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Getting credit for a kill...

Jack Carr

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I recently downloaded the newest demo version of DropTeam. I recently purchased the game and while I await its arrival, I figured I would get some practice in.

One thing I noticed that's a bit annoying is that it's hard to get credit for a kill. I certainly do my share of getting killed, but when I actually get another player's vehicle to the point where its virtually incapacitated and I'm about to finish the job, the opposing player simply scuttles their vehicle or disconnects, thereby denying me the credit of taking them out.

I have been gauging my performance on how many times I died vs how many kills I scored. The aftergame report that comes up when time runs out shows this ratio. I know I would have done better if the opposing players whose vehicles I incapacitated, didn't just start again before the game pronounced them dead.

Are there any thoughts on this out there in DropTeam land?

Looking forward to getting the full-blown version of the game.

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doesn't really matter, in mp most of the time we specify not to get the final kill, just waste of ammo, if he/it decide to scuttle (the booots will after 30") anyways it's lost vehicle from the arsenal, if the human player try to extract you can kill the DS, that's why it's just better to kill the gun and may be block the wheels/tracks

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This happens to everybody. Most people don't want to sit around and wait till someone finishes them off. With more and more people figuring out how to switch places with bots, you're going to see higher kill counts at the expense of bots.

When I'm pressed for time (IE, close in fighting), I'm satisfied with mission killing a unit and moving on to other units capable of shooting. I also consider a disabled engine under enemy AA a kill.

Keeping track of plain kills and deaths when players can switch between bots at will and tanks can be completely disabled without 'dying' is kind of weird in the first place. Especially when turrets count. I'd much rather see a point system replace kills on the scoreboard.

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Originally posted by yurch:

I'd much rather see a point system replace kills on the scoreboard.

I don't care for the idea of points at the individual level. Statistics, on the other hand, are both neat and at times useful beyond personal gratification.

I wouldn't mind seeing more info, rather than less: graphs of # of kills/deaths (subsystems disabled/lost) over the time of the game, drop rate, and such, with important events (captures, artillery strikes) highlighted.

Maybe the 1-2 minutes it'd to read it would be worth missing out on deployment for next round. Alternately, it could just be dropped into a log file for later geeky perusal.

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Naturally. I'm just saying kills are nonsensical for inanimate objects.

Plus, ionizing a few turrets and a shrike shouldn't be worth more than killing a few Thors through kung-fu. After all, this guy is concerned with how he's doing...

Stats, yeah, go for 'em.

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Originally posted by yurch:

...I'd much rather see a point system replace kills on the scoreboard.

Isn't there already a point system? I recall seeing a column with points at the end of the game.

In lieu of being denied a kill because someone scuttled or disconnected, it would be nice if each player could see what they had accomplished during the fight. For instance, if a hit that you scored disabled the engine on an enemy vehicle, let me know that at the end of the game. I guess it comes down to whether or not you want to see what actually happened when it's all over.

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Just another observation on this old topic. The final score tally for a team, Blood/Water, includes everyone's points on that team. That includes points for kills. So, by scuttling your damaged-beyond-repair/usefulness vehicle, you deny the enemy a point, which could ultimately end up denying the opposing team a game win.

In simpler terms, by scuttling my disabled-but-not-yet-dead-vehicle, I deny your team a point.

Perhaps the game should be modified so that the last enemy opponent to damage the scuttled vehicle gets kill credit.

[ July 13, 2006, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Jack Carr ]

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The XML file for a vehicle already has a 'value' parameter (which is used - I guess here - for the bots to determine possible targets).

Its probably no big deal to add a value to each component and give that to the player who destroyed it. So it would be rewarding just to cripple opponents without the need for the kill. Especially useful for the 76mm. I often end up with zero kills even if I had a successful game.

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If we all agree may be something could be done and added to a future update

1) Points per damage or points to the team if an opponent scuttle it's vehicle

2) No kills for tourrets or assigned to a 'tourrets' voice in the final list

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Now that the 1.1.0 (infantry!) release is nearly complete, we can finally cleanup these scoring issues. I completely agree that points for kills should be tallied based on damage caused to the enemy instead of simply by the "final killing shot". This would not only take care of scuttles but also "assisted" kills, etc. If we had just listened to Rune it would have been this way from the start... smile.gif

We will also look at cleaning up turret/mine scoring at the same time.

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