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Invisible Paladins in campaign

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In the first campaign game, there are three paladins that start the game on the far side of the second bridge (the one that for some reason is blocked by an invisible wall). As soon as the game starts they begin to run in circles (it appears to me that they have orders to cross the bridge but of course can't as it's blocked). One inevitably goes to the river where it gets hung up in the same rocks almost every game I play. The other two just run in circles until they get hung up on the bridge.

Well, all that's silly enough, but here's the real problem...if one of those Paladins flips itself (happens about 4 out of 5 times), it turns invisible. All you can see is the smoke and fire of it's crushed turret. You can't see any of the Paladin itself. You CAN shoot at it, and if you figure the right angle to kill it, it subsequently re-appears.

If you miss that invisible Paladin, you loose the game, even though it was flipped and mission killed.

Somehow I don't think this is playing out likr it was designed!

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I've seen this in multiple places. I have a theory.

There's a value in the XML known as 'spottable points' - what I think they're for is figuring out if you can see the paladin or not, but it might not account for flipping. If all of these are on the top of the paladin, and they end up underground, you can't really see it, can you?

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There is something a little wacky about the campaign games. For one, units don't seems to suicide no matter how damaged or unmovable. The first time I played the first campaign scenario two of the vehicles you talked about, jumped the railings of the bridge and landed on their top or side under the bridge in the water. Thinking them "dead," or about to be, I ignored them till I had destroyed everything else yet was still losing on points. Noticing that the vehicles still showed alive on the maps, I drove one of my vehicles underwater to shoot them, but they proved impossible to kill underwater. I lost. WTF.

I think the campaign games need some tinkering, to resolve these problems. The problem seems to be that AFVs that should be suiciding don't. And in some cases—your disabled invisible Paladins, my disabled underwater ones—become impossible to kill, thus losing the game for you.

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