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Spotters benefit from HQs?


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I don't know about the effect of a HQ, I did just conduct an experiment regarding Spotters.

I took a German 105mm Spotter from every class (Green through Elite) and gave him an order to fire that was 200 meters away. Spotter was always in a 2 story building and always had LOS.

I took screen caps of each and compared afterward, I can't tell the difference between them...

What I did notice was a difference is that the Green troop took so long in calling out the fire mission that he got killed before all of the ammo was depleted...

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Originally posted by Jim Harrison:

OK MDA put troops 200 meters in front of your spotter who HAS los to his target which is ANOTHER 200 meters in front of your troops and make the spotter a regular troop, ALL the rounds will drop (or most of em) on YOUR troops. I have tested this over and over and ANYONE who sez it doesn't happen is living in la la land.

heh. It's great here in lalaland smile.gif Perhaps, Jim, you should quit living where-ever it is you are.
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OK JonS one more time, you are in the attack you are trying to make a rolling barrage in front of your MOVING troops (the FO has a clear field of vision for the mission) your leading platoons stop to wait for the incoming barrage to clear the entrenched enemy, the arty falls on your own troops who are 150 to 200 meters behind the called impact point. This only happens when your troops are advancing and have MOVED prior to the arty being called in (in any other static test the arty works just fine). Just one of the "many" features in CMBO (like constant gun hits on a tank by regular troops with a 20mm aa guns from 1200 meters).

[ September 16, 2003, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Jim Harrison ]

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I've always thought the CMBO artillery was way too accurate. I've never had a problem with my CMBO arty hitting my own troops (when I've had LOS). Well... with the exception of the few times I forgot to adjust fire and then ordered my troops to advance right into the barrage. :mad:

To be honest, however, I can't say I've ever tried the exact combination that Jim Harrison is describing. Although I know I've certainly moved my troops around during an artillery barrage.

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I'm with MDA

In CMBO I have never had in-LOS barrages fall short. In CMBB they come in all over the shop all the time but in CMBO if you have LOS its always accurate in my experience. Infact MDA can vouch for this as I dropped a not insignificant amount of arty on him in our last game smile.gif

I have a feeling you do get bonuses from HQs with spotters - a +1 command (or is it combat) hq makes a reg spotter act like vet etc. as with other troops.

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The only "bad" experience I have had with arty( of my own) was when on rare occassion I had the axis, and used rockets without line of sight. Wow, what a mess, they hit in all four corners of the map, taking out a tank and halfing some of my squads. I don't think I done much damage to the enemy. But with the allied arty and los, I can put it right where I want it.

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I've never had too much trouble with artillery. I find it accurrate enough -I'll usually correct one time or two before calling in the real barrage

I'm not sure that a rolling barrage to advance behind is really the kind of thing that can be well modeled at this scale.

I'll identify enemy positions first, then call in on as many tubes as i can for them. Once the arty is falling, then I will advance, because the other guy's head will be down. And his buildings exploding! And taking casualties! And wishing he had never been born! And being showered with dirt and tree limbs and shrapnel!

yeah-that's the stuff!

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Originally posted by Howard R:

I'm not sure that a rolling barrage to advance behind is really the kind of thing that can be well modeled at this scale.

Hmm. A rolling barrage is exactly the kind of thing that should be able to be well modelled at this scale, since the type of battles that CM is intended to portray is exactly the type of battles that rolling barrages were intended to support.

That CM can't model them (with out a LOT of jiggery-pokery) is a seperate issue smile.gif

So, anyway, has anyone else seen the issue that Jim is talking about? :confused:



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Originally posted by JonS:

So, anyway, has anyone else seen the issue that Jim is talking about? :confused:

I certainly haven't in BO. Except for rare occasions when I ran my men up too close to an ongoing barrage and suffered the consequences of a random short round, the only casualties I ever suffered were from the enemy.

Evidently, Jim's copy of CM has an evil spirit residing in it that has it in for him.



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Sorry to get off subject again, but I haven't used the axis much. So what you guys are telling me is that the close fight I am in now it is not wise to have my rocket spotter next to platoon headquarters drop rockets while the battle lines are less than a 100meters? Even though I have line of sight? I guess I best recall those fire orders or start withdrawing my troops.

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