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We need the ability to organize platoons.


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I am envisioning the ability to set up a formation, say a thor a hermes and a paladin atgm. that can drop together and be given orders as a unit. If a player takes over a vehicle in the platoon he automatically takes command. If there is more than one player then maybe give some hud info about the rest of the platoon.

If a player could designate his vehicle to follow the platoon leader in formation it would let players other than the platoon leader the ability concentrate on other things.

A formation screen like the one for infantry would be great.

Another excellent refinement would be the ability to set the bots targeting priorities. So an ion bot doesn't waste four minutes shooting at a thor thats 5000 meters away when it could have killed 9 turrets and three shrikes.

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I'm all over this, in fact.

I'm getting spoiled by the formation / unit system in Steel Beasts. Being able to say "OK, you three or four, follow me in this formation with this engagement profile" would make life so much easier in so many ways. But this might require making the DT unit population a bit larger to accomidate, and I'm not sure how much further we can stretch it beyond the kind of bot load we have on the mass servers.

Mind you, multi-waypoint paths for combined units would make things way, way better, too, but I fear then Clayton would murder us for being ambitious. smile.gif

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Oh, random barely-connected thought:

The bot-populations on the multiplayer global servers are set awfully high, and its sometimes a bit like wallowing around in a public pool when one is on, filling time waiting for other folk. It might be more useful to drop the number of bots back a bit (4 or 5?) and then make sure "Players Replace Bots" is enabled. A bit more pure human-on-human action when humans are around, and a bit more chance for a human (or two) vs bots to get the bots arranged as some kind of escort.

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oh nooooo i like it the way it is ;)

As it is currently bots drop out as players join.

The current numbers just ensure 10 units per side (i think).

any less and it'll reduce the tactical effectiveness of any kind of operation and it will be reduced to a first person deathmatch in an AFV.

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any less and it'll reduce the tactical effectiveness of any kind of operation and it will be reduced to a first person deathmatch in an AFV.
Its already a first person deathmatch in an AFV most of the time, given how hard it is to coordinate the bots into anything like useful formations or conditional events. Its more of a semi-ordered horde rushing around like lunatics, until you get three or four humans on a side, who tend to coordinate and use the bots as cannon-fodder distractions or suicide-probes.
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