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Solution to the 'Draw extra card' mystery?


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I too was having problems with the computer appearently drawing way to many cards as discussed in:

Extra Card discussion

So I took screen shots of the dogfight preview page to compare with the action log.



So each have 2 draw extra cards.

Later in this fight I wanted to check their skills again, and found this:


! So it seems, that the server changes the preview screen, so any multiplyer is lost!

At this time both enemies had used 2 Draw extra cards, so it is not an update on the current useable skills either.

So my conclusion is, that you currently can't trust the preview screen, but that the computer doesn't cheat.

Happy dogfight everyone

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I had the same feeling about an endless supply.

However, I believe, that the computer from time to time buys 4-6 draw extra cards. I guess, that the computer is given a certain amount of xp to build the opponents from, and since it don't benefit from saving any, it will burn any leftovers on 'draw extra cards'.

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Maybe, but it still would be nice to have an accurate knowledge of exactly how many draws he's going to have in any given turn.

I've gone against the AI in a 1v1 dogfight before, and his wingie had draw extra card x4, and I watched that guy draw 6+ cards when he gets attacked/is attacking.

It happens alot, or seems to, I just kind of accept it as fact now and ignore it.

I've read the other post and people say don't forget to account for evasive, aggressive, leader advice, etc. but all of those take place instantaneously. The extra cards don't happen until I play an IMS or OOS card, and then the AI pauses, draws a card, and then makes his play.

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From what I can tell, this is always accurate:

Draw an extra card x#.

As he draws an extra card, # is always reduced by one.


When he spends his last "Draw an Extra Card", the screen will STILL display: "Draw an Extra card".

So you can never really tell if he is down to his last card or not! Bug? Dunno. An easy fix would be to ALWAYS have the program display x, even if it is 1 or 0!

- Draw an Extra Card x2

- Draw an Extra Card x1

- Draw an Extra Card x0.

A little klunky, perhaps, but I would prefer this to trying to REMEMBER how many of his "draw an extra card's" he has actually used!


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