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Rune, perhaps if you tried being a bit less imperious, you'd get more positive responses.

v1.04 should pretty much do the trick

What does this mean to you? And "1.05 is likely in the near future"? Does this say "support it 'till nobody plays it anymore" to you?

I'm interested in hearing BFC's response regarding whether future engine changes will be patched into CM:SF, BTW. That's the deal-breaker for me.

If BFC is right and 1.04 pretty much does the trick, then I assure you I'll be happy. If 1.04 and 1.05 do not "do the trick", and are the endpoints, then I will not.


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Simple, Perhaps if you and lurker would notice that I am part of battlefront, and I am speaking officially, maybe you should listen? I know EXACTLY what it means, it means exactly what I said. No one said we will patch untill no one plays anymore, good way of going under. You heard BFC's response from me several times and have ignored what I have said. [shrugs]


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Well, Rune, you could have pointed that out earlier in the thread. If you're taking an official position, say so, rather than sitting around and talking about false logic.

The only official position I've seen anyone take previously is that Steve is the final arbiter of what he means; I'm glad we can now get all of our answers from you.

Can you tell us, then, if later patches to the engine will be back-patched into CM:SF?

Just as an aside, are all of your posts you "speaking officially" or is it only when you decide to bitch-slap a couple of people who actually paid for your game, and want to know what's going on with it, that you do so?

And then you [shrug] and act as if you can tell us what to do. I've been REALLY cool about this game since it came out. I've tried to help with testing and getting people to report their bugs. I've been a pretty goddamned staunch supporter for months now, while we're playing the "you have no idea who I am" game.

If you really disrespect your customers this much, how are you going to make it as a niche company, Rune?

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Geeeeeeeeezum CROW! How friggin difficult is it to understand this:

Now, that doesn't mean that we won't be releasing any patches after v1.04, it just means that we'll start focusing our attention on things other than the patch.
What part of this is so hard to comprehend? The part about me saying that that v1.04 won't be the last patch, or the part about me saying that it won't be the last patch?

Sometimes I feel like there are too many lawyers in this world. When I read this Forum I think that it could be worse, because so many of you clearly would like to be lawyers. What with the nitpicking and twisting of idiotically simple statements.

OK, let's see if I can make this even more comprehensible:

v1.04 will not be the last patch.

What will the last patch be? I have no clue. We'll stop patching when it seems there it isn't worth the effort for the return. That's the SAME METHODOLOGY we used for the last three CM games, and it is a lot better than other developers adhear to. So before anybody starts in again on the whining and complaining slant, shelve it and wait until we say we're not patching the game any more and then complain based on the state the game is at that point, not at the point it is at now.

There, how's that? Sheesh... let's let this budding classic thread die at page 3, OK?


[ September 26, 2007, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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OK. I really wasn't upset about CM:SF (as I think you probably know)... until I read that and -- apparently? -- found it incomprehensible. Thanks for clarifying.

About the engine, then: will later improvements be patched into CM:SF?

Nobody got owned. If somebody is stating a company's official position (and they're not the boss), they should say so. You can't assume that everyone knows who you are. Honestly, I feel as though that was really badly handled.

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Version 1.04 should pretty much close the book on the big issues that CM:SF still has. We know for sure that we need to do a patch v1.05, though, because there are a bunch of "niggly" issues that we need to clean up and haven't since we've been putting our efforts into the bigger issues. I don't doubt a v1.06 or v1.07 will come out over time, but they will probably fix only a few specific things, not the sort of laundry list of stuff v1.04 and v1.05 will fix.

Another way of looking at this is v1.05 is likely to be the last "fix" patch. The ones that follow are probably better described as "fine tuning" patches. And at some point we'll just say "we're done fine tuning" and cease patching.

As for what happens when Modules come out... the code changes will be made available to all CM:SF customers. What will not be made available (of course) are the Module specific data, such as TO&E, vehicles, terrain, etc. But things like tweaks to core game behavior and what not will not be restricted.

The goal here is to not fracture the customer base. If we made some change for the Marines Module that affected gameplay, it has to be available to all or suddenly you get into a situation where people with one Module can't play against people without it. That would be a mess.

When a player goes to make a Scenario he'll have to select what Modules it will work with. This will filter the list of units and what not that can be used with that Scenario. Anybody without the Module/s required by the Scenario will not be able to play it. So if I have a Marines Module and I make a Scenario using the "Base Game" only, then everybody will be able to play it. If I select "Marines Module" then only those with the Marines Module will be able to play.

That system should keep fracturing of the user base to an absolute minimum.


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Thanks very much, Steve. That tells me everything I (and hopefully others) wanted to know. I'll start lobbying my wife for permission to buy CM:Marines.

Thank goodness. Back to work.

Geezum crow indeed. smile.gif

Thanks again.

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Honestly, I feel as though that was really badly handled.
The problem with communications is people read into whatever was said any way they choose to. Then it takes on a life of its own and we have to spend energy squashing it because these things tend to take on a life of their own if we don't. I bet that even after all of this someone (and not just a jokester pulling my leg smile.gif ) will say something that they read we're dropping support for CM:SF after v1.04 or after v1.05. It's just the way things go in this virtual watercooler gossip mill :(


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Yeah. At a previous job we had bugs that our salespeople were "warning" our clients about 18 months after they'd been fixed. And every month or so I'd get a phone call at 2AM from our managing directors (all dozen of them) about said bugs.

And *we* had a system of documenting the damn things for our salespeople, even.

It was great.

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Originally posted by Phillip Culliton:

Yeah. At a previous job we had bugs that our salespeople were "warning" our clients about 18 months after they'd been fixed. And every month or so I'd get a phone call at 2AM from our managing directors (all dozen of them) about said bugs.

And *we* had a system of documenting the damn things for our salespeople, even.

It was great.

But salescreatures are demonstrably unable to read anything that is not a pay or commission check.


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Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

Are the following things patched by 1.04????:



Adjusting Arty


They better be. Damn hard to convince people they are a feature rather than a ...uhmmm...bug?

@Steve: good to have some definitive statement about your patching policy. Maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel. We´ll see how 1.04 and whatever follows brings your engine into the long awaited shape to shine.


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If you had said you were speaking officially and clarifying Steve's position it would have been better for me.

I know you do some work at BFC (scenarios, etc), but I didn't realize your posts were all "official". Since you are listed as a "member" rather than forum admin and you usually don't chime in on the direction the company will take as official policy I didn't understand your post overruled Steve's ("Clearly" rather than "likely", etc).

In any event my questions were eventually answered and I learned some things along the way as well.

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Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

Are the following things patched by 1.04????:



Adjusting Arty


That's the $64.00 question. Fix those and the infantry model and the game may be a winner just like the CMX1 series of games were. From what I have been reading those items may not be fixed until the Marine Module is released.
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Runes job isnt to be the forum admin. His job is to keep red bull in Charles' cup and Matt away from nuclear power plants. He should get a medal for keeping the world safer. :D

Originally posted by Lurker765:


If you had said you were speaking officially and clarifying Steve's position it would have been better for me.

I know you do some work at BFC (scenarios, etc), but I didn't realize your posts were all "official". Since you are listed as a "member" rather than forum admin and you usually don't chime in on the direction the company will take as official policy I didn't understand your post overruled Steve's ("Clearly" rather than "likely", etc).

In any event my questions were eventually answered and I learned some things along the way as well.

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