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some 1.1.3 bugs.


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Observe view:- If using a mouse to look around a vehicle in observe mode when you have turned past a certain point ( which appears to be the mouse hitting the screen edge) it automatically kicks you into unlock view.

Dead vehicles appear to be leaving shadows

Vehicles on the bridge at Dead gulch have a shadow which is on the southern bank (south of the bridge entry)

LOS problem with shrikes where they dissapear completely even though their Missile rack should be in sight.

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If you start the game with a mod loaded by default, it will allow you to join an unmodded server. If you go back and change it to base, then it won't let you connect.

Turret activity shows up in your crosshair. (the reloading circle)

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after a while a dead vehicle disappears which I was calling despawning. It appeared to me that there were shadows left on the ground where dead vehicles had been. This may have been the bridge shadow thing though as there were dead vehicles on the bridge. This was before I spotted the bridge problem

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I think it was me mistaking this problem with another problem:-


The shaddow sort of mirrors the movement. There had been a dead tank there and there was a shadow still there when it disappeared. I think maybe it was just coincidence and there was a dead tank in the same position on the bridge.


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Well today has been a bit frustrating. Nearly every game has had something go wrong.

From being flipped over in my Thor by a bot driven Paladin on my team.

Being stuck in inverted crashed Dropships.

Having all my infantry killed in a building they were occupying but when prompted to drop getting a message that I couldn't as I was a passenger. I had Poesel level the building but in the end I had to disconnect and reconnect.

In an Apollo shooting AP at ObankofAmerica, cycling to the coax, back to AP but it fires HEAT even though it says AP on the indicator.

Then there was getting dropped in midair or off the sides of a cliff.

Finally a few server not respondings. :(

All that said though it's still a great game.

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Couple of problems;

Sometimes dropships disappear when using the gunsight viewer, but reappear when I go back to normal. Impossible to attempt to fire at them.

All the newly included scenarios crash when I try to play them. The old ones seem to work fine.

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Just had an odd CTD.

I was playing standalone raid with a long deployment time on defence. I'd voted myself commander and told all the bots to not drop and extracted them. I set up my defences then gave a bot a drop order. I clicked on the allow drop and CTD.

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Originally posted by B0nes:

Having all my infantry killed in a building they were occupying but when prompted to drop getting a message that I couldn't as I was a passenger. I had Poesel level the building but in the end I had to disconnect and reconnect.

Confirmed in an offline game. All infantry members dead, prompted for drop but unable to do so by reason of being a passenger.
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I just noticed a Dropship "bug". I was playing CTF on "Rumble in the Jungle" and saw 2 Dropships get deadlocked in the landing phase.

1) Blood Dropship. Came down just west of the Blood base moved to the east (kicking up trees) while I fired upon it. It then got deadlocked moving east and west... (parallel to the edge) east and west... over and over until I shot it down.

2) My own Dropship. Dropping east of the Water base (almost to the corner.) Came down towards the trees. Lifted up in reverse... forward down to the trees.... rinse... repeat... no way out!

It almost looked like "lets land... Ahhhh! (Homer scream) Trees! Backwards and up! Ahhh! Edge of the world! Forward and down! Ahhh! Trees! Backwards and up!" You get the idea.

I'm not sure if it's relevant but the frame-rate (usually fine) was very low - at the edge of playability.

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I also noticed the deadlocked dropship (only once so far). It was at the hover stage and just keep moving from side to side. I shot at it a few times, then got caught up and killed in a firefight. Decided to drop close to where it had been, and after I landed there it is still going back and forth. Put it out of its misery.

It was over flat terrain, but seemed unable to complete the last, most important part of its mission. Suppose it's a bug of some sort.

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Also noticed, but forgot to mention, is the amazing whiligig dropship. I've seen this several times. The dropship after dropping, suddenly does a series (seems to be dozens—500-1000m) of carwheels, horizontally, at very low altitude, yet never hits anything and seems to recover normal flight and ascend. Some of the most spectacular flying I've ever seen.

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IRT Bjarmson- Well, that's just when the pilots get bored. Life gets dull on those liveships, ya know ;)

I've seen the stuck dropship a lot, and I still seem to encounter a fair amount of "Server Not Responding" messages. For the dropship one, I'd at least throw something in that allows you to still kill yourself if you get stuck.

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LOS problem with shrikes where they dissapear completely even though their Missile rack should be in sight.
Now fixed for 1.1.4.

If you start the game with a mod loaded by default, it will allow you to join an unmodded server. If you go back and change it to base, then it won't let you connect.
Now fixed for 1.1.4.

Turret activity shows up in your crosshair. (the reloading circle)
Now fixed for 1.1.4, and also the same kind of problem with squad mates is fixed, too. The reloading reticle now also shows to reflect the delay when you switch ammo types in 1.1.4.

Observe view:- If using a mouse to look around a vehicle in observe mode when you have turned past a certain point ( which appears to be the mouse hitting the screen edge) it automatically kicks you into unlock view....And I have a weird bug where, when Observing a bot, it unlocks me from the view after something between 1 and 15sec, every time.
What you guys are probably both seeing is that if you do not have your own controllable unit on the ground, then you get kicked out of observer mode periodically. This won't happen if you do have a unit on the ground. Will fix, but probably not in time for 1.1.4.

Being stuck in inverted crashed Dropships.
Not to excuse bad flying, but at least now in 1.1.4 you can hit the "special action" (b by default) key to exit the dropship at any time. You can use this to take a chance on bailing out early, and of course you can use it in these bad situations where you're "stuck".

Having all my infantry killed in a building they were occupying but when prompted to drop getting a message that I couldn't as I was a passenger. I had Poesel level the building but in the end I had to disconnect and reconnect.
Now fixed for 1.1.4.

In an Apollo shooting AP at ObankofAmerica, cycling to the coax, back to AP but it fires HEAT even though it says AP on the indicator.
Now fixed for 1.1.4, including all of those cases where the ammo indicator was lying when you took control of a bot, etc.

managed to get slug-fest to work by editing the correct turrets.
Now fixed for 1.1.4 (thanks for pointing out the actual problem in the .scenario files!)

Just had an odd CTD.
We can't reproduce that one here, Dark. Can you send the crash dump .zip from your \bin subdirectory? That will let us fix it.
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Excellent stuff, Clay, most excellent. A credit, as always, to the responsiveness of you and your team.

Btw, is there any chance we can get an alternate access mode where you zoom into / out of gunsight view with the mousewheel, along with a level or two of zoom? The hold-down 'e' interface with the gunsight has to be clumbsy for more folks than just me, I'm sure, and mousewheel zoom seems the obvious solution, since hands are already there.

(That's not to suggest removing 'e' entirely; I'm sure there are folks using no-mousewheel mice ... somewhere.)

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