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Peng Decides to Post a Challenge, (but can't figure out what time it is.)


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Silly little Gnome

Everybody likes him...which drives him crazy.

Always trying in vane to get the ultimate insult.

Never gets his mortal enemy stalker.

Alcohol in excess is bad for Gnomes.

Cannabis in excess is bad for Gnomes.

Hallucinogens are bad for Gnomes.

Able to continue typing after imbibing in all three.

Intoxicated by Dalem's versifications...

(...Though Dalem tells Seanachai it is the rum, and the Gnome is too intoxicated to know the difference.)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'd make mock with the fact that I've run over things that were more erudite than you, but that would belittle the memory of the various gophers, porcupines and skunks that were so mentally and physically incompetent that even my best efforts to dodge them weren't enough.

Did you really run over a porcupine? That is sad!

What did it do to your tires?

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Seanachai I applaud your effort to impose anarchy here in the CessPool. A little life around here would be a good thing and torches and bands of rampaging peasants would certainly liven things up.

I'm FOR it Seanachai and to show my willingness to step up to the plate I've prepared a few rules to make sure the anarchy runs smoothly.

99) Torches shall be no more than 36 inches in length and shall be equipped with an automatic shutoff in the event of catastrophic combustion.

[^) Only Seniour Knights of the CessPool will be permitted to riot after 11:00 PM Minnesota time, thought Squires of same may assist by carrying the torch and/or the Seniour Knight.

}}}} The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread will coordinate and organize all riots and demonstrations and only Justicariate approved placards may be carried.

There'll be more coming, Seanachai ... splendid idea lad, really splendid.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I Challenge each and every one of you useless pillocks to an Exchange of Insults!

Insult you, Seanachai? No, no... no. I don't think so. It's something you feed on. Something that fluffs up your tail and makes your coat all glossy and full. And I don't think that it's something I wish to be part of.

It's always more fun to insult someone like Joe. To paraphrase Ellen Glasgow : "He knows so little and knows it so fluently."

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Zing een lied.

One for the ladies

In the high pitched voice:

My life is brilliant

Mine of the spear

I saw an angel

The am sure

Just got me on the subway

She was a modem and

But I will go to sleep on that

Because I have a plan

You’re beautiful

European for full, it’s true

A sign your face crowded place

And I don’t know what to do

Because I will never be with you

You should cut my time

As we walked on by

She could see from my face that I was

For King High

And I don’t think I’ll see her again

But they share the moment that well as fill the end

You are beautiful

Your beautiful It’s true and

I saw your face in a crowded place

And I don’t know what to do

The summit will be with you

You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful little

You’re beautiful it’s true

There must be an angel with a smile face

But it’s time to face the truth

I will never be with you </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai I applaud your effort to impose anarchy here in the CessPool. A little life around here would be a good thing and torches and bands of rampaging peasants would certainly liven things up.

I'm FOR it Seanachai and to show my willingness to step up to the plate I've prepared a few rules to make sure the anarchy runs smoothly.

99) Torches shall be no more than 36 inches in length and shall be equipped with an automatic shutoff in the event of catastrophic combustion.

[^) Only Seniour Knights of the CessPool will be permitted to riot after 11:00 PM Minnesota time, thought Squires of same may assist by carrying the torch and/or the Seniour Knight.

}}}} The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread will coordinate and organize all riots and demonstrations and only Justicariate approved placards may be carried.

There'll be more coming, Seanachai ... splendid idea lad, really splendid.


You, sirrah, are a cad!

A cad and a boob!

A cad and a colossal, Grade A Prime Boob even!

A cad, a boob and a charlatan!

Not only are you ridiculously missing the point of "anarchy" by imposing RULES for it. Rules, by the way, which will be completely and utterly dismissed for the nonsense they are - as are all your other paltry little rules. I laugh at your rules.



Hahaha haha ha ha haahaha!

But also, you are offensive and vile to support dear Seanapoochie's anarchy when you condemned ME for trying to help ease your burdens oh so many moons ago.

What a hypocrite!

I, sirrah, am highly offended!

Not that *you* would care.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I Challenge each and every one of you useless pillocks to an Exchange of Insults!

You Sir, are a roight ruddy ‘know it all’ buggar and you get me all jipped up good & proper… not as much as that v42blow fellow though.

My word he gets the wind up me… I cannot even think of a real reason why.

I mean sure he’s ‘ass backward’ and all but then aren’t most of us?

