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I had a very disturbing experience the other day. I had just recieved CM a couple of days prior to this incident. I was a newbie in search of some opponents. I was playing a ladder match with one of the guys that run the tournament HQ website. It was a 900 point meeting engagement that was 30 turns long and he hosted. I was axis and he was the allies. Anyway, We lost connection on about turn 6, and a prompt box popped up saying that we lost connection. We reconnected and continued playing without incident until turn 28. I was happy with my forces performace. I had both objective flags secure, I had an immobile Tiger in close proximity to both objective flags slugging it out with his immobile churchill in plain view of each other, and I had my 37mm AA truck advancing on his remaining infantry positions pounding them into dust. I was pretty proud of myself, I was about to win a ladder match against a good opponent. At the transferring of data to begin turn 29, the game just locked up. No prompts, no messages, nothing. So I assumed it was just another disconnection. I waited for about 5 minutes and still nothing. So I just rebooted my machine, logged back onto tournament HQ chat, spoke to my opponent. I would say about 8-10 minutes had passed. He just wanted to get back into the game I assumed just to surrender. So I gladly obliged. Listen to this part carefully, I am not making this up! When I logged back into the battle, my AA truck was destroyed, he had 3 squads up on the hill sitting on an objective flag, my squad on the top floor of a church that was providing rear security for the AA truck and had a good view of the objective flags had mysteriously disappeared, and the most baffling thing was that his immobile churchill had moved !!! All my immobile tiger could see was a british marker. Well, needless to say, I freaked out and started asking him questions about what just happened. He started telling me different things. I asked him what happened to my squad in the church and first he said a mortar killed them, then he said they were routed. Well if they were routed, then where was the fleeing unit? It just goes on and on. He finally just told me to shut up and play, and that I was crazy. Well, when the scenario ended, it was a draw. I went from complete domination of his forces at the end of turn 28 to a draw on turn 30. I found out later that he was the 5th ranked player on the ladder. I emailed the sysop of the website and spoke to my opponent in question further. I may be a newbie to CM, but I'm not a newbie to PC games. I'm not some punk kid who doesn't like losing and I'm just making up this elaborate story. I have been in the PC game development field for 7 years. I'm not a coder, but I do know that when players get disconnected or some error arises when playing a game, you may log back on and units may be lost, the game may be corrupted, or you would just be taken back to a previous state earlier than when the game locked, but a game never magically moves units around convieniently in your opponents favor. We reentered tournament HQ chat afterwards and he just denied cheating and I started questioning him and he logged of hastily. I can't prove he was cheating, thats why I'm writing this. Is that even possible? If it isn't, there is a major bug in the game somewhere. I won't broadcast his name unless I can prove that he was cheating, which, realistically, unless I confiscate his machine, will never be totally proven. I can even draw a map of before and after if you want. Its just a game, and it really isn't that big of a deal, but if somebody is somehow "hacking" or cheating, I want everyone to know about it. Well, thanks for listening. I hope someone can tell me whats going on...

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Well I haven't heard any other reports of anyone's being able to hack the files, but I suppose it's possible. but so is the possibility that

1) The churchill wasn't immoble, just bogged, and became unbogged.

2) The "three squads" had been hiding in the vicinity and moved in.

The squad that you said "disappeared" maybe to mortar or routing...Where did they go. Were there eliminated units nearby?

And what about the Autosave file? What you are describing doesn't sound quite right. Even if the game crashed shouldn't you be able to see the movie of what just happened?

Anyway, I'll be interested to see others responses, as I haven't played enough IP games to know what I'm talking about...

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When my tiger hit the churchill and white text pops up over the target in question that says "track hit Immobile", I am going to go ahead and safely assume that the tank is not going anywhere. As for my routed/ destroyed, I don't know which, squad in the church? Well, I had the platoon HQ and 2 crews hidden at the edge of the woods probably about 10 meters away facing the church entrance, which in theory, should have at least alerted me to anyone approaching the church (which by the way was on yop of a hill overlooking both objective flags). Before the "crash", i had 1 almost full squad plus another squad at about 40% strength positioned in the rubble about 3 meters from the objective flags position facing the remaining infantry getting pounded by my AA truck at the base of the hill my opponent was attempting to assault. My AA truck was about 6 meters away from those aformentioned squads in the rubble, plus i had units covering the whole approach. I need to draw a map or something, and you tell me if I'm just crazy.

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To me it seems like your opponent was able to continue the game although your computer froze.

When you continued the game, was it in turn 28 or later?

A few other things do seem weird, as you note. But most can be explained by time passing by without you seeing it or being able to do something about it.

If this is what happened, then it's strange that crunching (in this case of turn 29) may start even if one of the computers hasn't registered a "GO".

Then it may also be a mousepad problem wink.gif :




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