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New Turrets


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The new turrets appear to be based on the paladin turrets. How much work would be involved in making a turret equivalent to each paladin type ( IC, Mortar, 20mm, ATGM ).

What do the devs feel about a way to interface and manually control turrets. Partly this will be a step towards AT guns for the planned WW2 mod and it would increase the danger posed by them. Maybe have a way that a Command team or a Mercury can access them remotely and that the cutter or a infantry man can manually control them (by bieng right next to them). This would be especially good for the Infantry as it would make the turrets like a form of deployed heavy weapons.

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It would be extremely easy to just stick other guns on the same chassis/turret with the XML, as the new turrets now appear to work just like the other vehicle mounts. Not sure how intelligently the more complex weapon systems will be fired, though.

Human controllable or not, I do wish they would fire on thier own on jammed targets, if not with some penalties.

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Yurch is right, putting other turrets and weapons systems on them is now trivial. They finally work like everything else. All of the weapons will work as they should, too. The turrets are actually full- blown bots now.

Yes, we're definitely interested in allowing you to take control of them, and it is already working here in testing. Barring unforseen problems, this will be in the next release.

Yurch, the turrets should definitely be firing at jammed units already in 1.1.3, though if they're not facing the jammed unit then a little time might pass before they "notice" it and engage it. This should only be on the order of 10 to 15 seconds in bad cases, and more typically much less than this. Doesn't seem to be working?

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Originally posted by ClaytoniousRex:

Yurch, the turrets should definitely be firing at jammed units already in 1.1.3, though if they're not facing the jammed unit then a little time might pass before they "notice" it and engage it. This should only be on the order of 10 to 15 seconds in bad cases, and more typically much less than this. Doesn't seem to be working?

Hadn't noticed, although I suppose I saw one take a single shot at an infantry unit.

It's taking them quite a while to notice unjammed units, I know that much. They don't have much else to do! I had one deployed in a nice blind spot that let several units by it without firing a shot, until it finally picked up on an Apollo...

They also have this odd behavior that causes them to pop and shift around visually, both in thier turret orientation and thier anchoring. I'm guessing it is lag related.

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Actually, I wish that targets that appear in an element's visual cone would be called out automatically, or that you could do so manually and there's an increasing chance for every second spotted that a bot'll do so. Probably with a different pip than sensor-recognition.

(This hearkens to the way you can spot elements in Battlefield 2, possibly the most under-pursued part of being a useful part of the army there, ever. If only infantry could do this, it'd be fine enough, I s'pose ... An inherent counter to the Hermes on the maps with wide fields of fire for defenders and attackers alike.)

But, yes, I'd totally support having more types of turrets available. Absolutely. And Dark's list thereof is a fine starting place. Maybe the ion turrets would actually shoot something before they get popped, unlike my experience with the new 76mms, to date.

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One thing you're probably noticing quite often is part of the improved fire discipline of bots since 1.1.2. If a shot has almost no chance of penetrating the target, then bots won't take the shot. This is quite often the case with those 76mm AT turrets. They will point at an enemy unit and then track it without firing - they are waiting for a look at the rear armor or something soft enough for their 76 to penetrate before they will fire. This might be why you saw them finally start shooting when there was an Apollo to shoot at?

For example, if you quickly mod up a 120mm turret, you should see those firing a lot more often. Ditto for an ion beam turret.

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This might be why you saw them finally start shooting when there was an Apollo to shoot at?
Could be. The old Plasmas used to unload their bolts pretty far out, so a farm of them, while really vulnerable to arty, made an impressive show of it. The new 76's, not so much, though I'm sure they end up doing more real damage.
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A farm of mortar turrets (just plop the one from the Hurricane onto the turrets) ... now that would make an impressive show.
OK, now that would be fun to drop in some out of the way place if other elements could spot for them indirectly and get a reasonable inbound time ...

That's so oogy it makes me quiver in bad places.

Whats in the box under the turret?. If it is empty maybe fill it with extra ammo and set the turrets to fire HE if they can't penetrate.
That'd be just fine with me. HE can pop wheels on the annoying Paladins and damage bits elsewhere when they get lucky. Plus, vibration and disturbing images when they unload!

Speaking of turrets, and more concisely, the way they're delivered ... are drop pods just entirely too huge once they land, or is it just me? I can see being a big, bulbous thing as you streak into the atmo, but once it hits, shouldn't it unfold for a lower profile and less screaming, "Hey, I'm a target! There's a squad or a turret near here!"

The turret-delivery pods should self-destruct on delivery instead of sliding over to the side, and the squad-delivery pods should fold outwards or in some way get less conspicuous. As is, they beg for shooting, even if you don't know why its there. Its hard enough keeping deployed turrets intact, the last thing I need is two pips jumping up and down excitedly.

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The box under the turret is the weak part. The top part is armored similar to the paladin turret, so hull down for the turret is finally a tactical plus. The turret carries 100/50 rounds of AP/HE. 76mm HE pretty much sucks so you probably won't see the turret fire that at anything other than infantry, shrikes, or I guess other turrets.

Originally posted by ClaytoniousRex:

This might be why you saw them finally start shooting when there was an Apollo to shoot at?

Nah, they were side shots to weak units like apollos and paladins, under 1000m. The turret was just lazily pointing the other way.
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these turrets are quite unstable when deploied on sloped terrains and end up burning after flipping over

drop pods after a while burn, should they blow up immediatly, not to give away the dep time of whatever they dropped, and leave just an ammo box for infantry?

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Originally posted by ClaytoniousRex:

A farm of mortar turrets (just plop the one from the Hurricane onto the turrets) ... now that would make an impressive show.

It does. It REALLY does. I used the Thor-MC gun on the 76mm turret. They managed to dig some impressive holes in the ground. I dropped some infantry near them and they fired before I hit the ground. I've even seen them fire at dropships that are about to unload their cargo. Didn't get the dropship, but DID drop a big boom right next to my Paladin, killing it.

Their engagment range seemed a bit short, but that could have been LOS issues.

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I dropped a 76mm Turret behind aittam who was busy in his Cutter trying to capture an AAD tower. The turret had a close range shot at the rear of his vehicle. It didn't even look in his direction let alone fire a shot.

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some issues with turrets i just noticed on a game in the ice field map

1). burning/ obstructive drop-pods

The drop-pods currently leave a sizeable obstruction to sight lines once they've dropped and deployed the turrets.......

Once they've dropped their turrets they then commence to burning up giving away the turrets position....and once enough them get going slowing down my poor machine ;)

2). when dropped on top of the wall around the objective on ice field they do not deploy their turrets.....they just sit there....perhaps because there's not enough room around to deploy or perhaps its something to do with landing above ground level....

other wise like them....look more convincing than the previous versions

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I get more kills with these... but that doesn't say much. The plasma turrets weren't much a threat either, unfortunately.

I know gameplay wise you want the players to be fighting other players most of the time, but these turrets are so trivial to take out they are hardly part of the game.

Engineering wise, they are items that don't need to move, so some extra armoring couldn't hurt. It's very hard to justify the piddly 5 armor rating on the bottom section when the turret front has 200.

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as it isn't moving put a second 76mm in the turret and have it fire like a pom pom gun. Give it more HE and have the logic if you can't penetrate it, annoy the s**t out of it. A thor wouldn't have much chance to aim while bieng pounded by a 76mm HE every second.

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