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Module Question


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Depends on the Module. In CM:SF's case for sure at least one new force of some sort, be it USMC, British, German, Italian, or whatever. Perhaps some new terrain and weather effects, though not terribly likely for CM:SF (more for WWII and other games). Possibly some modest game feature enhancements, though probably only if they are related to the new force being included. For example, let us say a particular tank in a Module has an active defense system that we haven't previously coded for. We'd include support for that system. But by and large we are not adding features, even small ones, with Modules.


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“Perhaps some new terrain and weather effects, though not terribly likely for CM:SF (more for WWII and other games).”

I have been a bit slow in understanding what is and is not likely to be covered by a Module….. one last straight question that goes to the heart of my concern.

Would a jump from summer to winter, or visa versa, be too great for a Module in an Eastern Front setting? Only a six month leap forward or back in time from the setting in the original Eastern Front title so troop qualities and equipment would be near identical. However, the graphics would require an entire reworking.

I ask this for the obvious reason, I greatly enjoy both winter and summer settings for Eastern Front games and if the title/initial Eastern Front game were set in summer, say, summer’43 I would be in mourning if it meant we would never see a winter Eastern Front module/game with CMX2 ;) .

One could not change everything with a module, but “never” seeing a winter setting for the Eastern Front would be a big blow ;) .

All good fun,

All the best,


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I really am not sure why this concept is so hard for most of you to grasp. I think it must be because we've taught you to think in terms of EVERYTHING (and more) delivered all at once. As stated, that will never happen again. So the new concept is fairly clean, clearcut, and without any ambiguity. All the questions that are being asked have already been answered, either directly or indirectly.

A Title is a major theater and/or setting. It is not a minor variation on theme. That is what Modules are for. This means you might see a Western Front Title, an Eastern Front Title, a Space Lobster Title, an American Civil War Title, etc. etc. You will NOT see an Eastern Front Part 1 Title, an Eastern Front Part 2 Title, etc.

Now, within each Title's scope there is the initial content released with the Title itself, then there is additional content released afterwards in the form of Modules. All Titles share one thing in common when it comes to content... a lot of stuff will be included, but not the kitchen sink (as with CMx1). Anything that causes a major sucking sound of our resources will be chopped up into pieces. Going from Summer to Winter requires an entirely new texture set. That is a sucking sound you hear :D Adding new force types, new nationalities, new vehicles, new terrain, etc.... all with that same sucking sound.

Anytime you guys hear yourself thinking "but, adding this or that wouldn't be a big deal so why not include it with this Title or combined in that Module?" you need to stop yammering long enough to listen for that sucking sound. If you hear it... that's your answer; it is a bigger deal than you thought. If you don't hear the sucking sound then you have to listen to the winds and hear how much people are interested in this. If you hear a few enthusiastic "yahoos" then there is a possibility it will be skipped in favor of something else that is desirable by more people. This Forum only provides some of the voices, but absolutely not all.

That being said we do intend on releasing stuff that we feel confident people will enjoy even if they aren't cheering for it ahead of time. CM:SF proves that :D

Anyhoo... all the information to answer specific questions about Titles and Modules has been said. All you guys need to do is stop, think, and apply the info next time you feel a question coming up. It really is much more simple than many of you think.


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in fact I never expected both winter and summer environments to be covered in a single “title” ;) .

My concern was that a change of climatic conditions from winter to summer would be “too big” even from a module to handle. Thus if an Eastern Front “title” were set in winter we may never see a summer setting for the Eastern Front with CMX2. If you follow my rantings smile.gif .

But no matter… I now believe there is a good chance of seeing both a summer and winter setting for the Eastern Front when both the title and modules are released.

All good fun,

All the best,


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We are expecting some Modules to come out in between Title releases, but just because the next Title comes out doesn't mean that the previous Title is no longer going to see any action. In fact, we expect some Modules for a Title to come out after the next Title has been released.

3rd Party stuff like Scenarios will only work with the Titles/Modules they were developed for. So if you make something in the winter of 1943 using the Eastern Front Winter '43 Module, then someone without that Module will not be able to play it. Forgetting the sales reasons for that, there is the simple practical issue that they won't have the graphics, TO&E, unit data, etc. to play it.

Bren Tripods will be covered in its own Module entitled "Obscure and Useless Implements of Warfare" :D

Kip, nah... you're forgetting that we aren't going to do the whole Eastern Front in one go. So it won't be that hard to add Winter 1943 after we've done Summer 1942 (for example). But I would say we'll likely try to keep them contiguous since the equipment changes every 6 months are mind boggling!


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Yup, Peter's correct. Mogadishu could be decently simulated with CM:SF out of the box. Not exactly, of course, but close enough to get the flavor of it. I doubt there is much call for a BHD only Module so it wouldn't be worth our time/effort to do it.

Now, what would be worth the time and effort is a Commonwealth Module for CMx2's second released (the first of the WWII Titles). I think this is pretty much a no brainer, honestly. I'd even stick my neck far enough out to say that I'd expect it to be the first Module released, though we are keeping our options open for the time being.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Yup, Peter's correct. Mogadishu could be decently simulated with CM:SF out of the box. Not exactly, of course, but close enough to get the flavor of it. I doubt there is much call for a BHD only Module so it wouldn't be worth our time/effort to do it.

Now, what would be worth the time and effort is a Commonwealth Module for CMx2's second released (the first of the WWII Titles). I think this is pretty much a no brainer, honestly. I'd even stick my neck far enough out to say that I'd expect it to be the first Module released, though we are keeping our options open for the time being.


Sounds good to me. I would also love to see the UK represented in the first CM:SF module. I will most likely buy all the modules but I'd like to see the Brits in first, if at all possible.
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