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BMP-2s not firing their AT-5s

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Okay, I've been playtesting a scenario all morning and I can't get my BMP-2s to fire their AT-5A HEAT missiles at tanks except when they are VERY far (800m+) from their targets. :( Instead, they fire their 30mm cannons at the tanks, HE shells too mind you, and what I'm left with is a line of burning BMP-2 wrecks. Ranges they're not firing at are between 600-700m.

When they DO fire them, they are often quite effective against tanks so surely it would make more sense for the Tac AI to choose them to engage tanks and not the cannon?

AI controlled vehicles seem to be using their ATGM's more wisely than player controlled vehicles.

What is the game official range for the AT-5A on the BMP-2? I can't find the info in the manual and I've searched for info. There's a thread in the tactics section that suggests that it's about 100m FWIW so it's probably not range that's responsible.

If this is WAD then fine, I can work around that. But if it's a bug, then it's going to make a very big difference to my campaign if it's fixed later.

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LoL, i have the same problem with Bradleys.

I know it doesnt help those who play wego but us real-timers would appreciate a comand that would allow us to choose when we want to fire the missiles. that would allow us to perform ambushes with the missiles and to scoot to saftey!

Maybe a cover arc dedicated to any atgm that the vehicle carries would do the job for the wego'ers.

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How about like in CM1, where you can tell a unit to cover arc for armor and ignore everything else except for safety. Another one of those things that needs to be reinvented.

I just built a scenario where I wanted a BMP1 to cover a road to ambush a Bradley. Instead, it openned up on a US squad that entered its arc at 900m and wouldn't fire its ATGM at the Bradley. I am not sure what to do to force it to fire at its ATGM.

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I think it's Cool Breeze working his anti-atgm magic.

hmm, so it's some kind of Jedi mind trick? "This is not the weapons system you're looking for." :D

For the record, my BMP's are stationary so it's not that. I'm not sure what's going on because I saw it happen again in a different scenario this morning, same problem. I don't remember this being a problem in this scenario before. But then again, I had a wicked idea for an AI attack plan this morning and I REALLY need those ATGMs to counter it. It would be a shame to have to disable this AI plan as it's lethal. Until I put this one in, the scenario was a cakewalk for the human player. Now it's too difficult :rolleyes:

I agree that it would be good to have some more control over which weapons our vehicles use. CM1 allowed us to select 'Use Main Gun?". Since we've already got a 'target heavy' and 'target light' command, it surely wouldn't require a massive amount of coding to put that in. That or thewood's vehicular target covered arc.

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See the problem with a "cover armour" arc would be sometimes the vehicle doesnt need to use its atgm to take out the target ie when a braddley is shooting a bmp.

So because its cannon can take out a bmp the bradley would never use its TOW, we need a way to prioritise the atgm.

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But thats another issue, as i mentioned before sometimes you want to ambush using your atgms regardless of wether your cannon can take it out!

Im not saying we dont need an armour cover arc, im saying we need something that gives us more comand over our atgm's ASWELL!!

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Also BRDM with ATGM behavior is strange. It fires the missile and operator start to load new missile. But there are 5 another left, why he cannot fire all and then start to reload? Maybe because he use BMP reload procedure...

And another small think... In BMP-2 there are driver, gunner and commander in reality... at the moment there are only driver and gunner... not correct...

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