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What load do aircraft carry?


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It would be cool to actually see some type of descriptive graphic for each aircraft ammo type instead of the generic M203 grenade symbol thingy. It could be something like this, instead of the generic ammo symbols, there could be a symbol for.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Bullet)-(Rocket)-(Missile)-(Lt-Med Bomb)-(Heavy Bomb)

The bomb classes would count guided and retarded bomb loads together. This system would not tell you exactly what weapon the air asset is carrying, but would give players a much better idea of the classes of weapons carried and the asset's overall weapons capability.

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I ran a couple of quick tests, here is what *seems* to be the case:

This is based on the selections in the editor, with normal equipment. As I understand it, the equipment quality should have an influence on weapons' guidance, not the weapons' payload(?)

The game differs between CAS and AT role and ordnance weight.

I'll start with the CAS aircraft:

F-16 and F-15:

the light, medium and heavy configuration determines the payload of the bombs carried by the aircraft. (i.e. 500, 1000, 2000lbs?)

In the unit display, there are three icons. The leftmost is the cannon the next two icons seem to be for left and right wing. In the tests I ran, all weapons fired from the wings were obviously of the same type/payload.


always equipped with cannon (.50) and FFARs (only 2 AFAIK)

left icon = cannon

right icon = FFARs


light and medium configuration determines the total amount of weapons carried. The configuaration always remains the same:

left = cannon

middle = AGM-114

right = FFARs

Aircraft in AT role:

Now this is where it gets a little more complicated.

AH-64: again the weapons configuration is always the same, the light, medium and high settings determine the number of weapons carried.

but now there are four icons in the unit display:

leftmost = cannon

second = odd, but this also seems to be cannon

third = AGM-114

rightmost = FFARs

A-10 and F-16:

now this is confusing, but it seems that in the light configuration, there are only 2 weapon types carried (only cannon and missiles) so the middle option (below) is left out

right = cannon

middle (med and hvy) = these seem to be medium-sized bombs, but I'm not sure

right = AGM-65

Further observation in the game should give more information if this really is how it works.

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