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Peng Decides to Post a Challenge, (but can't figure out what time it is.)


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Originally posted by Leeo:

My liege, Uncle Stuka has passed from employment? Why Stuka, you can move right in with me! I know things must be tight, what with the job loss and all. Beer money flows through your hands like water for chocolate (or sum****e like that).

Yes, yes indeed, it's the least your former squire can do. You can live with me. It's the proper thing, my liege, after all you did for me as a young, starry-eyed squire to your noble house. Why, you...

Well, I remember the time you...ah... See now, you taught me all about.....Oh! and you took great time and effort in...well, oh bugger.

Screw it, my liege. You may not live with me. You may not drink my beer. You will get from me exactly what I got from you as a squire:

"Go forth and flail wildly in ways to annoy your enemies."

There. That ought to about catch us up then, Hmm?

p.s.- I was a bit over-reaching with the beer thing. You all are welcome to help drink my beer whenever you are in the area. (Giggle)

Oh Leeo

*gets in headlock and ruffles hair in fatherly fashion*

How soon does one forget?

I recall back in the heady days of yore, when squire and kniiiget frolicked and gambled in the may, that I thought of you and treated you just like the red-headed stepchild I never had.

and if perchance you might have, on occasion felt just a teeny bit neglected, rest assured that it was only because I really didn't give a damn.

However I will take you up on the beer/wife offer one sunny day (they do have those in Oregon don't they?) and if I should find Emrys Oldsmobile in your drive, i'll park the old Ju87D right up close and make sure I swing my door into his duco.

Now run along and make sure that the beer is cold and the wife is hot (and not the other way around)

Theres a good squire....

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So, Sir Sir 37mm, you think of me as Jar Jar Binks? I find it odd that you would be labeling me such. As you may recall, your puny British force was soundly walloped by my valient soldiers of the Fatherland. By your own admission, then, you were defeated by one with the intelligence, wits, and general "togetherness" of Jar Jar Binks. But, you may claim "It should have been a tie! That flag was in the center should not have been contested!". A reasonable statement. Jar Jar Binks outwitted you. That, Sir Sir, is not a crown I would proudly wear.

Or you could post your AAR, and show the Cesspool how it "truely" happened.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I do think it's appropriate that you chose for a nick an obsolete dive bomber that was easily picked off by opposing fighters.

If you must know, the Stuka was known for its fascinating exposed undercarraige.

Much like myself.....

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I do think it's appropriate that you chose for a nick an obsolete dive bomber that was easily picked off by opposing fighters.

I do think it's appropriate that you chose for a nick the name of a complete prat.
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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Been wondering this for a long time, but what the hell is a paddock anyway? Inquiring mind wants to know.

Yeah, and it seems yours does too.

You know, it's too bad that there isn't some kind of feature on the internet, where you could just type in a word and have the definition show up.

Really an oversight on Al Gore's part.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

You Sir, are a roight ruddy ‘know it all’ buggar and you get me all jipped up good & proper… not as much as that v42blow fellow though.

My word he gets the wind up me… I cannot even think of a real reason why.

I mean sure he’s ‘ass backward’ and all but then aren’t most of us?

I don’t know, it’s as if he’s lacking in ‘something’… brains obviously of course… but then again, most of you have a doggy bag of lobotomised, rotting grey goo stored in your fridges which somehow must provide ‘character’ to your otherwise rotting corpses (except Boo I believe Rose got mixed up at one time & used the doggy bag contents for a stew)… but in v42blows case I doubt he has a doggy bag or a fridge… most likely the grey rotting ****ty remains of his skull are just wrapped up in cellophane & kept outside on a cold night.

But although brains are certainly what v42blow lack they are not the ‘something’ that drives me up the fecking wall every time I see him make some mundane comment here in this bootiful place… oh & by Peng when we're talking mundane & v42blow we’re talking a ‘Nidan1 & Joe Shaw gently discuss quoting techniques & editing etiquette’ level of mundane... if not worse.

