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CMSF vs MBT, aka "Peng Challenges Again"!

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For your viewing pleasure, I have resurrected an old version of the rules. Can ya guess who wrote them?

So, first off the Rules, from the Original Cesspool, Always Officious, Sometimes Relevant Except When It Applies To SSNs BOOK OF ORDER (and cause, thought it pains me to admit it, I like no other base version better)


Uno. Thou shalt sound off as if thou possessest a pair, that the 'Pool shall prosper and be fruitful.

Eine. Thou shalt not sound off ABOUT thy pair, nor about politics, nor racial, sexual nor ethnic crusades, lest you find disfavour in the eyes of the Bald One.

Hannah. Bring not the unclean from the Outer Boards into the Sanctuary, lest you be subjected to foetors of Strines and other unclean things.

Un. Thou shalt not have congress with Scum Sucking Newbies (SSN), nor shalt thou bow down before Grogs nor worship them, for that way lies the Kaos of the Outer Boards.

Ichi. Remember the place of the Peng Challenge Thread and keep it upon the first page, 'nuff said.

Unos. Honour the Olde Ones, the Senior Knights, the Knights and the Squires … ignore the Serfs and vilify the SSNs, for that is right and just.

1. Thou shalt enter not into the 'Pool without bearing a challenge of mighty taunting, for that is whole purpose of the exercise.

4/4. Thou SHALT give false testimony about thy fellow CessPoolers, and give them gamey play and insults and bile and taunts, for that renders some modicum of amusement value.

Foremost. Thou shalt not covet thy fellow CessPoolers record, for wins and losses are not OF the CessPool, for the 'Pool is not some fecking ladder.

First. Verily those that walk in the way of the CessPool shall fall in and they SHALL be wet, so if it is thy wish to remain dry ... SOD OFF!

[ October 11, 2005, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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I think we should refer it to a committee. Let Boo, Foul Joe and, hmmm . . . nope, Coventry, err . . . ah yes . . . Grog Dorosh debate the minutia implied by the aforementioned policies and regulations and devise a consensus report, preferably wrapped around a large beer, for our edification.


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I am still chuckling over the Shock and awe the Pool will be rolling with after CM:IF err…I mean CM: Syrian Freedom err…CM: Shock Force, yeah, that’s it, rolls out. I have to give BFC the credit; nothing I could think of would actually cause Seanachai to consume more alcohol. This new title may provide what many of us have been looking forward to, it may just push him over the edge! How entertaining will that be?

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A fatwa on Boo would kill thousands of friendly civilians, ruin the infrastructure in the forum, give fanatical islamists a chance, and also destroy the position of the small christian minority in the M.B.T..

All for world power.

That is what I dislike about the game's setting.

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Bloody hell! No ‘Challenge’ in the title, a 'groggy' sounding name that'll bring in total git's like that dullweed fellow AND he even reused old rules!!!

I should say ‘let's start a new thread’ but that’d remind me too much of something that the no-good, thread closing, shandy-drinking, gnome might do…

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bah, I spew bile upon you all. there, that feels better.

Fecking Monotheists.

alrighty then, at least we are not whining and biotching about "CM:Hey, is that NG cavscout behind that mud hut?" I mean "CM:SF" in here, What a whiny bunch of genital warts. No not you Leutnant Hortlund, the Outreboorderians.

Is Seanachai self banned from the pool again? sigh, is out impersonating lawn ornaments to pick up spare change again?

I am impressed that dalem can spell Fatwa though. On a related note, there is a mosque that overlooks our camp, and they broadcast a call to prayer several times in Arabic. I wonder how much of that is calling curses and lightning and IED's down on our Infidel heads?

Alright, time for another contribution from the amazing world of modern pharmacueticals!! Percocet,here I come!!!

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

A fatwa on Boo would kill thousands of friendly civilians, ruin the infrastructure in the forum, give fanatical islamists a chance, and also destroy the position of the small christian minority in the M.B.T..

All for world power.

That is what I dislike about the game's setting.

I'm half Italian. My fatwas involve a .22 placed snugly to the base of the skull.
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

A fatwa on Boo would kill thousands of friendly civilians, ruin the infrastructure in the forum, give fanatical islamists a chance, and also destroy the position of the small christian minority in the M.B.T..

All for world power.

That is what I dislike about the game's setting.

I'm half Italian. My fatwas involve a .22 placed snugly to the base of the skull. </font>
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Now that would be an actual improvement of the fatwa concept, a neat combination of fatwa and martyrhod. As soon as they declare a fatwa, they put a gun to their head and pull the trigger. Viola, instant martyrdom, instant 72 virgins etc etc.

I vote we send Dalem to the-country-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned-but-is-located-right-between-CM:SF-and-CM:Iran

to spread the word on this new and improved jihad-method.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Snipped this bit...

I am impressed that dalem can spell Fatwa though. On a related note, there is a mosque that overlooks our camp, and they broadcast a call to prayer several times in Arabic. I wonder how much of that is calling curses and lightning and IED's down on our Infidel heads?

... snipped the rest

I’ve been wondering… if a Sherman’76 was an M1, what would a T-72 be? PzIII perhaps?

Either way I’m thinking lot’s of grunts & bazooka’s & fausts & MBT analogues all put together in some kind of really hot dusty town… you up for it?

Or perhaps you’re too busy listening to all those wondrous curses?


Cheeseland is a stupid location

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