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Shipping in Western Europe


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The last time I checked the map Italy was in South Europe.

Why is Greece, not also included in the "western Europe" countries then? :confused:

I tried the cdv site to order the bumdle offer (i have lost my 1st CM.BO cd) but to my dissapointment they were not selling.

Why is it that with the first game I had the option of purchasing it directly from the battlefront site and now I don;t? :mad:

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The bundle is only offered by us (Battlefront.com).

CDV does not currently offer a bundle but they have been reducing the price of CMBO down to about 20 Euro in most of their markets. That would actually make it cheaper to buy CMBB and CMBO from CDV then to get the bundle from us (because we have to add shipping).

You were able to buy direct from us before because at that time we did not have a distibution deal with CDV. We have had a deal with now for distribution of CMBO for over a year now with them and CMBB continues that same arrangement.


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