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Problems with Voodoo 3


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I have seen a couple of references to texture problems with the Voodoo 3 card. Can anyone describe in more detail what the problem is? Is it a 'show stopper' in terms of playing CM? I would like to get this card because 3dfx is offering a $30 rebate and I don't want to invest too much money since my processor, etc. is kinda old.

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The problem I hear most often is the "white out textures". Textures will start to disappear in the game (appearing white) and eventually a large part of the screen becomes white (I haven't seen it personally myself since I don't have a Voodoo 3 around here). This problem seems to happen when the user is running a high resolution (over 1024 x 768) and/or a large scenario with a lot of textures. The latest drivers have apparently helped a bit with the problem, but they haven't solved it completely (from what I've last heard).

The following thread claims that the white-out problem was solved, for one user, with the 1.07 Voodoo 3 drivers and DirectX 8 (the DirectX 8 being the newer part of the equation for this user).

Voodoo 3 white-out thread:


If the card is within your budget it may be worth buying. Not everyone has seen this problem and some people have found a resolution to it (though it may not work the same for you). If you're worried I'd suggest finding out the details on the return/credit-exchange policy of the reseller you'll purchase the card from.

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Just thought I would leave some feedback in case someone else is going through the search process like I was. I bought the Voodoo3 and installed it along with DirectX 8.0. So far I have had no problems at all. I am still running the Demo as I just ordered the full version a couple of days ago. Also, replacing my basic video card with a 3D card has shown much improvement. I have not had one screen lock up and the delays/jumpiness of the screen are barely noticable. I am running a 200MHz machine with 64 Meg RAM. I'm sure those of you with faster processors and faster 3D cards would notice a difference but now I'm just fat, dumb and happy with my semi-slow processer and semi-small video card. smile.gif

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