Dear Peng that’s to 'look forward too' IF he even posts… I mean I completely despise his very existence (literally worrying if the air molecules I am breathing in now have once been inside or even a part of 42vblowhard) and yet even I find his posts to be to irregular… it’s like he’s not ‘bothered’ about this bootiful place!

I say… feck off if you can’t be 'bothered'

Who knows, perhaps that’s why I continue to hate him so? His very absence allows me to imaginatively create attributes he clearly does not possess… I can create a ‘proper nemesis fit for me’ rather than have the piss poor reality rubbed into my face too often

… and that serf that he’s got prime nochte on… that serf jiggly gungun is in here constantly (a bit of a worry really)… how can a serf learn anything (and dear Peng don’t jiggly need some teaching!!!) if the ‘master of sorts’ ain’t ever here?

… but my real worry about v42blow is that he just hasn’t got what it takes ("it takes all sorts" me' Dad once said, but surely he’d never met v42?)… I suspect that the poor mite is outclassed, out of his league, out on a limb & well just plain out… he’s an endlessly confused & lost waffler… dear Peng he’s Abbot without the (few) good points!!!

I can just imagine it… say I received news that my kidneys had failed…

Would v42blow offer to give me his kidney just so he can continue to torture me for longer?

Would he drink to my health (at least that’s what he’d call it)?

Dear Peng, would he even send me a get well card that ‘got lost in the post’?

… on some level I doubt it.

And in the end what does that say about me?

What if I cannot find a proper nemesis here, in this place?

What if all I can find is just a bunch of Oddstralians who should’ve been strangled at birth and Joe Shaw … I mean Joe fecking Shaw for Peng’s sake!!!

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something…


oh yeah, Seanachai you’re a roight sod & all

You know, a nice bunch of flowers and some chocolotes would be a much better way to express your feelings for me. I don't really go for the raving monologue type anymore. And then there's the whole interspecies barrier thing I have to get over, but with time, I might be able to look at your lowly reptile self without my eyes exploding and then, who knows, I just might allow you to get up close and personal with the sole of my old tramping boots.
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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

So, Sir Sir 37mm, you think of me as Jar Jar Binks? I find it odd that you would be labeling me such. As you may recall, your puny British force was soundly walloped by my valient soldiers of the Fatherland. By your own admission, then, you were defeated by one with the intelligence, wits, and general "togetherness" of Jar Jar Binks. But, you may claim "It should have been a tie! That flag was in the center should not have been contested!". A reasonable statement. Jar Jar Binks outwitted you. That, Sir Sir, is not a crown I would proudly wear.

Or you could post your AAR, and show the Cesspool how it "truely" happened.

As I awaken from my drunken stupor, it has come to my attention that juan_gigante has completed the quest of soundly walloping the weakest rusted link in the chain of Knights, the pimple on the face of the MBT, the resident village idiot of the Pool - Sir Sir 37mm. He has also stuck around long enough to insert multiple knitting pins and the occasional steak knife into his opponent's unconscious body, which is to be encouraged. I hereby take juan_gigante as my Squire. Dear Joe, please update the website and fill out the paperwork.

juan, get to polishing my boots. I suggest you rip out a chunk of Sir Sir 37mm's hair to use as a rag.

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No, no, no, no, no.... bloody no

That's it!

You can't come in here play the occasional game against stickypixie & get squires & knightdom & prime nochte & stuff!

It ain't bloody roight!

I demand that IF Jiggly Gungun is too be made a squire then he is to be made a full member of the House of (sigh) JD Morse (sigh) & a squire to me.

(However personally I don't think he's played the five games which is traditional before squiredom but as per bloody usual v42blow has rushed it)

Dear fecking Peng on a stick I've actually played a game against Jiggly Gungun (and have an AAR coming)!!!

What the feck has v42below done?

But IF Jiggly is to be squired at least force v42below to accept one of my many challenges for the roight!

Foul Joe you & I have often had our differences but you say you 'stand for the Cesspool' & I say I'm here 'to save the Cesspool'... are we really so different?

Do not allow this... this... travesty!

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