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Vote for New Feature


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Compared with the various other feature requests already on the table, how much interest is there in a "replay" feature, whereby you would be able to download a replay of any game that has taken place on a public server with the past 24 or 48 hours. You could then watch the replay at any time with that downloaded file. (Yes, the file would be a big download.)

I'm not saying this feature is coming or would be available at any certain time, just asking what level of interest there is in it.

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depends on what will not get done to implement it. Persoanally I'd prefer some better tools for coordinating tactics like graphics on the map etc.

Replay later is not as much interest to me as just a graphics image for an AAR which appears at the missions end.

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That's a lot of data to be caching up there, Clay. Still, if it lets you observe the ongoing from any element's PoV and stops automatically at "interesting times" (ie. when an element takes a hit, for example), I think it could definitely be useful for getting an AAR put together.

My own feeling is there's a lot of things I'd rather see happen first. If the AAR occured naturally as a result of putting other things together, absolutely, but things like better bot / platoon / organizational interfacing would definitely be higher on my agenda.

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Eventually it would be great, especially as an instruction tool for new players. Right now better bot wrangling is #1 for me. I desperately want workable platoons and formations. Everything that is not already been mentioned for 1.1.3 is secondary to that one. Even if it is just line ahead and line abreast with enough route finding not to drive off of cliffs.

You could get 90% of the benefit for ten percent of the work or less with better end of game data and that chat time mentioned above.

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My first thought is: how big? My second thought is that the bot wrangling and the ions are a lot more important. Well, not so much "bot wrangling" as improved coordination tools for everyone, bots included.

It would also need some kind of way of seeing which games were interesting... bot vs bot battles would probably not be worth downloading, but an energetic game with a lot of players in it would be cool to watch.

So I think it could be a great feature, but I'd put it below the ones that have more to do with actually playing the game right now. smile.gif

Alternatively, something that wasn't exactly a replay but which showed the rough troop movements, kills and extractions could be cool. Like a tacmap view where we can see what was done strategically even though we might miss some of the specifics. Maybe that would be a little less ambitious and smaller to download while retaining most of the coolness of a replay.

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That's a lot of data to be caching up there...My first thought is: how big?
Not that much, really. What's saved is just the network messages, not raw data about the physical state of the world or some horrible thing.

The overall concensus seems to be that gameplay itself should be made better before worrying about watching that gameplay. This is alarmingly reasonable coming from users!

After another release or 2 (or 3, or...) feel free to come back to this thread and say "now I'm ready for this". For now, we'll keep it shelved while more important work is underway.

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It would also need some kind of way of seeing which games were interesting... bot vs bot battles would probably not be worth downloading, but an energetic game with a lot of players in it would be cool to watch.
if there were say a 5 minute AAR time for chat then maybe you could have a "vote to save replay" option.
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a more urgent issue is that if anybody's online some users won't join a server, it'd be great to have a part of this board just to post msg like:"I'll be there from x to y" or "i'm ready to join if somebodyelse around"

o yes and some chat time postmatch

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A replay would be useful for finding (serverside) bugs but would for the most part be uninteresting. Usually it's pretty obvious how a team won or lost.

And in a game with 9 players and half using infantry, I'd much rather have as much CPU power as possible to spare for the poor server.

I'd prefer simpler trackings of stats.

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About how much work do you guess it would take?
It would probably be a good 3 or 4 man-weeks. Since it's entirely a programming problem, that would probably mean 2 weeks of calendar time. That means en entire release cycle dedicated to this single feature.

Of course, this is a time estimate from a programmer. These are about as accurate as computer models of global climate change. ;)

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Originally posted by ClaytoniousRex:

...I'm not saying this feature is coming or would be available at any certain time, just asking what level of interest there is in it.

The way I play, probably not much interest. I think most groups, even established teams, would prefer to spend more time in the saddle than rewinding. It's not that AAW's aren't valuable, it's just that when you get pwned in a game such as this 90% of the time you know why when it's over anyway and you'd rather hop back in and try again.
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