung again?

You know what is really unimpressive JPuddy? And when I say really unimpressive, I mean really unimpressive...not as unimpressive as NG Cavscouts win/loss ratio in CMBB of cource, but almost...well you get the idea.

Its when people who cant be funny on their own accord rip quotes from old Blackadder episodes and pass them off as their own.

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