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is the AI totally stupid?

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I am watching a PBEM turn where it appears both sides set up in the SAME zones.. No biggee... we'll just have a close up fight.. BUT.. as the clock ticks down neither side shoots at each other..

in plain sight of each other, my Syrians simply watch the strykers blast away at the buildings in town instead of lighting up the entire platoon of them with RPGs, many at less than 30 meters away..

Am I supposed to believe my Muhammad seeking Jihad warriors are simply going to ignore US troops right next to them and swap camel humping stories with each other over cinnamon sticks and tea?

I suppose this is that realistic asymmetrical combat paradigm that I'm supposed to accept as state of the art modern warfare gaming?

I will gladly send my game file and password to anyone who does not believe me or wishes to tell me I'm just whining or to fix the game myself.

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Red Devil, you are right, BFC has sold you out. It is part of a larger conspiracy. I only know becase I work for the Government.

CM:SF is an insult, directed at you personally, designed to push you over the edge of reason, into racial abuse, irrational posting and grammatically incorrect sentences.

The only thing to do, and I'm not sure if there is still time, is to head to the hobby store and see if Avalon products are still on the market. In order to do this, you must wear the tinfoil hat to protect you from the mind control rays BFC used to make you purchase this game you hate.

Don't be despairing though, you are a Red Devil (presumably you're a Para, not just some walter mitty), so there is some chance you can fight your way out of this evil place.

Seriously, the AI subject to the odd minor glitch is fine. Grow up, suck up your disappointment and bottle it up.

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LMAO minor glitch?

perhaps you should put your bottle down and quit sucking up to the splendor of being duped yourself.

I pre-ordered on the basis that this was combat mission, not a RT kiddie clickie fest game.. shows how much trust I put into BFC and serves me right for taking a chance huh?

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Originally posted by average:

Red Devil, you are right, BFC has sold you out. It is part of a larger conspiracy. I only know becase I work for the Government.

CM:SF is an insult, directed at you personally, designed to push you over the edge of reason, into racial abuse, irrational posting and grammatically incorrect sentences.

The only thing to do, and I'm not sure if there is still time, is to head to the hobby store and see if Avalon products are still on the market. In order to do this, you must wear the tinfoil hat to protect you from the mind control rays BFC used to make you purchase this game you hate.

Don't be despairing though, you are a Red Devil (presumably you're a Para, not just some walter mitty), so there is some chance you can fight your way out of this evil place.

Seriously, the AI subject to the odd minor glitch is fine. Grow up, suck up your disappointment and bottle it up.

The guy found a glitch and is reporting it, albeit interwined with a deep concern for the wisdom of his investment of 50 or so bucks for a new game that he is currently none too happy with.

I've been reading these boards for a couple of days now, and have lost count of how many times someone has accused someone else of being childish in an all too pedantic reply of their own.

This one definately qualifies.




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It's an RT kiddie clickie fest that is too hard for you obviously.I really don't feel duped.

You can still play in WEGO, just you don't like it as much. They sacrficed the purity did they snookums ?

What I am concerned about is I came here looking for useful information about how to play the game and all I found was men in their 40's crying themselves a river because CMX2 is different and not as good, and different, mainly different.

It reminds me of when WEGO first hit the scene replacing IGOUGO (ala Steel Panthers), and everyone moaned about it, a few people kept playing SP2, most people moved on.

It's terrible how consumers and software companies sometimes change the look and feel of a product, take advantage of improved technology and the like. I wish we stuck with PC-DOS and Wordperfect 5.1.

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Originally posted by average:

It's an RT kiddie clickie fest that is too hard for you obviously.I really don't feel duped.

It's not too hard for me to play, it's just not something I wanted to BUY. Deceptive marketing of the Combat Mission namesake to further a new and innovative bundle of simulation is also provoking my ire.

I can get BETTER RTS games than this in the 1st place, and secondly I did expect a bit more quality in a product that took 4 years to build/test. Looking over things, there's an obvious black hole of QA residing in this project.

It might please the clickie whores and graphics gazers up to this point, but a wargamer like myself, who is looking for the wargame aspect of this whole deal, can't find the answer in this bundle of joy here.

The whole abstraction and simulation idea is a cool idea, but it sucks for wargames. I like to see my targets and kill them. I like to see my AI troopers kill the enemy when they see them w/o my need to hold their hands and pull their triggers. I like to be able to confidently acknowledge that my armor will keep it's front to the enemy and shoot at the enemy, if it sees them. I like to flank the enemy and not watch my armor drive back and forth over the same ditch until a RPG hits it and ends my misery.

Unlike you, I want to play a wargame, not a poorly made RTS.

So why don't yop go respond to someone who likes your kiddie talk approach and stop contributing absolutely nothing to my thread.