I don’t know, it’s as if he’s lacking in ‘something’… brains obviously of course… but then again, most of you have a doggy bag of lobotomised, rotting grey goo stored in your fridges which somehow must provide ‘character’ to your otherwise rotting corpses (except Boo I believe Rose got mixed up at one time & used the doggy bag contents for a stew)… but in v42blows case I doubt he has a doggy bag or a fridge… most likely the grey rotting ****ty remains of his skull are just wrapped up in cellophane & kept outside on a cold night.

But although brains are certainly what v42blow lack they are not the ‘something’ that drives me up the fecking wall every time I see him make some mundane comment here in this bootiful place… oh & by Peng when we're talking mundane & v42blow we’re talking a ‘Nidan1 & Joe Shaw gently discuss quoting techniques & editing etiquette’ level of mundane... if not worse.

Dear Peng that’s to 'look forward too' IF he even posts… I mean I completely despise his very existence (literally worrying if the air molecules I am breathing in now have once been inside or even a part of 42vblowhard) and yet even I find his posts to be to irregular… it’s like he’s not ‘bothered’ about this bootiful place!

I say… feck off if you can’t be 'bothered'

Who knows, perhaps that’s why I continue to hate him so? His very absence allows me to imaginatively create attributes he clearly does not possess… I can create a ‘proper nemesis fit for me’ rather than have the piss poor reality rubbed into my face too often

… and that serf that he’s got prime nochte on… that serf jiggly gungun is in here constantly (a bit of a worry really)… how can a serf learn anything (and dear Peng don’t jiggly need some teaching!!!) if the ‘master of sorts’ ain’t ever here?

… but my real worry about v42blow is that he just hasn’t got what it takes ("it takes all sorts" me' Dad once said, but surely he’d never met v42?)… I suspect that the poor mite is outclassed, out of his league, out on a limb & well just plain out… he’s an endlessly confused & lost waffler… dear Peng he’s Abbot without the (few) good points!!!

I can just imagine it… say I received news that my kidneys had failed…

Would v42blow offer to give me his kidney just so he can continue to torture me for longer?

Would he drink to my health (at least that’s what he’d call it)?

Dear Peng, would he even send me a get well card that ‘got lost in the post’?

… on some level I doubt it.

And in the end what does that say about me?

What if I cannot find a proper nemesis here, in this place?

What if all I can find is just a bunch of Oddstralians who should’ve been strangled at birth and Joe Shaw … I mean Joe fecking Shaw for Peng’s sake!!!

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something…


oh yeah, Seanachai you’re a roight sod & all

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Originally posted by Patchy:

Silly little Gnome

Everybody likes him...which drives him crazy.

Always trying in vane to get the ultimate insult.

Never gets his mortal enemy stalker.

Alcohol in excess is bad for Gnomes.

Cannabis in excess is bad for Gnomes.

Hallucinogens are bad for Gnomes.

Able to continue typing after imbibing in all three.

Intoxicated by Dalem's versifications...

(...Though Dalem tells Seanachai it is the rum, and the Gnome is too intoxicated to know the difference.)

Are smart, creative women allowed in here? Don't they make the rest of you sods feel inadequate or something? I ask as part of a sociological research project I am conducting called Life Beneath the Bridge. It has footnotes and everything.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Don't they make the rest of you sods feel inadequate or something?

Actually when I compare myself to you I feel very superior.

btw no turns until I get my real PC back, which I think has suffered some sort of HDD failure or somefink.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Damn it, I'm having trouble getting this torch lit...

Is that a metaphor for a favorite pastime that hasn't been successful...nudge nudge wink wink?

Yes yes I know my mind's always in the gutter, but at least I'm on my back looking at the stars.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Don't they make the rest of you sods feel inadequate or something?

Actually when I compare myself to you I feel very superior.</font>
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You know, its a very special day when after 5 1/2 years with a company the day dawns that you get to walk into your bosses office and pull the pin on the whole shebang.

Thats right kiddies, come december 30, your old Unca Stukey is gainfully unemployed!

"Oh whatever exciting adventures does your life now hold for you Unca Stukey" I hear you cry.

Well gather round the hearth little ones and hear my words.....



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Originally posted by Stuka:

You know, its a very special day when after 5 1/2 years with a company the day dawns that you get to walk into your bosses office and pull the pin on the whole shebang.

Thats right kiddies, come december 30, your old Unca Stukey is gainfully unemployed!

"Oh whatever exciting adventures does your life now hold for you Unca Stukey" I hear you cry.

Well gather round the hearth little ones and hear my words.....



But... but... this means they'll have to hire someone with your particular skills to replace you...

(OK, I'm leaving this open for any of you to throw in a punchline. That's how nice a guy I am.)

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