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God damnit!!


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I suspect that this will go to the off-topic section soon, where the following question will be hotly debated: Does the NYT really hate America and the sacrifices of her soldiers, or is Malkin just an inflammatory blowhard who thinks that anyone even remotely critical of Bush's policies is automatically a traitor to God, country, and Mom?

Mom? Hi Mom!

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Originally posted by Martyr:

I suspect that this will go to the off-topic section soon, where the following question will be hotly debated: Does the NYT really hate America and the sacrifices of her soldiers, or is Malkin just an inflammatory blowhard who thinks that anyone even remotely critical of Bush's policies is automatically a traitor to God, country, and Mom?

Mom? Hi Mom!

First, let me indicate where my viewpoint on this issue comes comes from. I am former military, combat arms, six combat tours. Not tooting my horn just giving you the perspective that my reply comes from.

This is not some drummed up issue. Some family got to watch their loved one die in stills and on video on the internet. Let's put it this way. Monday on the way to work you are involved in a horrible car accident and you are pinned, screaming in the wreckage as you slowly bleed to death. Do you want your wife/husband/mother/father/brother/sister etc to watch the video on the internet, or be informed by a professional police officer in a dignified manner who is experienced at this? Do you want the dignity of the official notification, or do you want the scenes of your death being traded by thousands on the internet? You want to be on "Faces of Death 23"?

These reporters should be in prison and the NYTs should be sued. And boycotted.

If you can't see the issue for what it is, then I can't help you.

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The only thing we should be "hating" are the politicians who put the kids on the front lines so that individuals like Cheney and Bush can make billions on deals like the 1998 Dresser Industries (Subsidiary of Brown, Brothers, Harriman and Co.) merger with Haliburton. A 7.7 Billion dollar deal negotiated by Tricky Dick himself. Coincidence...? If so, Ive got some ocean front property in Nevada I'd like to sell you...

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Originally posted by longbore:

The only thing we should be "hating" are the politicians who put the kids on the front lines so that individuals like Cheney and Bush can make billions on deals like the 1998 Dresser Industries (Subsidiary of Brown, Brothers, Harriman and Co.) merger with Haliburton. A 7.7 Billion dollar deal negotiated by Tricky Dick himself. Coincidence...? If so, Ive got some ocean front property in Nevada I'd like to sell you...

Who were we fighting in 1998?

Regardless, your point is off topic from my off topic thread. You hate Bush and Cheney; I really don't like either one. WTF does that have to do with the NYTs showing video of a soldier KIA before the family was officially notified?

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Hey Civdiv,

Here's some gasoline for ya': Ask the NYT about their "right" to publish what they see as the truth. AND their "right" to go anywhere in the world as journalists which gives them automatic protection. Oh, and their "right" to access various arenas which the (ignorant) public are kept out of. (Have YOU ever been allowed into a press briefing? Why not?)

Now try to explain to them that their "rights" are granted solely by the U.S. Constitution which is protected by (among others) the military.


Okay, I'm done fanning the flames....



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You wouldn't have been PO'ed if Bush hadn't managed our intersts to set up a situation where the NY Times would have to put up such a pic and article in the in the fist place. Hence my rant. Malkin may be a blow hard but we as a nation shouldn't have been put in this position. Let the man rant! If enough higher ups rant then maybe someone will force Boi George out of office...

The tired arugument of "your not supporting our troops, whaaa!" is just the kind of rhetoric the politicians hide behind so that they are not held countable. Let the media rant against this embarrasing commander and chief.

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Originally posted by civdiv:

WTF does that have to do with the NYTs showing video of a soldier KIA before the family was officially notified?

Nothin'. He had to get it out before the seizure drool fried the keyboard.


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