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I agree with Red Devil. This game is not the finished article. While there are some great things and ideas in there my perception of it is very poor right now. I think it may be trying to be all things to all gamers. I'm not sure if its meant to be a single player Vs AI, an RTS or a PBEM. It is not polished or perfected. The AI does appear to be very bad. The control system, while changed from previous games just feels like a step backwards and frankly isnt anywhere near as good as similar types of games. It reminds me of a scaled down version of Warhammer. The camera controls are pretty dire, I spent half the time trying to get the camera angles right.

However, all is not lost, the potential is there, it just has to be realised and tweaked. There are things in it that I personally dont want but there are some things that are good. The 1-1 representation for a start. Maybe I just hoped for too much from it, BTW, the voice sounds are truly a cop-out as they seem to be the very ones that are in CMBO for the US side.

However, all this is my opinion only.

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Originally posted by jomni:

Modern combat does not involve the carnage of WW2. Gunbattles can last for hours with only a few casualties. Maybe your Syrians are petrified by the sight of the Strykers.

Hmm, depends what side your on I think.
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Deceptive marketing of the Combat Mission namesake to further a new and innovative bundle of simulation is also provoking my ire.
Your insulting whining is provoking me to ire. There, now we are even :D

CM;SF has everything in it that CMBO has in terms of the combat, concept, and general feel. But it isn't the same. Gee... why do you think it took 3 years to make?

Anyway, back to the main point. Yes, we are aware of a problem with PBEM. We thought we had it all squared away before we shipped, but we obviously didn't. We're working on it and should have a fix available shortly. We always support our products.

And Average.... while I appreciate your annoyance at the "I am the center of the universe and this game should be 110% what I expected it to be" sentiment that some express, you need to be a tad bit more restrained. I'm not at all happy with the unbridled bashing of everybody who likes CM by those who don't, so to be fair I don't want unbridled bashing of those who don't like it by those who do.


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And Average.... while I appreciate your annoyance at the "I am the center of the universe and this game should be 110% what I expected it to be" sentiment that some express,

Steve [/QB]

That was subtle... lol...

I can appreciate the fact that designers who take criticism must have a very high threshold for tolerance, and that slips of frustration will appear from time to time, but that kind of "dramatic representation" helps no one.

Even if the hyperbole started with the criticism.

Stiff upper lip, M8... water off a duck's back. I'm sure the majority of the people here have no inkling of the massive undertaking and commitment you guys make in bringing us games to enjoy.



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I'm part of the group that expected this to be a super Combat Mission x1 with all the great characteristics of the originals and some sorely need additions.

I might be bitching up a storm on BF forums, and you darn well deserve to hear some bitching, but I'm still trying to sort out this CM-SF game to the point of actually making it work for me.

At this time, my biggest regret is pre-ordering under the assumption it was a modernized CM.

The whole game is a completely different animal with only the Combat mission name in front of shock force. Even more disappointing to me however was to find that it's really a real time shooter style simulation of a war, with a VERY clunky UI and mucho AI deficiencies. Coupled with numerous QA issues like missing maps, generic sounds and even misspelled folder entries upon installs, while petty and insignificant, these minor details bring forth a questionable degree of quality for the expense. Surely, you wouldn't like your new Mercedes to to have the emblem off set by a bit would you? The shining example of workmanship should equal the luster of the polish.

Many of the bugs can and will be fixed in the future, I'm sure, but will I be playing this as long as the original CMs? Probably not, especially when BF comes out with add on MODs that cost money to get, and ones which might be on the same level of Quality as the initial product? Regrettably at this point in time, I've lost my confidence in BF's ability to deliver a quality wargame, let alone a RT sim, but time will tell. I'm sure you'll strive to prove your efforts are genuine.

Sure, I got some of the BF guys looking at the bugs and quirks I've found so far but have my doubts on the replay value of the game even after it's patched up to a suitable level of playability.

There's some neat and cool stuff, but I really wanted meat with my potatoes, not soybeans and rice cakes.

Wargames are are tiny niche market, I can understand BF's efforts to reach a larger market to survive, the company has to make money.

However, I do wish that you had NOT used the CM name brand to market something that's completely off the mark from the original series and lead me to believe I was getting something similar, but improved upon in the series of CMx1 games.

I am trying to forget all I know and wanted improved in CMx1, while playing this new game and give it a chance to grow on me, but it's so hard when it was "branded" into my mind that I was getting a CM wargame.

At least I'm glad to have garnered a response from you after all, that means you're reading, and being aggravated just as much.

Thanks for taking the time to bitch back.

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Originally posted by RedDevil:

Steve,At this time, my biggest regret is pre-ordering under the assumption it was a modernized CM.

The whole game is a completely different animal with only the Combat mission name in front of shock force.

Well it sure is a wrong move. To appreciate this game, you have to think that this game is not CMx1. Keep an open mind.

Actually, new users (BF's target market) who haven't had any experience with CM loves the game because of the level realism that they have not seen before. I guess BF have been successful in getting these new users. But for us old-timers, our expectations were not met.

Hopefully the pathfinding flaws are worked out in the future.

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