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Having trouble playing CM need help BTS!

Guest Rob/1

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I have head that you made CM on a Mac so I wonted to know if you have ever had the problem I am now having a Type one error. frown.gif



Check out my CM web page Combat1!


Also go to my CM chat bord!(New!) http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissiontalk?s

Go to my CM chat room at http://chat.yahoo.com/?combatmissiontalk

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Guest Madmatt

Rob, here are some threads that have delt with G3 issues. I have not heard of any Type 1 errors though. You are certain its a type 1 and not 2?


This suggestion came from Charles:

The backside cache may be causing problems. You can disable it with "G3/G4 Cache Profiler" from www.powerlogix.com. I think it's free.

Which video Card do you have? Here is some info on both ATI's and 3Dfx's:

Also have you downloaded the very latest drivers (i.e. extensions) from ATI? www.atitech.ca

The ATI Rage Pro is very problematic when using old drivers. The old ones are buggy and don't like CM.

Info about 3Dfx cards (Baboon2 is the Driver programmer for 3Dfx!) http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum8/HTML/000396.html

There is a lot of info in this forum in regards to G3's Rob and we have got confirmations from ATI and Voodoo that they are both to be releasing updated drivers that resolve some CM issues in the very near future


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 10-13-2000).]

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Thank for the help I have some kind of ATI but I dont know what type as it came with the computer. frown.gif

I tryed the back side check thing and it is disabled or it dose not have one?



Check out my CM web page Combat1!


Also go to my CM chat bord!(New!) http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissiontalk?s

Go to my CM chat room at http://chat.yahoo.com/?combatmissiontalk

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Matt I did try what you said but I still have to reaply the pach every time I fire up the coputer if I wont to play.Its werd I can still make scenarios but I cant alwas gat at them. I have a conflict cecher maby there are some scenarios that are corupt. Could this be a resion any clue?



Fight for you right!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Matt I did try what you said but I still have to reapply the patch every time I fire up the computer if I want to play. Its weird I can still make scenarios but I cant always get at them. I have a conflict checker maybe there are some scenarios that are corrupt. Could this be a reason any clue?



Use the Apple system profiler to determine what you have. It is usually in the Apple menu.

ATI drivers:

Some times when installing the drivers, a driver for the 128 version will get installed. If you don't have that version, remove it.

Where does your system hang/crash in CM. I was having a problem running CM on an original iMac 233MHz that it had run on before, until I lowered the resolution to 800 X 600.

In the extension manager, create a minimal set of absolutely required extensions needed to run CM.

Re: Backside cache

You have it and it is turned on at boot-up. The control panel extension G3/G4 cache profiler will have to be manually run to disable it. Unless you are better at Applescript than I am. BTW, it makes no sense to me why this has any effect.

Other non-specific things that screw-up Mac programs. Run Disk First Aid, or better DiskWarrior (first choice) or Norton Utilities (second, currently there is a free beta download). Catalog errors for some reason can cause havoc at unexpected places.

Rebuild the desktop after you do the above.

Reset the PRAM. you will need to reconfigure your system afterward, AppleTalk,etc.

Re: Type 1 and 2 errors

I have found these to be non-specific enough to be of little help in solving what is causing the problem. Sorry

There is a new spell check button on these postings. Please use it. I am a poor speller and not the best typest either (and English IS my native language) so please don't take this as a slight or insult. It is quite good and can help one improve their spelling. Now if they would only add a grammar checker.



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